11-08-2004, 01:25 PM
Yo - my advice is this.... If you are going to post something questionable or hot, sit on it for a couple of hours. Then read it again and if you still feel the same way, post it. You'll be surprised how much shit you hold back. Especially some of the shit you said about Danielle.

Personally, I laugh at the back and forth between you and hillbilly - it gets pretty funny. It does suck that he calls you out by name. But he doesn't want to fight you - he's just riling you up and pushing your buttons. And you fall for it everytime. I think you'd probably tell people to ignore your posts if they get pissed off at them, so do the same thing with his. And then if he continues to harass you, he'll be the bad guy in everyone's eyes, not you. This shit is all talk. You're the type of guy who should know as well as anyone that you don't need to get amped until someone actually does get in your face.

I can't believe there are people that complained to the mods about booting you. But I also can't believe there are people posting about music from goddamn Cirque de Soleil on here. So I guess the point is, it takes all kinds to round out this place. But none of us want the few girls that actually post on here to go away, so just take a breath every now and then.

11-08-2004, 02:08 PM
MEGA, mate, I've missed a lot of this crap that appears to have been going on, but here's my two cents worth:
In the past, you and I have had some serious disagreements about various topics, and they've gotten pretty heated at times. I have suggested that the moderators consider editing some of your more inflammatory posts. You have yourself admitted that you sometimes go too far - I dare say that there are some posts you'd like 'back'. Having said that, the idea of you being banned is ludicrous - if I don't like what you are saying, I just opt out of that particular thread (the same way, I suggest, that you can choose to avoid contrary political viewpoints). Easy. To be frank, it's sometimes fun to get caught up in these arguments - mainly because we don't get too personal in our attacks (aside from the typical bullshitting). Hillybilly, on the other hand, does.
Whilst I have missed the latest rounds of this particular war, I do recall HB's first appearance, and you were, and are, right to take offence. He appears to have gone after you quite deliberately from the very beginning, on the most personal of levels. Rather than choose to dispute your opinion/s, he has taken the low road and attacked your height, appearance, etc. Pathetic, and cowardly. I once said to you that I despise those gutless cowards who choose to hide behind their computer screen, and that anyone can be a hero in cyberspace - it appears that HB falls into that camp. Even worse, all of the evidence suggests that if really wanted to sort things out personally, he has had ample opportunities to do so, and yet chooses not to. Seems pretty cowardly to me.
It appears that you have a few bridges to re-build with friends that you have upset. If they are your mates, that'll happen - they are the collateral damage resultant of this particular 'war'. One way to lessen the likelihood of this happening again would be to avoid labelling so many new posters 'peaches' - it's reminiscent of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf', the impact is lessened with over-use.
I'm surprised that the moderators appear to be acting against you - I agree that, in this instance at least, the board will police itself.
Hillybilly, if you read this: you seem to be overly enamoured of your own intelligence. A lot of us can mount erudite arguments: so what? By allowing yourself to degenerate to such a personal level as you have, any point that you might make is rendered moot. A university degree (or three in the case of some of us) doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't a dickhead. You are just an educated dickhead.

11-08-2004, 02:11 PM
Bless you, Mega--great post. You've got that warrior heart--you sure you don't have Celtic blood flowing in those veins? Hope you have a great day.

11-08-2004, 02:32 PM
I find myself straying into dickheadery occasionally as well. But I have good intentions. And I will give you a holla next time I get to NYC (last time I was there, Fritz Peterson was toeing the slab).

11-08-2004, 03:50 PM
Props, Mega, my man. My hat's off to you for stepping up with that post. It's been difficult for those of us who don't know you but who respect folks like Allanah, Vicki, Seanchai, NYCe stepping up for you and giving you props for being a nice guy who goes off on posts sometimes, because all we see are the inflamatory posts. Like I said in a post recently, if you step up and apologize (where appropriate) for taking things too far, we would be far more inclined to accept and forgive and forget.

