View Full Version : Are Drugs Or Alcohol A Problem To You, Or To A TG You Know?

03-06-2007, 08:08 PM
If so is a factor your TG status, or is that not an issue?

If you are the partner of a TG how does this affect you?

03-07-2007, 03:00 AM
GOOD TOPIC. This is something very interesting and an issue that is always bubblin' under the surface. Everyone on this board knows someone that has a problem, however small and manageable with some kind of substance. Glad you included the demon drink in there too. Me, I smoke too much weed, and sometimes it's inappropriate. Usually it fits in with my lifestyle(24/7-H.A.) and in my experience TS girls generally like to smoke. Everyone's experience is different and while I have always been very selective in what I partake, I have associated with people from many drug 'scenes'. My biggest 'beef' is with cocaine, I'd like to slap some sense into that smug , arrogant little twerp. For me this topic is a big issue. Really, I fucking hate that shit. Obviously people like it. I never seen the appeal of forcing highly toxic chemical precipitate up my nose, swallowed amphetamines(more poison) on 2 occasions to 'get work done'. This may seem bizarre reasoning from a man that inhales the fumes from combusted flowers from dawn til dusk, Yes it is most illogical captain. And I meant old school amphetamines, not this Meth stuff. That shit scares the hell out of me! I thought booze and cocaine(and thus xtra booze) were a dangerous combination but Meth is seriously fucked up shit, did you see the x-rays from the guy that walked into an emergency room complaining of a headache? Turns out he had fired 12 6" nails into his skull with a nailgun, apparently he just didn't notice as he was on so much Meth! I know, this sounds like those 'reefer madness' propaganda comics from the 1930's (stupid,racist shit) but It's some powerful drugs. Personally I never got into coke, too smart, wasn't born to follow, EGO inflated enough already, etc, etc. If I refused to associate with anyone that does this garbage, well, I would have about 2 friends, but people know that I don't particularly want to see it , even hear about it so it isn't pushed in my face. One rule I now have to practice is that if someone is into coke, fine they can be a an aquaitance , even a friend but I will never trust them or allow them to get close to me. That's just my preference, cokers usually have deep rooted self-esteem issues and status hang-ups. Why else do they 'pay through the nose' for such toxic shit to make them feel like a somebody, elevated above regular mortals, it is above all a confidence drug. Any 'performance' industry from television to politics to musicians to sports to ,dare I say it, porno movies will have it's cokeheads. I seen too many good, intelligent people go down and lose absolutely everything because their lives became one big powder trip. Coke is one big liability. it has a truly evil history and present, this poison is used to corrupt and destabilise whole societies, look at how C.I.A. crushed Jamaican socialism by flooding the island with powder and guns. Cocaine is the Indians revenge upon the white man. I have trusted people involved in that scene before and it just brought trouble. Believe me, I have heard it ALL before "I never buy it", "I only use it if it's offered" It's all shit. This poison makes people lie like guinness turns your shit black. enough already, AAAARRRRRGHGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :soapbox

"Emotions are stronger than drugs, love will twist your head up and give you delusions more than the strongest LSD" - Kelly Sure

03-07-2007, 03:12 AM
I have a good friend who is a drung additct. We haven't talked or seen eachother in a while becaues of it. It seems every time it's a different drug. I just don't see what I alone can do about it.

To her it's like part of the lifestyle of living in Lakeview/lincolnpark and being TS.

I try to convince her that's BS and we had heated words. :-? She was my one good Ts friend.

03-07-2007, 05:38 PM

03-08-2007, 01:39 AM
I agree that this is a good topic. I have had some substance abuse issues in my past. At the end of high school, first two years of college, I was partying alot. I used marijuana and drank alcohol pretty much daily. I also experimented with mushrooms, ecstasy, and any painkillers I could get my hands on. Looking back now, a few years later (and sober), I can see my destructive behavior and understand it a little better. I think that I was using to cover up the pain I felt inside, things I didn't even understand. I had to get away from people who were into that stuff and surround myself with more uplifting people. I have seen people I used to party with end up in prison, lose family and friends, and even die. I feel blessed that I have such a loving family and group of friends, and that I was able to seperate myself from that lifestyle.
Today I can happily say that the only drugs I take are hormones and vitamins!

03-08-2007, 01:40 AM
I don't drink, but I did the other day out of stress. lmao

03-08-2007, 01:45 AM
I don't drink, but I did the other day out of stress. lmao

LOL. "I don't drink unless I drink"?

03-08-2007, 06:05 AM
I don't drink, but I did the other day out of stress. lmao

Sorry Kelly but that's not really answering any of the questions posed in Peggy's post or the title of the thread. I think you should actaully share your experiences and opinions on this one, your response reveals nothing and you manage to contradict yourself in just 12 words(new record even for you). I'm afraid this just won't do my dear. O.K , so you don't drink, but sometimes you do???!! What about drugs? And it's not just about your 'vices', The topic specifically relates to partners, other TS girls, their partners and how drugs and booze affect all the above. Surely you are very busy in numerous other more relavent threads about what toothpaste you like, why even bother to add here? I don't add surreal nonsense in your threads, oh hang on, maybe I do. my bad! So the question again......

