View Full Version : What makes a trans...?

Alaska Guy
03-14-2007, 06:15 AM
What makes men desire transwomen? What makes trans-women want to be transexual?

Genetics or environment? Something else? There appears to be no solid science on the matter, and yet it has been an aspect of humanity for as long as anyone can tell.

Obviously there is no clear-cut answer, so please post your opinions for discussion. What are your observations ladies and gentlmen?

To start, I am leaning towards the idea that people that like trans-women are genetically disposed to the attraction to a degree. And a girl I know thinks it is all environment, and that *all* trans-women are molested at some point in their life, but she couldn't speak for the men.

03-14-2007, 06:20 AM
I can only answer this for me..mine wasn't really even knowing I was a girl...it was just natural. I just acted out as a girl even before my transition at 12. I mean my family knew it was coming it wasn't a shock. I remember people using the pronouns he/him and I'd just ignore it. I was always determined to be me.

03-14-2007, 06:37 AM
Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and Gender Identity


© 2006 American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

• What does transgender mean?
• What is the difference between sex and gender?
• What are some categories or types of transgender people?
• Have transgender people always existed?
• Why are some people transgender?
• How prevalent are transgender people?
• What is the relationship between transgender and sexual orientation?
• How do transgender people experience their transgender feelings?
• What should parents do if their child appears to be transgender or gender-atypical?
• How do transsexuals transition from one gender to the other?
• Is being transgender a mental disorder?
• What kinds of mental health problems do transgender people face?
• What kinds of discrimination do transgender people face?
• How can I be supportive of transgender family members, friends, or significant others?
• Where can I find more information about transgender issues?


What does transgender mean?

Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity (sense of themselves as male or female) or gender expression differs from that usually associated with their birth sex. Many transgender people live part-time or full-time as members of the other gender. Broadly speaking, anyone whose identity, appearance, or behavior falls outside of conventional gender norms can be described as transgender. However, not everyone whose appearance or behavior is gender-atypical will identify as a transgender person.

What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex refers to biological status as male or female. It includes physical attributes such as sex chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, internal reproductive structures, and external genitalia. Gender is a term that is often used to refer to ways that people act, interact, or feel about themselves, which are associated with boys/men and girls/women. While aspects of biological sex are the same across different cultures, aspects of gender may not be.

What are some categories or types of transgender people?

Transsexuals are transgender people who live or wish to live full time as members of the gender opposite to their birth sex. Biological females who wish to live and be recognized as men are called female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals or transsexual men. Biological males who wish to live and be recognized as women are called male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals or transsexual women. Transsexuals usually seek medical interventions, such as hormones and surgery, to make their bodies as congruent as possible with their preferred gender. The process of transitioning from one gender to the other is called sex reassignment or gender reassignment.

Cross-dressers or transvestites comprise the most numerous transgender group. Cross-dressers wear the clothing of the other sex. They vary in how completely they dress (from one article of clothing to fully cross-dressing) as well as in their motives for doing so. Some cross-dress to express cross-gender feelings or identities; others crossdress for fun, for emotional comfort, or for sexual arousal. The great majority of cross-dressers are biological males, most of whom are sexually attracted to women.

Drag queens and drag kings are, respectively, biological males and females who present part-time as members of the other sex primarily to perform or entertain. Their performances may include singing, lip-syncing, or dancing. Drag performers may or may not identify as transgender. Many drag queens and kings identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

Other categories of transgender people include androgynous, bigendered, and gender queer people. Exact definitions of these terms vary from person to person, but often include a sense of blending or alternating genders. Some people who use these terms to describe themselves see traditional concepts of gender as restrictive.

Have transgender people always existed?

Transgender persons have been documented in many Western and non-Western cultures and societies from antiquity until the present day. However, the meaning of gender variance may vary from culture to culture.

Why are some people transgender?

There is no one generally accepted explanation for why some people are transgender. The diversity of transgender expression argues against any simple or unitary explanation. Many experts believe that biological factors such as genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences in a person’s family of origin, and other social influences can all contribute to the development of transgender behaviors and identities.

How prevalent are transgender people?

It is difficult to accurately estimate the prevalence of transgender people in Western countries. As many as 2-3% of biological males engage in cross-dressing, at least occasionally. Current estimates of the prevalence of transsexualism are about 1 in 10,000 for biological males and 1 in 30,000 for biological females. The number of people in other transgender categories is unknown.

What is the relationship between transgender and sexual orientation?

The great majority of cross-dressers are biological males, most of whom are sexually attracted to women. People generally experience gender identity and sexual orientation as two different things. Sexual orientation refers to one’s sexual attraction to men, women, both,or neither, whereas gender identity refers to one’s sense of oneself as male, female, or transgender. Usually people who are attracted to women prior to transition continue to be attracted to women after transition, and people who are attracted to men prior to transition continue to be attracted to men after transition. That means, for example, that a biologic male who is attracted to females will be attracted to females after transitioning, and she may regard herself as a lesbian.

How do transgender people experience their transgender feelings?

Transgender people experience their transgender feelings in a variety of ways. Some can trace their transgender identities or gender-atypical attitudes and behaviors back to their earliest memories. Others become aware of their transgender identities or begin to experience gender-atypical attitudes and behaviors much later in life. Some transgender people accept or embrace their transgender feelings, while others struggle with feelings of shame or confusion. Some transgender people, transsexuals in particular, experience intense dissatisfaction with their birth sex or with the gender role associated with that sex. These individuals often seek sex reassignment.