It's so easy to jump to conclusions in a forum like this, and the more fuel someone heaps on the fire, the easier it is. And we--those who don't know the players and circumstances--can feel caught in the crossfire and frustrated that the board gets highjacked down a dead end of flames and accusations and personal attacks. What do I want from this board? A place to share ideas (about this lifestyle, but also about other interests those of us who share this lifestyle have), experiences, dialogue (with one another and with those girls who feel comfortable posting here--that is very important to me and I suspect many others, and it's not about asskissing the trannys, it's about getting as close to open dialogue with the girls as is possible), photos (from events like Allanah's parties and of girls we find attractive--personally I see no reason to attack a girl I don't find attractive or the guy who does), etc.

I don't know Peaches or Hillbilly, but it doesn't seem to me that Hillbilly is this Peaches character, just someone who for whatever reason enjoys egging you on, and since you respond, it keeps going back and forth.

Anonymity is important to many if not all of us. I have a career which I don't want to put on the line. I can't imagine anyone would find me out from my posting my pic in response to Allanah's call out a few days ago, but I won't use my name or email here. Besides, I'm well removed from "the scene", three hours from NYC and an hour from Boston. I've never been to Jacques, or any of the NYC clubs except one of Allanah's parties. I certainly don't know the NYC scene or girls; from what a couple of girls I do know well tell me, there are several very different scenes around the country, and NY is its own world.

Anyway, since I was the first to post my photo, I look forward to seeing yours as you promised. PM it to me. I hope Vicki forgives you, since both of you have said openly that you're friends.

Peace out.

11-08-2004, 09:24 PM

11-08-2004, 10:06 PM
Mega, I just wanted to tell you, and you probably are already aware, that a big component in life is that of choice. Choice in what we think, dwell upon, our actions, our priorities.... etc. If you have been causing a little trouble in these threads it is because you are choosing to be a dick. It is simple enough to choose not to be. It is easier to make friends than enemies. You are not restricted to your past convictions. However, acceptance precedes change and this is often times the most difficult aspect. It is good to see that you chose to create this post and that you recognized its significance.
I do have a question for you... You most certainly have a right to like Bushhhhhh as you say, but why? Over 100,000 Iraqis have been murdered... do you view them as unequals? What happened to the golden rule?

11-09-2004, 12:18 AM
Nobody was picking on "Mega". However I am curious as to why not one of the people who complained about his posts and requested his banning has replied to this post? :-?

11-09-2004, 01:14 AM
Perhaps they see his post and pass over it thinking it's just more of what they were complaining about?

I, by NO means would whine to the mods about any of it but I DID comment on how some of the better threads get hi-jacked, crash & burn with some of the silliest shit I've ever read.

Being an "outsider" to the circle here it's easier for me to see the negative results. If I was a part or knew the folks in the Peaches storybook, perhaps I could see a point to it all. I could understand the pulse that keeps it alive. But I don't and don't really want to. It's an open forum but I would expect less of a war room philosophy to it. Reminds me of the old BBS days when certain boards were set up for that purpose - to "flame" whoever walked in.

Ecstatic hit all right on the head for me. This is a great concept at H/A and having the ability to run open dialogues with the girls is fantastic - even if only from a lurker's POV. I find it hard to create any kind of conversation in a face to face world with a lot of the girls because the majority (that I run into) have nothing other than a bottom line ($$$) in mind. Granted - I'm sure that is a result of WHERE I run into them. If you don't want to give them money to play then you're just a "lookey-loo". Any kind of conversation is just a "formality".

I like the fact that what I find here is their head - not getting or giving it - but showing their thoughts. To see those thoughts posted from some of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen makes me smile. It's great to know that they are "normal people" with intelligent and thought-out concepts and views. Reading about some of their inner feelings as they feel fit to post puts a whole new slant on "the world".

One of the best parts of it is knowing that it's a pure dialogue with no agenda. It's not sugar to lessen the pain of "any financial arrangements made between two consenting adults"... - It's people to people.

The shame of it is when these dialogues end up in the toilet for one reason or another - a personal grudge, an identity suspicion, a different pull on the voting machine, etc. Things that have no common denominator to the thread.

MegaBody always seems to be in the middle of it and does become over-bearing with his "views" at times. One thread that stays in mind for me is one from Allanah (I belive it was) a while back. It was political in nature but presented with intelligence and facts. It ended up in the toilet because it seemed to be a negative-Bush thread. I saw it as some great dialogue and for someone like me a vehicle in getting to know more about the situation and to know more about other people think. The fact that it was from a "HungAngel" made it even more interesting. But - in the toilet it went...