Are Drugs Or Alcohol A PROBLEM To YOU, OR To A TG You Know?
IF so IS a factor your TG status, OR is that NOT an issue?
If YOU are the PARTNER of a TG HOW does this AFFECT you?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-08-2007, 06:08 AM
Ive got a BIG problem with guys who does drugs and alcohol and didnot tell me prior when we started dating. Ive dated an alcoholic for 3 years then moved away..single 2 years then dated a druggie 2 years. Both guys never came clean with me so now I am alot more cautious. I just dont got the time to waste for a guy who's unworthy of me. :wink:



03-08-2007, 06:15 AM
it was a big problem with my ex girlfriend...she had done it time to time when we first started dating...when we were on a short break she got into some really bad drugs "H"....she had gone to rehab but her will to get clean wasn't strong enough...she put myself and quite a few members on HA through a lot...she pushed us all away , which is very normal...she called me a few months back...it really breaks my heart to see her like that...she was a real nice person who deserved much more from life....I pray 4 her every day...

03-08-2007, 06:15 AM
To her it's like part of the lifestyle of living in Lakeview/lincolnpark and being TS.

Excellent! I can blame it on that brief time I was living on West Addison, near Wrigley (Before lights). Yes! :peanutbutter

My 'rents had alcohol issues much of their lives and my mother actually made attempts to fix it in her later years (Through SECAP in Boston). I never thought I had a problem until recently, but being a bit of a financial guru in my spare time I started to see the charges at the liquor stores ramp up during particularly trying times in my life of the past few months.

I hate the stuff, quite honestly (And I rarely hit anything harder than cheap beer), but it makes the day go faster for me, and I so hate slow days. :?

Maybe I just need to get a teevee, to trade one addiction for another. :shrug

03-08-2007, 06:47 AM
Both guys never ccame clean with me so now I am alot more cautious.

Sorry to hear that Hara, always hurts to be deceved by one you care for, over the years I have learned the hard way to recognise who is on what and who I can trust yet I still fool myself sometimes. When you really like someone it is easy to turn a blind eye to their shortcomings. All relationships are a give and take situation, you don't expect to like all the things that your lover likes yet booze and drugs really affect a persons mood and perception of reality. Regarding the question on partners I have many conflicts when it comes to both drugs and alcohol. I don't drink. Unlike Kellly this means I don't and have not for some years(Very bad NYE sesh). My body reacts badly to most forms of alcohol and positive effects like loss of inhibition (booze represses the frontal lobe(thats in your brain btw)) are negligable to the adverse side affects. Couple this with the fact that marajuana and alcohol do not mix well and that I smoke 24/7. So I don't drink, this isn't a problem to me until I go out to a social setting where EVERYONE drinks, lots (and I can't smoke! the law is an asshole). Girls LOVE to drink, especially when they go out. Now, heres an interesting one, one 'study' measured the testosterone levels present in men and women before and throughout a big booze up. The men showed a steep rise in Testosterone EARLY in the evening followed by a constant, gradual diminishment to well below their usual levels. Women however reacted very differently to alcohol, all the girls showed a massive continuous rise in testosterone, with NO drop-off. Yes the females had far more testosterone than usual and this reading got higher the more alcohol they consumed. I always find that the more a girl drinks, the more she wants sex and the more attractive she thinks she is, unfortunately the more she drinks, the less I want to sleep with her. Testosterone(is this a dirty word here?) is of course linked to libido or sex-drive. Drunk girls are not sexy.

next chapter - booze+coke=extra fun happy time.NOT!

fear not Hara Juku, your prince is lurking here somewhere........

03-08-2007, 06:49 AM
Maybe I just need to get a teevee, to trade one addiction for another. :shrug

Computer games are an excellent addiction for killing time, just find one you like and watch the years fly by............

03-08-2007, 07:35 PM
Nope, don't do drugs, rarely drink, has never been a problem.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-09-2007, 05:35 AM
Both guys never ccame clean with me so now I am alot more cautious.

Sorry to hear that Hara, always hurts to be deceved by one you care for, over the years I have learned the hard way to recognise who is on what and who I can trust yet I still fool myself sometimes. When you really like someone it is easy to turn a blind eye to their shortcomings. All relationships are a give and take situation, you don't expect to like all the things that your lover likes yet booze and drugs really affect a persons mood and perception of reality. Regarding the question on partners I have many conflicts when it comes to both drugs and alcohol. I don't drink. Unlike Kellly this means I don't and have not for some years(Very bad NYE sesh). My body reacts badly to most forms of alcohol and positive effects like loss of inhibition (booze represses the frontal lobe(thats in your brain btw)) are negligable to the adverse side affects. Couple this with the fact that marajuana and alcohol do not mix well and that I smoke 24/7. So I don't drink, this isn't a problem to me until I go out to a social setting where EVERYONE drinks, lots (and I can't smoke! the law is an asshole). Girls LOVE to drink, especially when they go out. Now, heres an interesting one, one 'study' measured the testosterone levels present in men and women before and throughout a big booze up. The men showed a steep rise in Testosterone EARLY in the evening followed by a constant, gradual diminishment to well below their usual levels. Women however reacted very differently to alcohol, all the girls showed a massive continuous rise in testosterone, with NO drop-off. Yes the females had far more testosterone than usual and this reading got higher the more alcohol they consumed. I always find that the more a girl drinks, the more she wants sex and the more attractive she thinks she is, unfortunately the more she drinks, the less I want to sleep with her. Testosterone(is this a dirty word here?) is of course linked to libido or sex-drive. Drunk girls are not sexy.

next chapter - booze+coke=extra fun happy time.NOT!

fear not Hara Juku, your prince is lurking here somewhere........