What should parents do if their child appears to be transgender or gender-atypical?

Parents may be concerned about a child who appears to be gender-atypical for a variety of reasons. Some children express a great deal of distress about their assigned gender roles or the sex of their bodies. Some children experience difficult social interactions with peers and adults because of their gender expression. Parents may become concerned when what they believed to be a "phase” does not seem to pass. Parents of gender-atypical children may need to work with schools and other institutions to address their children’s particular needs and to ensure their children’s safety. It is often helpful to consult with a mental health professional familiar with gender issues in children to decide how to best address these concerns. In most cases it is not helpful to simply force the child to act in a more gender-typical way. Peer support from other parents of gender variant children may also be helpful.

How do transsexuals transition from one gender to the other?

Transitioning from one gender to another is a complex process. People who transition often start by expressing their preferred gender in situations where they feel safe. They typically work up to living full-time as members of their preferred gender, by making many changes a little at a time. Gender transition typically involves adopting the appearance of the desired sex through changes in clothing and grooming, adoption of a name typical of the desired sex, change of sex designation on identity documents, treatment with cross-sex hormones, surgical alteration of secondary sex characteristics to approximate those of the desired sex, and in biological males, removal of facial hair with electrolysis or laser treatments. Finding a qualified mental health professional to provide guidance and referrals to other helping professionals is often an important first step in gender transition. Connecting with other transgender people through peer support groups and transgender community organizations is also very helpful.

The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA), a professional organization devoted to the treatment of transgender people, publishes The Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders, which offers recommendations for the provision of sex reassignment procedures and services.

Is being transgender a mental disorder?

A psychological condition is considered a mental disorder only if it causes distress or disability. Many transgender people do not experience their transgender feelings and traits to be distressing or disabling, which implies that being transgender does not constitute a mental disorder per se. For these people, the significant problem is finding the resources, such as hormone treatment, surgery, and the social support they need, in order to express their gender identity and minimize discrimination. However, some transgender people do find their transgender feelings to be distressing or disabling. This is particularly true of transsexuals, who experience their gender identity as incongruent with their birth sex or with the gender role associated with that sex. This distressing feeling of incongruity is called gender dysphoria.

According to the diagnostic standards of American psychiatry, as set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, people who experience intense, persistent gender dysphoria can be given the diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder. This diagnosis is highly controversial among some mental health professionals and transgender people. Some contend that the diagnosis inappropriately pathologizes gender variance and should be eliminated. Others argue that, because the health care system in the United States requires a diagnosis to justify medical or psychological treatment, it is essential to retain the diagnosis to ensure access to care.

What kinds of mental health problems do transgender people face?

Transgender people experience the same kinds of mental health problems that nontransgender people do. However, the stigma, discrimination, and internal conflict that many transgender people experience may place them at increased risk for certain mental health problems. Discrimination, lack of social support, and inadequate access to care can exacerbate mental health problems in transgender people, while support from peers, family, and helping professionals may act as protective factors.

What kids of discrimination do transgender people face?

Antidiscrimination laws in most U.S. cities and states do not protect transgender people from discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression.

How can I be supportive of transgender family members, friends, or significant others?

• Educate yourself about transgender issues.

• Be aware of your attitudes concerning people with gender-atypical appearance or behavior.

• Use names and pronouns that are appropriate to the person’s gender presentation and identity; if in doubt, ask their preference.

• Don’t make assumptions about transgender people’s sexual orientation, desire for surgical or hormonal treatment, or other aspects of their identity or transition plans. If you have a reason to need to know, ask.

• Don’t confuse gender dysphoria with gender expression: Gender-dysphoric males may not always appear stereotypically feminine, and not all gender-variant men are gender-dysphoric; gender-dysphoric females may not always appear stereotypically masculine, and not all gender-variant women are gender-dysphoric.

• Keep the lines of communication open with the transgender person in your life.

• Get support in processing your own reactions. It can take some time to adjust to seeing someone who is transitioning in a new way. Having someone close to you transition will be an adjustment and can be challenging, especially for partners, parents, and children.

• Seek support in dealing with your feelings. You are not alone. Mental health professionals and support groups for family, friends, and significant others of transgender people can be useful resources.

Where can I find more information about transgender issues?

American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington DC, 20002

The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Inc.
World Professional Association of Transgender
1300 South Second Street, Suite 180
Minneapolis, MN 55454
612-624-9541 (fax)
hbigda@hbigda.org (e-mail)

FTMInternational (FTM means Female-to-Male)
740A 14th St. #216
San Francisco, CA 94114

Gender Public Advocacy Coalition
1743 Connecticut Ave., NW
Fourth Floor
Washington, DC 20009

National Center for Transgender Equality
1325 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
202-393-2241 (fax)

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Transgender Network (TNET)
1726 M Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

Sylvia Rivera Law Project
322 8th Avenue
3rd Floor
New York, NY 10001
212-337-1972 (fax)

Transgender Law Center
870 Market Street
Room 823
San Francisco, CA 94102

This brochure was written by the APA Task Force on Gender Identity, Gender Variance, and Intersex Conditions: Margaret Schneider, PhD, University of Toronto; Walter O. Bockting, PhD, University of Minnesota; Randall D. Ehrbar, PsyD, New Leaf Services for Our Community, San Francisco, CA; Anne A. Lawrence, MD, PhD, Private Practice, Seattle, WA; Katherine Louise Rachlin, PhD, Private Practice, New York, NY; Kenneth J. Zucker, PhD, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Produced by the APA Office of Public and Member Communications.

