03-01-2007, 02:06 AM
WOW...just WOW. Anyone seen there new music video? WOW. They look just alike and the hips Lord the hips. LOL Hollywood and JWBL will enjoy this one. Couldn't find any vid caps.

03-01-2007, 02:09 AM
i heard they did something but havent seen or heard it... where did you find it so i can -j

03-01-2007, 03:15 AM
Beyonce is hot. Shakira is pretty as well but cannot stand the voice. Does she have a mouth organ caught in her throat? What is with that? And she's about as good a dancer as Madonna. That doesn't say much.

03-01-2007, 03:49 AM

03-01-2007, 07:15 AM
Beyonce is hot. Shakira is pretty as well but cannot stand the voice. Does she have a mouth organ caught in her throat? What is with that? And she's about as good a dancer as Madonna. That doesn't say much.

she's columbian. She grew up singing spanish songs, and in most of that genre the women sing with base, and an accent. Their was a girl on american idol who was from columbia who had a very similar voice to Shakira.
TO the dancing, i mush like her dancing, very erotic and sensual

03-01-2007, 07:17 AM
Beyonce is hot. Shakira is pretty as well but cannot stand the voice. Does she have a mouth organ caught in her throat? What is with that? And she's about as good a dancer as Madonna. That doesn't say much.

she's columbian. She grew up singing spanish songs, and in most of that genre the women sing with base, and an accent. Their was a girl on american idol who was from columbia who had a very similar voice to Shakira.
TO the dancing, i mush like her dancing, very erotic and sensual

She has no voice in either Spanish or English. What's more she has no style when she sings. She's a mediocre dancer--but dancing can't be seen on the radio--and that's bad for profits....Consequently they give her some songs to sing.

Beyonce has pipes. Beyonce has lost more talent than Shakira will ever have.

03-01-2007, 07:19 AM
lol @ "lost more talent" bc it gives the statement a 180 meaning lol

03-01-2007, 07:23 AM
lol @ "lost more talent" bc it gives the statement a 180 meaning lol

I kind of meant it as a 180 turn but thinking about it--people like Beyonce get so "handled" by their corporate backers that they are forced into doing things that cause them to waste (lose) their talent.

Christina Aguilera is another one. She has unbelievable natural talent, and I would love to hear her take a crack at the Great American Songbook....But i guess that won't sell enough albums.

There was a glorious time about 70 years ago when just about all pop music was quality music. That time will never return--because then, the musicians were much more in control of their own fates....Now they're coporate employees.

03-01-2007, 04:45 PM
Beyonce is hot. Shakira is pretty as well but cannot stand the voice. Does she have a mouth organ caught in her throat? What is with that? And she's about as good a dancer as Madonna. That doesn't say much.

Wow, see now I like Shakira's voice because it is distinct and in my humble opinion, far more talented than these airy, whispy girls like brittney who need tons of electronic altering to thier voice.

Her songs in spanish are also Mue Bueno.

SHakira eres la mujer mas beja en el mundo!!!!!!!

03-01-2007, 04:49 PM
Beyonce is hot. Shakira is pretty as well but cannot stand the voice. Does she have a mouth organ caught in her throat? What is with that? And she's about as good a dancer as Madonna. That doesn't say much.

she's columbian. She grew up singing spanish songs, and in most of that genre the women sing with base, and an accent. Their was a girl on american idol who was from columbia who had a very similar voice to Shakira.
TO the dancing, i mush like her dancing, very erotic and sensual

Sweet look, but I wish they picked a more vocally challenging song.

03-01-2007, 05:24 PM
Beyonce is hot. Shakira is pretty as well but cannot stand the voice. Does she have a mouth organ caught in her throat? What is with that? And she's about as good a dancer as Madonna. That doesn't say much.

she's columbian. She grew up singing spanish songs, and in most of that genre the women sing with base, and an accent. Their was a girl on american idol who was from columbia who had a very similar voice to Shakira.
TO the dancing, i mush like her dancing, very erotic and sensual

Sweet look, but I wish they picked a more vocally challenging song.

If it meant them dancing and wearing anything different I'd have to disagree. LOL. I found out that they agreed to do that mirror dance at the end where they mimic each other so you cant tell the difference between who they are. The idea came from some show she saw with a guy dancing in the mirror but it was really another guy dancing along with him.