I hear what your saying Kriss. ;) I dont drink myself (like you) and I dont do any types of drugs (I dont need a fake state of high to enjoy life in general or enjoy a company or two). :P

I actually have given up finding Mr. Right so Mr. Right now will do. Lmao :lol: Seriously, I dont got the time for all the BS that comes with dating guys. I dont have the time to deal with other people's baggage. So that works for me. When I say leave he better leave! Hehe.. :wink:

But if and when it happens I wont turn a blind eye on it! ;)




03-09-2007, 05:47 AM
No drugs, never tried drugs. I had a couple uncles who were potheads and one of them was also into PCP. The one on PCP and weed got involved in all kinds of shit... murder being one of them. He's been in and out of jail his whole life. The other uncle never made much of his life. He seems to be content with lighting up everyday.

I can't say that I never had an interest because of what happened to them.... though it may be true on a subconcious level. All I know is from about the age of 8, I knew I wanted to be successful in life and once I graduated high school, I went after it. Work, Money, Car, House and next, family. Capitalism kicks ass when you get to it.

03-09-2007, 05:54 AM
Work, Money, Car, House and next, family.

Your car is more important than your family?

No, how do you make that conclusion?

I went for car first because it was achievable at 18 years old. I had no interest in starting a family without financial stability, car and home.

03-09-2007, 06:06 AM
Sorry, I misinterpreted your post, I just know some hardcore venture capitalists who would run their own mothers over, if there was a deal to be had.

Not just venture capitalists, though there are many who are good Christians, I know some people who'd run over their own foot with a Mega-crane to make a deal.

03-10-2007, 09:23 PM

03-10-2007, 09:51 PM
I used to have a problem with marijuana back in the day, but I've cut down since then and am seriously considering quitting, after I read a few articles on it in a psychologist's magazine. Apparently, it's not good for your mental health and can make you go into psychosis if you're not careful enough (and have a prior history of mental problems--fortunately, mine are mild, but I'm still not taking that risk).

I never had a problem with alcohol: both my parents are alcoholics, so I've seen how it ruins families. Suffice to say, I know not to drink very much, if at all. Besides, I don't like the fact that alcohol makes you sick to your stomach. Nasty stuff.

I DO have a problem with nicotine (tobbacco), though. Now that's a habit I've been trying to kick forever, but I've just been so unsuccessful in it. -_-;

03-10-2007, 10:06 PM
I DO have a problem with nicotine (tobbacco), though. Now that's a habit I've been trying to kick forever, but I've just been so unsuccessful in it. -_-;

Nicoteen is a BITCH man! i quit that stuff 3 times already and i'm still killing myself with tobacco. stupid,stupid man! The worst thing about how we smopke here in europe is that we mix weed and tobacco together. Firstly the tobacco has a detrimental effect on the high, leading to a more sluggish, 'stoned', 'head' buzz. Next and worse is the fact that nicoteen is a highly addictive substance and when you add it to your weed in a 'joint' you are combining the sensations, thus getting a weed 'high' and also the 'reward' hit of the nicoteen. Weed is not physically addictive no matter how mentally dependant one may become. By adding the cigarette, we subconsciously associate the spliff with not only the weed but also to sate a craving that we have CREATED by smoking tobacco. When you imbibe nicoteen, you are re-inforcing the addiction: fix-withdrawl-craving-fix-etc. This is why poor/old people smoke. they rarely get the brain chemical release of acheiving a goal or say, buying something nice so they create a need that they can always satisfy, with a cigarette. Many people in europe smoke or mentally crave a joint when it is really their body asking for "more nicoteen please" . That is one area where the yanks kick our ass, they don't mix the good shit(weed) with the bad shit(tobacco)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-10-2007, 10:29 PM
Co-sign Kriss and Somedude21 about tobacco! LOL :lol:



03-10-2007, 11:39 PM
hummm .. i maybee should just left that subject alone and say nothing .. but i have to admitt ive been messing with drugs a bit more that i would like to .. first off .. i live in canada and when i started my transition i was living in a smaller town where i knew no other tgirls ... then when i moved to the more open and urban city of montreal and started working at the massage parlor in montreal thats when i saw the other side of life .. i started to know alot of tgirls and work with them and i have to say that drugs is a problem in the tgirl community in montreal ... coke..speed..extacie..and ghb are the main drugs girls are using over here ... now dont get me wrong im not sayiing they all on drugs ... but alot of them are ... and i myself sometimes take extacie and speed ... its not a problem for me as im not addicted to it and dont do it to often .. but i know i have to be careful not to fall down in those drugs like others i know ....
im not gonna act like im an angel .. heres the plain truth !!

03-11-2007, 12:15 AM
hummm .. .. heres the plain truth !!