© 2006 American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Telephone: 800-374-2721; 202-336-5500. TDD/TTY: 202-336-6123
PsychNET® | Contact | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Security

03-14-2007, 06:41 AM
Alaska guy, those are two very different questions, and both have complex ranges of answers. And there is hard science behind each, along with all sorts of social and psychological overlays.

Re: what makes a man desire a transwoman. Peruse the forum for a while and you'll find a wealth of different answers. For some it's the heightened sense of the feminine that many TGs possess. If you're thinking specifically of pre-op transwomen, there's a whole complex of motivations, which could include bisexual urges coupled with powerful attraction to women but not to men (which is the case for me); the "whatever is forbidden is desired" aspect of human nature; attraction to an individual regardless of her sexual makeup (particularly so if one is unaware of the woman's T); erotic fantasies driven by porn imagery and/or sexual repression; and the list goes on.

I think you second question is actually a little off: I don't know any transwomen who want to be transsexual, though I know many who want to be female. Transsexuality is a subset of transgenderism (which includes many other types of gender dysphoria), but I think true transsexuality is innate, though it may go undiscovered for years depending on a person's life experiences. Kelly realized the truth about herself very young, but others only do so later in life. But in either case, it's the transwoman's inherent nature, not something she chooses. She may choose how she expresses it in her life, but it's who she is. And there is growing scientific evidence for the origin of transsexuality, very similar to that for homosexuality, but that's too much to delve into here, and I'm sure peggy will have more in depth to offer on the subject.

Edit: I guess I was right on that last point: look at all Peggy posted while I was writing my comments! You rock, Peggy.

03-14-2007, 06:42 AM
I think it's great that you posted all that information, but I think he was looking for more personal answers from people on the board. Rather than a text of what transgender means. I just don't understand why people don't share themselves more and interact more. Rather than giving text tiles from websites and/or hate on one another. Or because they don't feel the question is valid it could actually start a good conversation and friendship.

Just my 2 cents

03-14-2007, 06:55 AM
And there is growing scientific evidence for the origin of transsexuality, very similar to that for homosexuality, but that's too much to delve into here, and I'm sure peggy will have more in depth to offer on the subject.

Edit: I guess I was right on that last point: look at all Peggy posted while I was writing my comments! You rock, Peggy.

Naw, E-man, you rock.

I just roll. :wink:

03-14-2007, 07:08 AM
I think it's great that you posted all that information, but I think he was looking for more personal answers from people on the board. Rather than a text of what transgender means. I just don't understand why people don't share themselves more and interact more. Rather than giving text tiles from websites and/or hate on one another. Or because they don't feel the question is valid it could actually start a good conversation and friendship.

Just my 2 cents

Ms. Shore,

Clearly our approaches differ as to our styles in answering questions,
and what was the appropriate response in this instance.

As his question was phrased;

What makes trans-women want to be transexual?

Genetics or environment? Something else? There appears to be no solid science on the matter, and yet it has been an aspect of humanity for as long as anyone can tell

It appeared to me as if he was seeking a scientific / biological, empirical
answer to his question.

Thus I worded my response accordingly.

Further as this question has been asked and answered a number of times,
by myself and others, and we have stated our personal opinions
on those occasions, I felt that it would be prudent to answer it in the
manner that I did.

Alaska Guy
03-14-2007, 10:21 AM
I think it's great that you posted all that information, but I think he was looking for more personal answers from people on the board. Rather than a text of what transgender means. I just don't understand why people don't share themselves more and interact more. Rather than giving text tiles from websites and/or hate on one another. Or because they don't feel the question is valid it could actually start a good conversation and friendship.

Just my 2 cents

This is indeed why I asked the questions. While I am glad that everyone is giving their input, I should have asked "why you think..."

I know what many texts say about transgenderism, and some even say it's a mental disorder, depending on where you read it. Therefore, as a community that has a unique perspective on the subject, I was hoping for more personal revelations, observations, etc.

So forgive me for the lack of clarity in my original post. :) I also figured that many people may have posted their opinions on the matter already, but that they are scattered, and I was hoping this post could be a central location to discuss this topic.

03-14-2007, 10:39 AM
Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and Gender Identity


© 2006 American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

• What does transgender mean?
• What is the difference between sex and gender?
• What are some categories or types of transgender people?
• Have transgender people always existed?
• Why are some people transgender?
• How prevalent are transgender people?
• What is the relationship between transgender and sexual orientation?
• How do transgender people experience their transgender feelings?
• What should parents do if their child appears to be transgender or gender-atypical?
• How do transsexuals transition from one gender to the other?
• Is being transgender a mental disorder?
• What kinds of mental health problems do transgender people face?
• What kinds of discrimination do transgender people face?
• How can I be supportive of transgender family members, friends, or significant others?
• Where can I find more information about transgender issues?


What does transgender mean?

Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity (sense of themselves as male or female) or gender expression differs from that usually associated with their birth sex. Many transgender people live part-time or full-time as members of the other gender. Broadly speaking, anyone whose identity, appearance, or behavior falls outside of conventional gender norms can be described as transgender. However, not everyone whose appearance or behavior is gender-atypical will identify as a transgender person.