For someone who knows nothing of the "history" between him and the "other side" it can get old and tiresome. After reading this post of his a lot of it was explained as far as the history and a lot of it makes sense now. That IS a very strange situation to be in knowing that someone chides you in a public forum then peeks around corners watching you. Very strange indeed. Knowing that I can understand the frustrated anger with one or two individuals.

Other than that - MegaBody has stepped up and cleared the air on a lot of it.


And like has been suggested - composing a response and sitting on it for a bit might be a good idea. I can see why an immediate reaction would be called for in your case but sometimes it damages the thread, the flow of the thread and, as witnessed lately, pisses off the wrong people in your "world" - your friends. I do hope that you and Vickki work out this problem as she seems to be very fond of you. That was a sad thing to read but a "life-lesson" can be found in it all if you look at it the right way.

Again MegaBody - well done on your post and I hope the fences mend quickly and w/out scars.

11-09-2004, 02:36 AM
oh man just got home from work.

listen man i teased you the way i did because you wouldn't listen to ANYTHING at all. so i opted for the cheap shots.

i do quite enjoy being infantile as you do seem too as well.

i don't back off from a single comment or observation i made.

you need to stop quickly criticizing the girls that you don't know and calling the guys fags etc. that you don't know.

truth is that a lot of people don't know why they gravitate towards this community and you seem to thrive on making them feel bad if they don't have your point of view.

so i picked at you and picked at you and picked at you until you maybe felt like those people.

there is nothing worse than a bully and your behaviour on here has been nothing short of that all too often.

i mean you all but admit it in your post right?

who have i put down but you? nobody. maybe differences of opinions but not put downs.

can you say the same.

this is a community board and you have created many of the divisions lately not me.

so here it is my first post in response to yours back in september. if anyone cares.


so i don't feel particularly bad about the hole you dug for yourself and don't try and drag me into it with you.

only what you write here in the future can change my opinions. not that you care.

later tater

11-09-2004, 03:29 AM
Hey Mega you stepped up and explained your actions which is really cool. I don't believe in banning anyone or curtailing anyone's right to say what they feel so I don't agree with those who requested you be barred. I hope that NO changes take place on this board as it is fine just the way it is. You gotta realize that you act like the godfather in here....which is not always a bad thing.....it just means that you should be more judicious in your comments....even the soldiers mutiny sometimes.......

I posted my pic on another post somewhere on here a few days ago so I'm not hiding behind anything......as far as hillbilly goes, he writes some funny shit....it would be even funnier though if we knew what he looked like...I agree that you can't really respect a person if they're talking shit but not standing up....so hillbilly show us what you got........

Mega I found out who you are this past weekend....read a bunch of your interviews....you got some great stories dude.....you've lived the life.....still doesn't excuse you from saying some of the stuff you say but it makes more sense now..........


Felicia Katt
11-09-2004, 03:37 AM
I had privately accepted Mega's apologies, and I wanted to do so publicly as well. I want it to be clear that I never talked to the Moderators about what has gone on, at all. I would never try to censor someone. I firmly beleive in everyone's right to free speech.

I can't accept on behalf of Danielle. Thats for her to do or not do. But I did want to thank Mega for his apology to her. I think it showed a lot of character for him to do so.

with all that said, I'd like to move on and put all this behind me. I hope everyone else can now as well.

Can we let bygones be bygones? and get back to discussing big ones? :)


11-09-2004, 03:59 AM
u still don't get it.

you comment on people you don't know so how is it different with me and you?

obviously i don't care about what what other people say. you know just like you? right? i mean i'm the numero uno NIKKA!

funny how you can talk somewhat normal when you want to. i kind of like it.

if i say i'm a coward can i still good on you? cause yeah i'm up for that. like i don't get it are you gonna bop me in the nose or tie my shoe laces together. super glue my locker.

you change and then i will.


actually i'm gonna stop now for the good of the board and i've downright worn myself out. :D

11-09-2004, 05:54 AM
Maggotbody... lol. Just playing boss! Anyway, yeah I agreee with you that Kerry ain't the best candidate either. In fact, if he is the best the democrats can come up with, they probably deserve to lose. But there is something about GW that makes my skin crawl, as it were. Also, hillbilly and you really need to iron things out somewhere else... maybe in the flesh. Go grab a hoagie together or something, or go have a boxing match and the loser can never say anything to the other again? How bout that?