Good post girl. Takes some balls(sorry) to be honest on this topic and I fear that many people don't dare touch on this subject . For sure there are loads of drugs in the TS community as there is throughout society hookers, cops, johns, judges, were all at it in some way. I am interested in Peggy's original point tho and it doesn't suprise me that canada is no different. The TS 'scene' seems to have it's drugs of choice, interesting that you mention the coke, speed,etc. I smoke too much weed, that is why I am sat here posting on HA and not in the city chasing twannies as I should be. A little bit of what you fancy is good medicine but it is easy to overdo the things we like(posting on HA).

Apparently, it's not good for your mental health and can make you go into psychosis if you're not careful enough

17 years buddy! if you were concerned before, you must be terrified now. :smoking :mrgreen: :screwy

more drug tales.......bring it.........bump........

03-11-2007, 01:31 AM
hummm .. .. heres the plain truth !!

Good post girl. Takes some balls(sorry) to be honest on this topic and I fear that many people don't dare touch on this subject . For sure there are loads of drugs in the TS community as there is throughout society hookers, cops, johns, judges, were all at it in some way. I am interested in Peggy's original point tho and it doesn't suprise me that canada is no different. The TS 'scene' seems to have it's drugs of choice, interesting that you mention the coke, speed,etc. I smoke too much weed, that is why I am sat here posting on HA and not in the city chasing twannies as I should be. A little bit of what you fancy is good medicine but it is easy to overdo the things we like(posting on HA).

Apparently, it's not good for your mental health and can make you go into psychosis if you're not careful enough

17 years buddy! if you were concerned before, you must be terrified now. :smoking :mrgreen: :screwy

more drug tales.......bring it.........bump........

yeah it easy to say .. i dont drink or i dont do this and that just to keep the good image and all .. but personaly i believe in beeing honest ... and even if i do take some from time to time i dont think it makes me a badder person ...

03-11-2007, 01:54 AM
Too many people I know or have known suffer with addiction. It is very very sad.

Apart from rumors that I am a coke addict- I have never actualy done cocaine or any hard drug. I drink and that is about it.

03-11-2007, 02:02 AM
I only smoke crack on the weekends, lol. No kidding. Honestly when I was younger I used to work at the Tunnel and my best friend owned the Cheetah Club. I was out all the time and after hours and all that shit, I did my share of partying. I am so glad I got a grip on things because it can catch up to you. Now I drink maybe every 2 weeks at the most, and I dont go out all that often I feel like I have been there and done that, lol. Now I much prefer nice dinners and nice lounges.

03-11-2007, 02:14 AM
Apart from RUMORS that I am a coke addict- I have NEVER actualy done cocaine or any hard drug. I drink and that is about it.

It's Good to set the record straight although i never came across these rumours, I guess people assume that everyone in Manhatten is on coke.
Your nose is far too beautiful for that poison my dear. did you see the girl from 'eastenders' in England? Daniella westbrook. she completely lost the centre part of her nose. so did T-P-T. Actually a few famous english girls have had reconstructive surgery due to sustained cocaine abuse.

Too many people I know or have known suffer with addiction. It is very very sad.

But do you feel that it is particularly a problem in the TS community? For example Every TS woman I know likes to smoke a little weed, good for me as many girls get fed up of my stoney ways. The other stuff I don't really like to know about so I'm kind of in denial there. I want to know but I don't. If someone I really like is bang on the charlie(coke) thats a problem so i should know, yet if I do know I might not like them so much. thats just my prejudice i guess but it seems that lots of TS women like to party, very hard! It occured to me that for some girls drugs may help to enforce a particular self-image, drugs like cocaine apparently give a great boost of confidence and shall we say 'defense from detractors'. I mean with so many haters and bigots in this world I could see why some girls might favour a bit of 'chemical assistance' with their mood, especially performers/artistes/showgirls. TS women are familiar with self medicating chemicals for their bodies so is it thus easier to self medicate for the mind? unfortuneately a certain amount of deception kind of goes with the territory of being TS, do some girls use drugs to self-decieve away some of lifes obstacles? without wanting to sound like a judge. I'm really on the girl's side, just .........curious.......

I hope that dreamer guy hasn't over dosed or something, he was burbling some strange shit. can anyone feel a pulse?

03-11-2007, 03:33 AM
I don't smoke or do drugs and rarely drink. But when I do drink I drink like a fish. My ex boyfriend is an alcoholic and it cause a lot of problems for us. He promised to get help many time after some big disasters and never did! I personally don't need a substance to get high. I'm high on life. I know that sounds cheesy but I have ADD and ADHD so life is always a party for me...lol

Jennifer Paris

03-11-2007, 04:11 AM
Apart from RUMORS that I am a coke addict- I have NEVER actualy done cocaine or any hard drug. I drink and that is about it.

It's Good to set the record straight although i never came across these rumours, I guess people assume that everyone in Manhatten is on coke.
Your nose is far too beautiful for that poison my dear. did you see the girl from 'eastenders' in England? Daniella westbrook. she completely lost the centre part of her nose. so did T-P-T. Actually a few famous english girls have had reconstructive surgery due to sustained cocaine abuse.

Too many people I know or have known suffer with addiction. It is very very sad.