What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex refers to biological status as male or female. It includes physical attributes such as sex chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, internal reproductive structures, and external genitalia. Gender is a term that is often used to refer to ways that people act, interact, or feel about themselves, which are associated with boys/men and girls/women. While aspects of biological sex are the same across different cultures, aspects of gender may not be.

What are some categories or types of transgender people?

Transsexuals are transgender people who live or wish to live full time as members of the gender opposite to their birth sex. Biological females who wish to live and be recognized as men are called female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals or transsexual men. Biological males who wish to live and be recognized as women are called male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals or transsexual women. Transsexuals usually seek medical interventions, such as hormones and surgery, to make their bodies as congruent as possible with their preferred gender. The process of transitioning from one gender to the other is called sex reassignment or gender reassignment.

Cross-dressers or transvestites comprise the most numerous transgender group. Cross-dressers wear the clothing of the other sex. They vary in how completely they dress (from one article of clothing to fully cross-dressing) as well as in their motives for doing so. Some cross-dress to express cross-gender feelings or identities; others crossdress for fun, for emotional comfort, or for sexual arousal. The great majority of cross-dressers are biological males, most of whom are sexually attracted to women.

Drag queens and drag kings are, respectively, biological males and females who present part-time as members of the other sex primarily to perform or entertain. Their performances may include singing, lip-syncing, or dancing. Drag performers may or may not identify as transgender. Many drag queens and kings identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

Other categories of transgender people include androgynous, bigendered, and gender queer people. Exact definitions of these terms vary from person to person, but often include a sense of blending or alternating genders. Some people who use these terms to describe themselves see traditional concepts of gender as restrictive.

Have transgender people always existed?

Transgender persons have been documented in many Western and non-Western cultures and societies from antiquity until the present day. However, the meaning of gender variance may vary from culture to culture.

Why are some people transgender?

There is no one generally accepted explanation for why some people are transgender. The diversity of transgender expression argues against any simple or unitary explanation. Many experts believe that biological factors such as genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences in a person’s family of origin, and other social influences can all contribute to the development of transgender behaviors and identities.

How prevalent are transgender people?

It is difficult to accurately estimate the prevalence of transgender people in Western countries. As many as 2-3% of biological males engage in cross-dressing, at least occasionally. Current estimates of the prevalence of transsexualism are about 1 in 10,000 for biological males and 1 in 30,000 for biological females. The number of people in other transgender categories is unknown.

What is the relationship between transgender and sexual orientation?

The great majority of cross-dressers are biological males, most of whom are sexually attracted to women. People generally experience gender identity and sexual orientation as two different things. Sexual orientation refers to one’s sexual attraction to men, women, both,or neither, whereas gender identity refers to one’s sense of oneself as male, female, or transgender. Usually people who are attracted to women prior to transition continue to be attracted to women after transition, and people who are attracted to men prior to transition continue to be attracted to men after transition. That means, for example, that a biologic male who is attracted to females will be attracted to females after transitioning, and she may regard herself as a lesbian.

How do transgender people experience their transgender feelings?

Transgender people experience their transgender feelings in a variety of ways. Some can trace their transgender identities or gender-atypical attitudes and behaviors back to their earliest memories. Others become aware of their transgender identities or begin to experience gender-atypical attitudes and behaviors much later in life. Some transgender people accept or embrace their transgender feelings, while others struggle with feelings of shame or confusion. Some transgender people, transsexuals in particular, experience intense dissatisfaction with their birth sex or with the gender role associated with that sex. These individuals often seek sex reassignment.

What should parents do if their child appears to be transgender or gender-atypical?

Parents may be concerned about a child who appears to be gender-atypical for a variety of reasons. Some children express a great deal of distress about their assigned gender roles or the sex of their bodies. Some children experience difficult social interactions with peers and adults because of their gender expression. Parents may become concerned when what they believed to be a "phase” does not seem to pass. Parents of gender-atypical children may need to work with schools and other institutions to address their children’s particular needs and to ensure their children’s safety. It is often helpful to consult with a mental health professional familiar with gender issues in children to decide how to best address these concerns. In most cases it is not helpful to simply force the child to act in a more gender-typical way. Peer support from other parents of gender variant children may also be helpful.

How do transsexuals transition from one gender to the other?

Transitioning from one gender to another is a complex process. People who transition often start by expressing their preferred gender in situations where they feel safe. They typically work up to living full-time as members of their preferred gender, by making many changes a little at a time. Gender transition typically involves adopting the appearance of the desired sex through changes in clothing and grooming, adoption of a name typical of the desired sex, change of sex designation on identity documents, treatment with cross-sex hormones, surgical alteration of secondary sex characteristics to approximate those of the desired sex, and in biological males, removal of facial hair with electrolysis or laser treatments. Finding a qualified mental health professional to provide guidance and referrals to other helping professionals is often an important first step in gender transition. Connecting with other transgender people through peer support groups and transgender community organizations is also very helpful.

The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA), a professional organization devoted to the treatment of transgender people, publishes The Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders, which offers recommendations for the provision of sex reassignment procedures and services.

Is being transgender a mental disorder?