P.S. I really am looking forward to be devirginizing myself with a hot gurl... any suggestions/advice for first timers>??

11-09-2004, 01:46 PM
Mega is one of 3 people willing to actually show his feelings on this board instead of ten pounds of asskissing.

You're smarter than alot of people think mega. If I ever can get off a godamn day of work to make it to a party, I'll tell you this in person.

11-09-2004, 02:51 PM
Mega is one of 3 people willing to actually show his feelings on this board instead of ten pounds of asskissing.

You're smarter than alot of people think mega. If I ever can get off a godamn day of work to make it to a party, I'll tell you this in person.

how many pounds of asskissing would this be?

11-09-2004, 11:25 PM
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:54 am Post subject:


Maggotbody... lol. Just playing boss! Anyway, yeah I agreee with you that Kerry ain't the best candidate either. In fact, if he is the best the democrats can come up with, they probably deserve to lose. But there is something about GW that makes my skin crawl, as it were. Also, hillbilly and you really need to iron things out somewhere else... maybe in the flesh. Go grab a hoagie together or something, or go have a boxing match and the loser can never say anything to the other again? How bout that?

P.S. I really am looking forward to be devirginizing myself with a hot gurl... any suggestions/advice for first timers>??

Go To Eros Boston And Check Out CoCo Or Alexis. You Won't Regret It


11-10-2004, 12:31 AM
Thanks lmw222001, I gladly accept your advice... and will definately consider those two sweeties. I have never used the Eros services but heard that they are pretty damn reliable. Do you know if these girls ever hang out at Jacque's Cabaret in Boston? Anybody ever go there?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Jacque_In_Boston

11-10-2004, 01:03 AM
here's what I read


What the hell did you do, in 1 paragraph or LESS? :roll:

Sorry, just called for a moment of levity .. carry on. :wink:

11-10-2004, 03:09 AM
Actually just a little bit of common sense investigative work:)......I read stuff from your website and interviews with T-Man Bones.....good stuff! You tell stories the way I do......got a friend that's got a milion hardcore one like yours......the one about your girl shooting the dude in the ass was funny.....my friend actually had it happen to him .....get shot in the ass that is......hey I'll buy your book when it comes out......good luck with that

11-10-2004, 03:24 AM

Still down south .. Seeing a bit of Jessica. No sign of Roxanne. I spoke to the lil one .. she's got NOTHIN nice to say about you .. "OOOO that butch queen gunna get it when I see him" or some shit like that :roll: :P

I send you a pic of the girl I'm with now .. you'll like.

11-10-2004, 08:25 AM

It takes a big man to grapple with the "demons" discovered upon reflection, serious introspection, and heavy soul searching. No one is perfect. No one is infallible. No one is without fault. ...I think I need to go into some kind of deep cleansing myself now that I mentioned it.

You are the Mega man! :)

11-10-2004, 08:37 PM
Thanks lmw222001, I gladly accept your advice... and will definately consider those two sweeties. I have never used the Eros services but heard that they are pretty damn reliable. Do you know if these girls ever hang out at Jacque's Cabaret in Boston? Anybody ever go there?http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Jacque_In_Boston

Glad To Help Out-They Both Go To Jacques. It's One Of The Best Known TGirl Bars In The Country. It Might Even Be The Oldest. It Has Been Around For A Very Long Time. It Closes Early-12 Midnite-The Neighborhood's Been Trying To Have It Shut Down For Years.
They Have Shows Every Nite. It Gets Very Busy, Especially On Weekends.
Cover Is Pretty Cheap $5-10 I Believe.
Once You Are In There if You Leave You Can't Go Back In-That Starts After 10 I Think.
It Is Very Popular And Pretty Much All Of Boston's TGirls Hang Out There.
When Other Girls Come In From Out Of Town, Chances Are Good You'll See Them There.