But do you feel that it is particularly a problem in the TS community? For example Every TS woman I know likes to smoke a little weed, good for me as many girls get fed up of my stoney ways. The other stuff I don't really like to know about so I'm kind of in denial there. I want to know but I don't. If someone I really like is bang on the charlie(coke) thats a problem so i should know, yet if I do know I might not like them so much. thats just my prejudice i guess but it seems that lots of TS women like to party, very hard! It occured to me that for some girls drugs may help to enforce a particular self-image, drugs like cocaine apparently give a great boost of confidence and shall we say 'defense from detractors'. I mean with so many haters and bigots in this world I could see why some girls might favour a bit of 'chemical assistance' with their mood, especially performers/artistes/showgirls. TS women are familiar with self medicating chemicals for their bodies so is it thus easier to self medicate for the mind? unfortuneately a certain amount of deception kind of goes with the territory of being TS, do some girls use drugs to self-decieve away some of lifes obstacles? without wanting to sound like a judge. I'm really on the girl's side, just .........curious.......

I hope that dreamer guy hasn't over dosed or something, he was burbling some strange shit. can anyone feel a pulse?

Funny that you mention Daniella Westbrooke, I worked with her on Cosmetic Surgery Live in 2005 and someone told me her story. And you ARE RIGHT! I am FAR TOO VAIN to ruin my nose with cocaine.

I think a lof of girls probably do self medicate wih drugs for the mind-it's a hard life and for some people drugs is the way they cope. I really think addiction is a disease and I feel very bad for people who are addicts because it is very sad. Unfortunately, some people just never over come it.

My problem has always been food and over eating for the sake thereof- especially when I am down. So I can identify.

03-11-2007, 04:13 AM
I have ADD and ADHD so life is always a party for me...lol

Jennifer Paris

That makes two of us. When you have this type of profile, your only enemy of consequence is boredom.


03-11-2007, 04:17 AM
I have ADD and ADHD so life is always a party for me...lol

Jennifer Paris

That makes two of us. When you have this type of profile, your only enemy of consequence is boredom.


Exactly why I am the type of person that has to live in a place like NYC! Always something to do!

Jennifer Paris

03-11-2007, 04:59 AM
Jennifer, I can attest to your wonderful attitude, def "high on life". Every time I have seen you, you have been gracious and sweet. I suspect you are incapable of any meanness. Your best attribute is your *inner* beauty!

03-11-2007, 05:28 AM
OK, to get back on topic, I would say I partake, but do not have a problem. Tonight I will go to Divas and buy no more than three beers for myself. I get in trouble when people there buy the drinks for me!

When I was young I tried almost everything at least once. I understand what the lyrics mean "one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small". I guess it was that experimental mindset that led me to TS girls. I know I have had my share of 420, coke and cock parties, lol.

These days everything is in moderation: occassional recreational 420, a beer or two & once or twice a year I find myself at a party where someone chops a line..... but I can always stop myself whenever I want to & feel very lucky for that!

IMO the ugly monster is crystal meth. None for me, thanks. It has destroyed some of my friendships. I have been accused many times of doing things I did not, because of that drugs induced paranoia. Many people start out innocently thinking they will loose some weight & then stop, but then they don't stop... its a killer!!

arc angel
03-11-2007, 06:01 AM
i guess its just best i am honest, i am a drunk thats wy i am alone i know it . i am content with being a drunk all the girls i have dated in the past tell me the same thing QUIT drinking ! well alone i am with bottle in hand.
If she was to put her hand out again i would quit but hindsight is 20/20 and i cant go back.
as far as drugs i have tryied them all and i mean everyting , i dont use drugs anymore i grew out of that ok so if there is some good LSD i will expand my mind. but that does not happen. someday that alarm will go off in my head and i will quit drinking. till then i will be drunk , alone , dreaming of the day i meet her.

03-11-2007, 07:26 AM
Okay reality question.

As we all know when clients come by to 'party'
they may bring a little 'somethin-somethin' with
them. :roll:

It may be booze, might be pot, coke, crack, E,
poppers, etc, or the lady may have something
on hand to enhance the experience.

So, guys, girls, do you decline, do you http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/nancy4x6.jpgor do you ...........?

03-11-2007, 07:31 AM
I know wayyy to many people that have problems with it. 4 of the people I work with have had DWI/DUI's in the past couple years. One of my buddies did 2 years or jail/work release for it. He's quitting, and it makes it hard for him.

03-11-2007, 08:20 AM
For me personally, there's no bigger turn off than someone who does drugs, in a partner, friends, employer whatever. In my mind it downgrades them as a person and turns my stomach.

Now on occasion I've been known to drink until I black out, but that's college for ya. :lol:

03-11-2007, 06:11 PM
Well this view maybe controversial but at least its honest, so here's my take on things.

It makes a refreshing change to see a topic that's a) serious and b) where people have discussed it intelligently with no mud slinging or similar.

I think fortunately for me I did not dabble with any chems/recreationals (As they're commonly referred to in the UK) until I was over 30, I am glad this was the case as I was mature enough by then to have studied everything I could about them and their effects and when I did try some I would always take in moderation. Moderation is the key word for me, and as it happened after some experiementation I guess you would call it, I hated almost all of them except for E which I will take on special ocasions. I take for fun, not because I feel there is anything missing from my life or such and such, and didn't experiment in the first place for any other reason than I wanted to try. I am not big into alchohol (Birthdays and Xmas and never beer or larger) and I rarely smoke, so that is my party stimulant of choice if there is going to be anything.