A psychological condition is considered a mental disorder only if it causes distress or disability. Many transgender people do not experience their transgender feelings and traits to be distressing or disabling, which implies that being transgender does not constitute a mental disorder per se. For these people, the significant problem is finding the resources, such as hormone treatment, surgery, and the social support they need, in order to express their gender identity and minimize discrimination. However, some transgender people do find their transgender feelings to be distressing or disabling. This is particularly true of transsexuals, who experience their gender identity as incongruent with their birth sex or with the gender role associated with that sex. This distressing feeling of incongruity is called gender dysphoria.

According to the diagnostic standards of American psychiatry, as set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, people who experience intense, persistent gender dysphoria can be given the diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder. This diagnosis is highly controversial among some mental health professionals and transgender people. Some contend that the diagnosis inappropriately pathologizes gender variance and should be eliminated. Others argue that, because the health care system in the United States requires a diagnosis to justify medical or psychological treatment, it is essential to retain the diagnosis to ensure access to care.

What kinds of mental health problems do transgender people face?

Transgender people experience the same kinds of mental health problems that nontransgender people do. However, the stigma, discrimination, and internal conflict that many transgender people experience may place them at increased risk for certain mental health problems. Discrimination, lack of social support, and inadequate access to care can exacerbate mental health problems in transgender people, while support from peers, family, and helping professionals may act as protective factors.

What kids of discrimination do transgender people face?

Antidiscrimination laws in most U.S. cities and states do not protect transgender people from discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression.

How can I be supportive of transgender family members, friends, or significant others?

• Educate yourself about transgender issues.

• Be aware of your attitudes concerning people with gender-atypical appearance or behavior.

• Use names and pronouns that are appropriate to the person’s gender presentation and identity; if in doubt, ask their preference.

• Don’t make assumptions about transgender people’s sexual orientation, desire for surgical or hormonal treatment, or other aspects of their identity or transition plans. If you have a reason to need to know, ask.

• Don’t confuse gender dysphoria with gender expression: Gender-dysphoric males may not always appear stereotypically feminine, and not all gender-variant men are gender-dysphoric; gender-dysphoric females may not always appear stereotypically masculine, and not all gender-variant women are gender-dysphoric.

• Keep the lines of communication open with the transgender person in your life.

• Get support in processing your own reactions. It can take some time to adjust to seeing someone who is transitioning in a new way. Having someone close to you transition will be an adjustment and can be challenging, especially for partners, parents, and children.

• Seek support in dealing with your feelings. You are not alone. Mental health professionals and support groups for family, friends, and significant others of transgender people can be useful resources.

Where can I find more information about transgender issues?

American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington DC, 20002

The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Inc.
World Professional Association of Transgender
1300 South Second Street, Suite 180
Minneapolis, MN 55454
612-624-9541 (fax)
hbigda@hbigda.org (e-mail)

FTMInternational (FTM means Female-to-Male)
740A 14th St. #216
San Francisco, CA 94114

Gender Public Advocacy Coalition
1743 Connecticut Ave., NW
Fourth Floor
Washington, DC 20009

National Center for Transgender Equality
1325 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
202-393-2241 (fax)

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Transgender Network (TNET)
1726 M Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

Sylvia Rivera Law Project
322 8th Avenue
3rd Floor
New York, NY 10001
212-337-1972 (fax)

Transgender Law Center
870 Market Street
Room 823
San Francisco, CA 94102

This brochure was written by the APA Task Force on Gender Identity, Gender Variance, and Intersex Conditions: Margaret Schneider, PhD, University of Toronto; Walter O. Bockting, PhD, University of Minnesota; Randall D. Ehrbar, PsyD, New Leaf Services for Our Community, San Francisco, CA; Anne A. Lawrence, MD, PhD, Private Practice, Seattle, WA; Katherine Louise Rachlin, PhD, Private Practice, New York, NY; Kenneth J. Zucker, PhD, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Produced by the APA Office of Public and Member Communications.

© 2006 American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Telephone: 800-374-2721; 202-336-5500. TDD/TTY: 202-336-6123
PsychNET® | Contact | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Security

bah...fuck it

03-14-2007, 01:07 PM
Thanks,peggy.You are the good Genie of the board.Make a wish and it comes true. :)

03-14-2007, 02:20 PM
Here's how it was for me. When I was a kid it was the 80's people were not as enlightened as they are now. I did learn from a young age that what I wanted to do was wrong. I wanted dolls I got a tonka truck. I wanted a playhouse I got a red wagon. I did want a toy train and got it. I got many of those right up to one that was so big you could ride on it (remember the TV show silver spoons? kind of like that). I also could get science related things if I asked them, mircoscope, telescope, and even a computer. I also made toys out of my mothers wigs and polished my nails. My father's response to this was "well ok son only with clear polish, a men wear clear polish." You can see how I was gentlely steered away from feminine things an to things that were either masculine or gender neutral. My parent's whole approach came out when ever we would see a psychologist. They would say "well he needs to know that there is more than one way to be a mane". Or when I was older and had came out as TS my father would say "I don't care if he's gay why does he have to be flaayygrantlllyyy gay."

They have been good to me though. In all of that I never felt that my parents did not love me. The would latter say that they knew being how I am would make life harder and they did not want me to face more difficulty than I needed to.

I can pinpoint the moment that I decided with full cognition and understaning of what was invovled that I wanted to become a girl and change sex. It was august 8 or 9 of 1993. I saw an older girl I played with when we were both younger, at a carnival with her boyfriend. They were kissing. I told that girl that I would be a girl like her and have a boyfriend like hers someday.