I have the same view about most chems, but not injecting, crack or meth which I think are total no no's for anyone. Like I said before its all about moderation, some people can handle the ocasional drink and some people cannot, its the same with drugs and smoking, all three of them can be addictive. Sometimes it depends alot on a persons strenght of character and to what else is happening in there life, if it will develop into an addiction, and I don't deny addiction is a major problem for alot of people. I have certainly met enough and work with plenty of addicts, but I don't have a problem with someone wanting the ocasional joint or pill at a party, as long as they can handle it. Of course for some people that is easier said than done. My brother for example, last time I saw him, couldn't get through the day without 5 or 6 joints which was a terrible shame. Another work colleague of mine has the ocasional one at the weekend now and then and she is one of the most focused and driven people I know and she has been that way for years.

I don't think if someone drinks or does drugs, they can be labelled an addict and many people often seem in a hurry to do that, on the other hand, I will fully acknowledge that there is a fine line between ocasional recreational use and becoming an addict and not one that everyone should tread.

I also suspect if I had tried drugs at a younger age when I was not so wise to the many ways of the world, they may well have become a problem for me then.

03-11-2007, 07:11 PM
If there is a friend or family member that you feel comfortable talking with and that you trust, perhaps you might want to discuss the things that are troubling you.

Also, you may take comfort in knowing that all us of have varying degrees of depression from time to time. Usually these episodes are short-lived, but if they are long in duration, then professional help may be called for.

Finally, the interesting thing about drugs and alcohol is that initially they can make us feel better about our problems. However depending on these substances for that purpose, may lead to a larger problem than the ones we were trying to solve. Alcohol is a depressant that slows brain activity down. While one or two drinks makes most people feel relaxed, more alcohol may cause feelings of anxiety, depression, and often aggression, thus alcohol may not be the best drug of choice to cope with depression.

There are many site discussing alcohol, but this is a quick read:


Transgenders And Depression:


General depression help:


I hope that this is helpful.

03-11-2007, 07:24 PM
I don't usually drink, I have only ever actually been drunk once, to be honest I just don't see the point in it but thats just me. As to drugs, I don't do anything- never had an interest to do so, doubt i ever will. On the flip side I have so many medical problems I doubt I would want to subject my body to yet more crap... but in all honesty I do not see myself considering drugs even if I had less to worry about. I do find drug use as a turn off in partners... although I can tolerate it for friends and family.

Now the closest I come to an addiction... caffine, I drink so much mt dew and coffee that I should have an iv put in... but I've never gone so far as to use the caffine pills and I find energy drinks disgusting.

03-11-2007, 07:32 PM
The reality is I am a crackhead, an alcoholic, heroin addict, a speed
freak, a pothead, and have used just about every drug known to

I have committed unspeakable acts in the procurement of obtaining
the drugs that I needed to sustain life.

I have lied, stolen, sold my body, betrayed trusts, hurt those that
loved me and knew me.

The good news is I have been clean and sober for 10 years.

I have done many difficult things in my life; surviving the militiary,
transitioning, graduating colleges, but the hardest and most frightening
thing that I have ever done was to gain my sobriety.

One day at a time.

03-11-2007, 09:51 PM
Drugs and alcohol are no problem for me. I hate both equally and I ONLY date drug free non drinkers.

03-11-2007, 09:55 PM
but the hardest and most frightening
thing that I have ever done was to gain my sobriety

Congratulations. If you are clean for today you are clean for the rest of your life.

That hocus pocus crap about the twelve steps and needing support is bogus. You are the only person who can quit. Noone can do it for you.

03-11-2007, 10:23 PM
but the hardest and most frightening
thing that I have ever done was to gain my sobriety

Congratulations. If you are clean for today you are clean for the rest of your life.

That hocus pocus crap about the twelve steps and needing support is bogus. You are the only person who can quit. Noone can do it for you.

Thanks for the congats. 8)

As to your other comments, I beg to differ.

While it is true that the key to sobriety is the desire to step, many people
are aided by assistance.

This help may come from AA, NA, CA, Smart Recovery / Rational
Recovery, spirituality, therapy, family support, all or none of the

Substance addiction is a powerful and insidious disease, and I would
strongly and in no uncertain terms advise people to utilize any and
all support they can, if they desire to stop.

03-11-2007, 10:29 PM
Apart from rumors that I am a coke addict-

Never heard that rumor, darlin'. 'Sides, I thought you were all about Pepsi anyway. :wink:

I know that sounds cheesy but I have ADD and ADHD so life is always a party for me...lol

I knew we were kindred souls, Jennifer. The first time I saw you on the forum I thought to mysel....LOOK! A squirrel! :shock: Uh...What was I saying? :lol:

The ADD thing is a pain and can really mess with an otherwise pleasant life. I can't begin to count the number of half-completed projects that are laying around my house right now. Gawd f'bid I should start cleaning and run across a comic book. :roll: I think the most productive work I ever did was in an exuctive suite at the Scanticon (A Radisson cousin) conference center in Valley Forge. Being in the center of the building, the suite had no windows and allowed me to focus on work at hand. Coffee helps at times (To those unfamiliar, caffeine has the opposite of the expected effect, sometimes actually slowing the thought processes that cause ADD), but I negate the positive aspects by over-sweetening, thereby firing up the sugar highs that make it worse. Feh.