I have always known who I was and what I wanted to be and had to struggle to find people who would just take me as I am.

03-14-2007, 10:36 PM
What makes men desire transwomen? What makes trans-women want to be transexual?

Genetics or environment? Something else? There appears to be no solid science on the matter, and yet it has been an aspect of humanity for as long as anyone can tell.

Obviously there is no clear-cut answer, so please post your opinions for discussion. What are your observations ladies and gentlmen?

To start, I am leaning towards the idea that people that like trans-women are genetically disposed to the attraction to a degree. And a girl I know thinks it is all environment, and that *all* trans-women are molested at some point in their life, but she couldn't speak for the men.
I can't speak for guys and how they feel their desires, but I know mine didn't really have any of the obvious environmental sources people try to come up with... like I wasn't molested, and my father and I have a really good relationship, and yeah, it was part of the reason I didn't start hormones a bit earlier that I was pretty sure I wasn't gay and maybe I wasn't even transsexual - I was in the ballpark of both stereotypes but some stuff that seemed crucial back then was missing - like I thought for a bit that if I was really transsexual, shouldn't my dad and I have a more messed up relationship?

Anyway, there was a specific day that I still remember when all my issues came together and I realized that I needed to start hormones and probably get some surgery before my body got all gross and betrayed me any further. Is that what you're wondering, like where the switch is between just somehow having boy parts and being girly over to having boy parts and a conscious intent to fix your body? Or are you just wondering, why are there people with boy parts who are so girly in the first place?

There's a twist here: hormones and surgery have only been around as options for like a century or so. If this is something genetic or biological then for previous 499 centuries back to cave people times there must have been people like with the same basic biology/genetic/whatever issue as me (and if your thing is genetic then you) who didn't have medical options (or girls with breasts and hips and "an outie" to be hot for).

Being transsexual (or being able to see and find pre-ops) in a modern medical sense is brand new to humans. Like, we're not evolved for it being possible for anyone (ourselves or others) to have boob jobs (or in the other direction, for trans guys to take testosterone and turn like magic into "you'd never guess in a million years" hot guys). Modern medical transsexuality is sorta like scuba diving - we can't be "evolved to scuba dive" because there has never in the history of our ancestors back to proto-mammals been selective pressure to be good at scuba diving - or to even be able to survive our lungs being exposed to "way higher than normal atmostpheric pressure" from being 30 feet under water with a magical source of air. The feasibility of scuba diving and the ease of becoming physically female with pills and time if you're inclined that way are just happy accidents.

Like, obviously something "like transsexuality" has been happening for long time. Girls like me (and guys who will love us) show up in most cultures and back into the mists of recorded history... but it's dangerous to say "and so I'm like transgirls from 1000 years ago" because *so* many of the details have changed since the scientific discovery of estrogen and testosterone. For all those generations I'm sure the "girls like me" were kinda devastated to be flat chested their entire life with no remedy. Now it's kinda easy to fix... so now things are uniquely different.

I guess I've always thought it was easier to to say I was just following my soul and leave it at that. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a biological basis for the neat shape of my soul, but I don't think it's healthy or really that dignified to to worry about about why my soul is the way it is. Like brain scans and genetic tests and all the stuff... whatever. I know what I feel like and that's enough for me. If you want, you can fret over "people the evolved meat machines and why the machines are the way they are" but mostly I'd rather see people's souls than the mechanical/biological basis of their behavior :-P

Edited a stupid typo...

03-14-2007, 10:55 PM
Answers to Your Questions About Transgender Individuals and Gender Identity


© 2006 American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

• What does transgender mean?
• What is the difference between sex and gender?
• What are some categories or types of transgender people?
• Have transgender people always existed?
• Why are some people transgender?
• How prevalent are transgender people?
• What is the relationship between transgender and sexual orientation?
• How do transgender people experience their transgender feelings?
• What should parents do if their child appears to be transgender or gender-atypical?
• How do transsexuals transition from one gender to the other?
• Is being transgender a mental disorder?
• What kinds of mental health problems do transgender people face?
• What kinds of discrimination do transgender people face?
• How can I be supportive of transgender family members, friends, or significant others?
• Where can I find more information about transgender issues?


What does transgender mean?

Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity (sense of themselves as male or female) or gender expression differs from that usually associated with their birth sex. Many transgender people live part-time or full-time as members of the other gender. Broadly speaking, anyone whose identity, appearance, or behavior falls outside of conventional gender norms can be described as transgender. However, not everyone whose appearance or behavior is gender-atypical will identify as a transgender person.

What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex refers to biological status as male or female. It includes physical attributes such as sex chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, internal reproductive structures, and external genitalia. Gender is a term that is often used to refer to ways that people act, interact, or feel about themselves, which are associated with boys/men and girls/women. While aspects of biological sex are the same across different cultures, aspects of gender may not be.

What are some categories or types of transgender people?

Transsexuals are transgender people who live or wish to live full time as members of the gender opposite to their birth sex. Biological females who wish to live and be recognized as men are called female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals or transsexual men. Biological males who wish to live and be recognized as women are called male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals or transsexual women. Transsexuals usually seek medical interventions, such as hormones and surgery, to make their bodies as congruent as possible with their preferred gender. The process of transitioning from one gender to the other is called sex reassignment or gender reassignment.