That makes two of us. When you have this type of profile, your only enemy of consequence is boredom.

So that's what it is. :? People can't seem to understand why I dread day's off and vacations. I am, by nature, a lazy person (In the club with the likes of Ford, Edison, and others whose genius overshadowed the fact that they invented all those things to make their lives simpler), yet I give the impression of a workaholic. Showing up early, leaving late, forgetting lunch and coffee breaks, multitasking lots of little projects rather than single big ones, etc.

On the topic:

Have noticed myself waking up in front of the computer more often than not in recent weeks. Does a number on my neck. :x Has anyone found a connection between alcohol consumption and ADD? With computer users/professionals? Certain professions tend to breed drug and alcohol use, have I lucked into one of them or did I choose the house to fit the furniture?

03-11-2007, 10:58 PM
Thanks for the congats. As to your other comments, I beg to differ.

GOOD! I'm glad to hear it! Forums would be mighty dull if we all slapped each other on the back and agreed with each other...

Your battle against addiction and consumption is YOUR battle. You can employ weapons to help you, but the fight is YOURS and yours alone.

Weapons can include other drugs, friends, support groups and forums such as these, but it's YOUR will power and determination that beat them demons and YOU did it on your own by using the tools and weapons available to you.

You can kill a chicken with your bare hands or with a knife. Most of us would choose a knife. But once the chicken is dead you can put the knife away.

03-11-2007, 11:51 PM
If so is a factor your TG status, or is that not an issue?

If you are the partner of a TG how does this affect you?

not a problem with me, probably never will be........................

as for it being a problem in the TG community, I don’t consider smoking a cig a hardcore drug but its bad in the TG community, stress, anxiety, and just being lonely plays a huge part in why some smoke so much, I saw a good TS friend waste most of her life’s savings away because of stress and annexiety, yet she found relief threw the addictive cigs, sadly I guess its a way to get away from life’s problems.

As for my friend she lost her house, her life savings, her apartment, her car, most of her belongings and now lives in a homeless shelter, I partly blame her smoking habits for her losses, well that and the fact that she didn’t want to work as a guy on some really good paying jobs, which I don’t blame her, I mean there are some TS out there who would rather DIE than go back to living as a man, but in the end her stress and anxiety got the best of her, if anything those are the 2 ""drugs''" that pleague so many TS not just smoking, alcohol, and the hardcore drugs.

03-12-2007, 12:04 AM
Argh! If I'd known there were Aggies on this forum I would have killed myself and conceded the Miriam debate yonks ago!

Just joshing! Go LSU!

03-12-2007, 12:12 AM
Argh! If I'd known there were Aggies on this forum I would have killed myself and conceded the Miriam debate yonks ago!

Just joshing! Go LSU!

LMAO dude im not an aggie, thats just one of the many footballcamp shirts i have. lol ive got more from UT, UCLA, USC, FSU, Miami. columbia, westpoint and, KU, OSU, and OS lol :D

sorry to hijack the thread peggygee

LOL heres my true colors.........

03-13-2007, 08:15 AM
[b]Okay reality question.
As we all know when clients come by to 'party'
they may bring a little 'somethin-somethin' with
them. :roll:
It may be booze, might be pot, coke, crack, E,
poppers, etc, or the lady may have something
on hand to enhance the experience.
So girls, do you ...........?[b]

A friend who used to escort told me that a lot of guys would turn up with a little 'somethin-somethin', mstly COKE':roll:'. Now 'Poppers' I'm not familiar with. I know lots of people use them, what is the thing about poppers? I mean I know it makes anal sex better but how? Relax the sphincter muscles somehow? What is it? is poppers like amyl nitrate? That i tried as a kid, made me laugh uncontrollably on my knees for 5 minutes as I truly believed that my pounding heart would break through my ribcage. Not too pleasant. Heard one story about a john that that was partying with some girls when the poppers accidentally got tipped into his face/eyes. Said he soon recovered tho and the girls kissed him better :wink: :censor :grouphug

03-13-2007, 08:35 AM
Atlast, a post that actually has a soul.
Personally I don't drink. I hate the taste of most alcohol and I hate club atmospheres. I don't smoke because I think that just makes your clothes and mouth stink and I don't do drugs because frankly, I think thats a scapegoat for mind-expansion. There are better, safer and more natural ways to transcend.

I have friends who do drugs- hard drugs (not heroin or that kind of junk) but something else (which out of fear from having others here experiment choose not to mention it; and no it's not crack).

My friends doing drugs is not an issue to me because they do this in controlled environments and do research on what they are doing. Whatever they're looking for- or whatever they desire out of their experience, I know that it's not just a harpless use of drugs but as a guide to searching something deeper.

I won't use any excuses- occasional I will sip on cherry and I do love wine- but not to the extent of buying it. If someone offers me a glass on Saturday night- maybe. I'm actually more focused on other things than getting drunk. I respect people that do things for a reason. Taking a drug simply to "escape" I personally find juvenile.