Cross-dressers or transvestites comprise the most numerous transgender group. Cross-dressers wear the clothing of the other sex. They vary in how completely they dress (from one article of clothing to fully cross-dressing) as well as in their motives for doing so. Some cross-dress to express cross-gender feelings or identities; others crossdress for fun, for emotional comfort, or for sexual arousal. The great majority of cross-dressers are biological males, most of whom are sexually attracted to women.

Drag queens and drag kings are, respectively, biological males and females who present part-time as members of the other sex primarily to perform or entertain. Their performances may include singing, lip-syncing, or dancing. Drag performers may or may not identify as transgender. Many drag queens and kings identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

Other categories of transgender people include androgynous, bigendered, and gender queer people. Exact definitions of these terms vary from person to person, but often include a sense of blending or alternating genders. Some people who use these terms to describe themselves see traditional concepts of gender as restrictive.

Have transgender people always existed?

Transgender persons have been documented in many Western and non-Western cultures and societies from antiquity until the present day. However, the meaning of gender variance may vary from culture to culture.

Why are some people transgender?

There is no one generally accepted explanation for why some people are transgender. The diversity of transgender expression argues against any simple or unitary explanation. Many experts believe that biological factors such as genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences in a person’s family of origin, and other social influences can all contribute to the development of transgender behaviors and identities.

How prevalent are transgender people?

It is difficult to accurately estimate the prevalence of transgender people in Western countries. As many as 2-3% of biological males engage in cross-dressing, at least occasionally. Current estimates of the prevalence of transsexualism are about 1 in 10,000 for biological males and 1 in 30,000 for biological females. The number of people in other transgender categories is unknown.

What is the relationship between transgender and sexual orientation?

The great majority of cross-dressers are biological males, most of whom are sexually attracted to women. People generally experience gender identity and sexual orientation as two different things. Sexual orientation refers to one’s sexual attraction to men, women, both,or neither, whereas gender identity refers to one’s sense of oneself as male, female, or transgender. Usually people who are attracted to women prior to transition continue to be attracted to women after transition, and people who are attracted to men prior to transition continue to be attracted to men after transition. That means, for example, that a biologic male who is attracted to females will be attracted to females after transitioning, and she may regard herself as a lesbian.

How do transgender people experience their transgender feelings?

Transgender people experience their transgender feelings in a variety of ways. Some can trace their transgender identities or gender-atypical attitudes and behaviors back to their earliest memories. Others become aware of their transgender identities or begin to experience gender-atypical attitudes and behaviors much later in life. Some transgender people accept or embrace their transgender feelings, while others struggle with feelings of shame or confusion. Some transgender people, transsexuals in particular, experience intense dissatisfaction with their birth sex or with the gender role associated with that sex. These individuals often seek sex reassignment.

What should parents do if their child appears to be transgender or gender-atypical?

Parents may be concerned about a child who appears to be gender-atypical for a variety of reasons. Some children express a great deal of distress about their assigned gender roles or the sex of their bodies. Some children experience difficult social interactions with peers and adults because of their gender expression. Parents may become concerned when what they believed to be a "phase” does not seem to pass. Parents of gender-atypical children may need to work with schools and other institutions to address their children’s particular needs and to ensure their children’s safety. It is often helpful to consult with a mental health professional familiar with gender issues in children to decide how to best address these concerns. In most cases it is not helpful to simply force the child to act in a more gender-typical way. Peer support from other parents of gender variant children may also be helpful.

How do transsexuals transition from one gender to the other?

Transitioning from one gender to another is a complex process. People who transition often start by expressing their preferred gender in situations where they feel safe. They typically work up to living full-time as members of their preferred gender, by making many changes a little at a time. Gender transition typically involves adopting the appearance of the desired sex through changes in clothing and grooming, adoption of a name typical of the desired sex, change of sex designation on identity documents, treatment with cross-sex hormones, surgical alteration of secondary sex characteristics to approximate those of the desired sex, and in biological males, removal of facial hair with electrolysis or laser treatments. Finding a qualified mental health professional to provide guidance and referrals to other helping professionals is often an important first step in gender transition. Connecting with other transgender people through peer support groups and transgender community organizations is also very helpful.

The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA), a professional organization devoted to the treatment of transgender people, publishes The Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders, which offers recommendations for the provision of sex reassignment procedures and services.

Is being transgender a mental disorder?

A psychological condition is considered a mental disorder only if it causes distress or disability. Many transgender people do not experience their transgender feelings and traits to be distressing or disabling, which implies that being transgender does not constitute a mental disorder per se. For these people, the significant problem is finding the resources, such as hormone treatment, surgery, and the social support they need, in order to express their gender identity and minimize discrimination. However, some transgender people do find their transgender feelings to be distressing or disabling. This is particularly true of transsexuals, who experience their gender identity as incongruent with their birth sex or with the gender role associated with that sex. This distressing feeling of incongruity is called gender dysphoria.

According to the diagnostic standards of American psychiatry, as set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, people who experience intense, persistent gender dysphoria can be given the diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder. This diagnosis is highly controversial among some mental health professionals and transgender people. Some contend that the diagnosis inappropriately pathologizes gender variance and should be eliminated. Others argue that, because the health care system in the United States requires a diagnosis to justify medical or psychological treatment, it is essential to retain the diagnosis to ensure access to care.

What kinds of mental health problems do transgender people face?