03-28-2007, 08:18 PM

03-28-2007, 09:03 PM
I'm actually more focused on other things than getting drunk. I respect people that do things for a reason. Taking a drug simply to "escape" I personally find juvenile.

Wise word Crayons, drink is poison. Regarding focus, most people i know drink specifically to LOSE focus. They do this for a REASON. One of my oldest school buddies is an alcoholic. Very intelligent man too. He says "I drink because i want to stop THINKING. I drink to make me STUPID. I want to be STUPID and just relax for 5 minutes"
Ignorance is BLISS, Remember. In my experience it is always the most brilliant and intellectual peoiple that somehjow feel the need to get completely munted every night. Regarding ESCAPE, well i guess we all know a few girls that like to get wankered on 'street' drugs, just to forget the bullshit life throws at them every day. Are they any better or worse that someone who is dependant on SSRI's or whatever new experimental money maker Glaxo-smithkline has to try out on us human guinea pigs?

04-23-2007, 05:26 AM
BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-23-2007, 02:38 PM
I had a dream the other night, actually it was more like a nightmare.

I dreamt that I had lost my sobriety.

My dreams tend to be very real, very vivid. When they are pleasant dreams
this can be very nice, and as I have shared, I am one of the only middle-
aged women I know that still has wet dreams.

But this was not a pleasant dream. For some reason, I felt very depressed
in my dream, verily I was filled with a sense of dread. For some unknown
reason I had two botttles of Colt 45 malt liquor in my possession.

I would rather have had two fully loaded Colt 45 automatics pressed to
my temple, I would have had a better chance of survival.

At any rate, throughout the day in the dream, I was drinking from the one
bottle. Interestingly I never felt myself getting drunk, or getting any
solace or comfort from imbibing. Rather, I just felt worse, physically,
emotionally, and spritually.

In the dream I found myself in a bathroom - for "you don't buy beer, you
just rent it", and I needed to pee. I was just about at the bottom of the
bottle, and was contemplating what was I going to do with the other
bottle. Usually in real life I would have started drinking the other bottle.

I guess my faculties were somewhat impaired afterall, and the bottle
broke - "there is many a slip, twixt the cup and the lip" as my Father used
to say.

At that point I woke up.

So glad it was but a dream.

Because, for me, one is too many, and a million's, not enough.

04-23-2007, 05:01 PM
I had a dream the other night, actually it was more like a nightmare.

I dreamt that I had lost my sobriety.

My dreams tend to be very real, very vivid. When they are pleasant dreams
this can be very nice, and as I have shared, I am one of the only middle-
aged women I know that still has wet dreams.

But this was not a pleasant dream. For some reason, I felt very depressed
in my dream, verily I was filled with a sense of dread. For some unknown
reason I had two botttles of Colt 45 malt liquor in my possession.

I would rather have had two fully loaded Colt 45 automatics pressed to
my temple, I would have had a better chance of survival.

At any rate, throughout the day in the dream, I was drinking from the one
bottle. Interestingly I never felt myself getting drunk, or getting any
solace or comfort from imbibing. Rather, I just felt worse, physically,
emotionally, and spritually.

In the dream I found myself in a bathroom - for "you don't buy beer, you
just rent it", and I needed to pee. I was just about at the bottom of the
bottle, and was contemplating what was I going to do with the other
bottle. Usually in real life I would have started drinking the other bottle.

I guess my faculties were somewhat impaired afterall, and the bottle
broke - "there is many a slip, twixt the cup and the lip" as my Father used
to say.

At that point I woke up.

So glad it was but a dream.

Because, for me, one is too many, and a million's, not enough.

I think that dream is just your subconscious playing back what you know in your conscious mind. But also playing it back on the feeling level. That is very important to maintain that feeling on some level. It would be worse to dream about positive feelings associated with substance abuse.

I hope that you realize that there are people here on this forum that you can write if you need emotional support, as well the the people in your 'regular' life.

04-23-2007, 07:04 PM
Been there, done the alcohol and drugs route...actually pretty much took that route to it's inevitable end.

Clean and sober for almost 5 years! :)

04-24-2007, 05:36 AM
I just smoke a lil weed, and drink socially, I learned from those other gals and how horrible thy looked not to even touch the other shit.

04-24-2007, 11:55 AM
I think that dream is just your subconscious playing back what you know in your conscious mind. But also playing it back on the feeling level. That is very important to maintain that feeling on some level. It would be worse to dream about positive feelings associated with substance abuse.

I hope that you realize that there are people here on this forum that you can write if you need emotional support, as well the the people in your 'regular' life.

It is very rare that I will have a dream about drinking or drugging. I also
don't get cravings for either, as a matter of fact I can conjure up the old
feelings of being high. It is a very repulsive feeling, makes my skin crawl
and I almost feel as if I am going to regurgitate if I think about it long

I have an excellent support system, people to whom I can reach out to
if I am experiencing difficulties. Some have known me in the 'bad old
days', some who only know the 'healthier Peggy'.

But all are cognizant of how committed I am to a good quality of life. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l2/magi43/thepyramid1.gif