Transgender people experience the same kinds of mental health problems that nontransgender people do. However, the stigma, discrimination, and internal conflict that many transgender people experience may place them at increased risk for certain mental health problems. Discrimination, lack of social support, and inadequate access to care can exacerbate mental health problems in transgender people, while support from peers, family, and helping professionals may act as protective factors.

What kids of discrimination do transgender people face?

Antidiscrimination laws in most U.S. cities and states do not protect transgender people from discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression.

How can I be supportive of transgender family members, friends, or significant others?

• Educate yourself about transgender issues.

• Be aware of your attitudes concerning people with gender-atypical appearance or behavior.

• Use names and pronouns that are appropriate to the person’s gender presentation and identity; if in doubt, ask their preference.

• Don’t make assumptions about transgender people’s sexual orientation, desire for surgical or hormonal treatment, or other aspects of their identity or transition plans. If you have a reason to need to know, ask.

• Don’t confuse gender dysphoria with gender expression: Gender-dysphoric males may not always appear stereotypically feminine, and not all gender-variant men are gender-dysphoric; gender-dysphoric females may not always appear stereotypically masculine, and not all gender-variant women are gender-dysphoric.

• Keep the lines of communication open with the transgender person in your life.

• Get support in processing your own reactions. It can take some time to adjust to seeing someone who is transitioning in a new way. Having someone close to you transition will be an adjustment and can be challenging, especially for partners, parents, and children.

• Seek support in dealing with your feelings. You are not alone. Mental health professionals and support groups for family, friends, and significant others of transgender people can be useful resources.

Where can I find more information about transgender issues?

American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington DC, 20002

The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Inc.
World Professional Association of Transgender
1300 South Second Street, Suite 180
Minneapolis, MN 55454
612-624-9541 (fax)
hbigda@hbigda.org (e-mail)

FTMInternational (FTM means Female-to-Male)
740A 14th St. #216
San Francisco, CA 94114

Gender Public Advocacy Coalition
1743 Connecticut Ave., NW
Fourth Floor
Washington, DC 20009

National Center for Transgender Equality
1325 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
202-393-2241 (fax)

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Transgender Network (TNET)
1726 M Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036

Sylvia Rivera Law Project
322 8th Avenue
3rd Floor
New York, NY 10001
212-337-1972 (fax)

Transgender Law Center
870 Market Street
Room 823
San Francisco, CA 94102

This brochure was written by the APA Task Force on Gender Identity, Gender Variance, and Intersex Conditions: Margaret Schneider, PhD, University of Toronto; Walter O. Bockting, PhD, University of Minnesota; Randall D. Ehrbar, PsyD, New Leaf Services for Our Community, San Francisco, CA; Anne A. Lawrence, MD, PhD, Private Practice, Seattle, WA; Katherine Louise Rachlin, PhD, Private Practice, New York, NY; Kenneth J. Zucker, PhD, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Produced by the APA Office of Public and Member Communications.

© 2006 American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Telephone: 800-374-2721; 202-336-5500. TDD/TTY: 202-336-6123
PsychNET® | Contact | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Security

bah...fuck it




03-14-2007, 10:58 PM
Yeah I have an OK relationship with my father as well. He was a doctor. To his credit though he did not like what was happening he looked the other way while some of his prescription pads went missing. Such is why I was able to get hormones when I did.

For much of the last 499 centuries as you put it... as long as there have been cutting tools the option was castration. Castration at a young age. A place with good records of this is the middle east and south asia, and persia. While that would not feminize one it can totally prevent masculinizeation if done early enough.

03-14-2007, 11:05 PM
Thanks,peggy.You are the good Genie of the board.Make a wish and it comes true. :)

Danke liebchen,


I do what I can. :wink:

03-14-2007, 11:23 PM
Did anybody attempt to read everything Peggy posted in the first reply? If so, how far in did you go blind?

Just messing with ya Peggy! That is a lot of info!


03-14-2007, 11:29 PM
Did anybody attempt to read everything Peggy posted in the first reply? If so, how far in did you go blind?

Just messing with ya Peggy! That is a lot of info!


Okay, let me make it simple for y'all.

Some transwomen have an outy - they are pre op.

Some transwomen - have an innie - they are post op.

Why, how....there are no simple answers.


You may want to stick to the posts with the pictures in them. :wink:

Or Kelly posts.


03-14-2007, 11:37 PM
I prefer your posts Peggy! Thanks for the summary.


03-14-2007, 11:43 PM
I prefer your posts Peggy! Thanks for the summary.


If that's sincere, stick around and you may profit from your
experience being here.

If a person is here because they are a chaser, or looking
for a hookup, or to find pictures to jerk of to, you will
be able to find that.

If they are trying to understand transwomen, what makes
them tick, then that information is avalible here as well, it's
a matter of what your interests are.

For some people the only exposure they will have to a
transwomen is in these pages, thus I am attempting to
give a balanced portatrayal of us, and to provide information
to the men or women that might find it useful.

03-14-2007, 11:50 PM
No problem :shrug http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/nydailynews_4x5.jpg

It's a big forum, room for politics....http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/nyv-1.jpg
room for a quick read...http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/nyp.jpg
and for stuff that takes all damn day to read....http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/nytime25x1.jpglotta viewpoints on the forum, something for every reader...http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/screwmag.jpg :oops:

Whatever gets the feet under the seat, and the faces in the place.