View Full Version : a prayer for kerry...

11-03-2004, 02:52 AM
Ya kidding? I have been praying for months now! Pray, chant, discuss, campaign, do whatever you can, but vote! And America, vote intelligently for once!

(I wonder how difficult it would be to emigrate to New Zealand or Oz?)

11-03-2004, 04:57 AM
GO BUSH!!!!!! A site like this could use a little more BUSH

11-03-2004, 05:07 AM
texas man. if bush wins we will be in more trouble than ever. keep you bush comments to yourself. you texas man love that azzhole bush

11-03-2004, 05:17 AM
Don't let the TV announcers fool you. This may sound bitter but November is sweeps month and the networks have a reason to keep you from changing the channel.

Keep the faith.

My theory is that there is a large undercurrent of people in this country that are dissatisfied with how the country has been run the past four years and we will see that displayed in the vote totals.

I am basing this theory on two points. The first is based on the mayoral election in Philadelphia two years ago. A bug was found in the mayors office which was planted by the FBI searching for information concerning government contracts. The Democrats turned the election into a referendum about Bush's policies and people in the administration like Ashcroft. In the days leading up the race was close but on election day the mayor trounced his opponent and when the data came out it was found that the mayor did not just do well in largely African-American areas (he is African-American) but in the white middle class areas of the city (his opponent was white.) In the white middle class areas the mayor did better by almost 10%. Exit polls showed that there voters were dissatisfied with the people in the Bush administration. I believe that the heavy voter turnout will benefit Kerry.

My second point is based on the polling data by most reputable sources. If you look closely at the Bush numbers you will notice that he is not polling as strong in the states that he won in 2000. At least that is what I have been seeing.

Here are two other points I have been watching:

The first is how people in the stock market are voting with their money. A recent Barron's poll showed 85% of NYC money managers believing Bush will win. This means that they have allocated their portfolios to take advantage of a Bush win. That is way to many people on one side of the fence with an election this close. I love New York but you can't get a grasp of what is going on in this country from Manhattan. That is we call ourselves 'The island off the coast of America.' The contrarian in me says something is wrong here and that Bush is in trouble.

The second deals with the gambler in me (I really don't bet but find gamblers behavior fascinating)has been watching the Iowa futures market which was heavily in Bush's column until the last few days when Kerry started rising very fast. A friend once taught me that the smart money ALWAYS comes in at the end. This tells me that the Kerry is going to pull this out in the end.

11-03-2004, 05:28 AM
Magic9 - when did you become the political expert? I like money and I want to keep as much of what I have earned as possible. kerrey may not affect the tax bracket that you are in but he sure as hell will mine.

Open your mind a little and respect others opinions.

11-03-2004, 05:44 AM
Nice Texasman - you voted on whose going to save you a few dollars. Nice....

Ultimately, whoever wins it's tragic for America. Like the last election, it's so close that almost half the country doesn't want the leader in who wins. Almost 50% of the people distrust and are going to be disatisfied with who is in power?
This just makes for poor economy, poor policies and poor nationalism.
USA desperately needs a third viable party so people are not just voting on one issue.

11-03-2004, 06:14 AM

11-03-2004, 06:16 AM
Nice Texasman - you voted on whose going to save you a few dollars. Nice....

Ultimately, whoever wins it's tragic for America. Like the last election, it's so close that almost half the country doesn't want the leader in who wins. Almost 50% of the people distrust and are going to be disatisfied with who is in power?
This just makes for poor economy, poor policies and poor nationalism.
USA desperately needs a third viable party so people are not just voting on one issue.

I could not agree with you more. There are important decisions that have to be made concerning Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, the loss of manufacturing jobs, the budget deficit, etc. and I just don't think either candidate will make the those decisions.

I read a story about the electoral college and it said that in the beginning the founding fathers believed 'the office should seek the candidate, the candidate should not seek the office.' Unfortunately, that statement has not held true.

Felicia Katt
11-03-2004, 06:44 AM
Magic9 - when did you become the political expert? I like money and I want to keep as much of what I have earned as possible. kerrey may not affect the tax bracket that you are in but he sure as hell will mine.

Open your mind a little and respect others opinions.

what effect will your getting arrested or fired for being a tranny chaser have on your tax bracket? Vote your conscience, not your wallet


11-03-2004, 06:59 AM
I just think its a fuckin shame that John Edwards couldn't deliver not one fuckin southern state. If one southern state who have voted blue kerry would have already won. if bush takes florida & ohio it will be really tough for a kerry win.

my predictions:




If kerry takes the remaining ? states then it would be a tie.
so its not over yet.

keep hope alive.. :-?

11-03-2004, 08:05 AM
If the Red Sox can do it, so can Kerry. Get these war criminals out of office.

"Mess With Texas" !!!

11-03-2004, 08:05 AM
I agree, seanchai. It's like the South Park election episode featuring a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

11-03-2004, 08:11 AM
check out www.letsroll911.org or www.911inplanesite.com or how about www.physics911.org

Helps reveal who the real "terrorists" might be...

11-03-2004, 08:58 AM
I just find it obscene...thats all there is to say.

11-03-2004, 09:50 AM
Well, it looks like I was wrong. Not sure how, maybe it was hope. I feel sick and frightened for the future of this country because it is not good.

11-03-2004, 01:55 PM
YESSS!!! Bush won!! I am so happy, I could pop some champagne!! FOUR MORE YEARS!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

11-03-2004, 03:02 PM
four more years of cracking down on porn - especially on the internet, and four more years of slagging off transsexuals and gays as pure devilish evil. well done philly. at least theres more biz for TS prostitutes to fuck white hypocrate republican guys up the ass.....

11-03-2004, 04:13 PM

I am very happy yet at the same time I realize that considering how close the election was that we are a nation very closely divided. Bush isn't nearly as bad as some of you think he is and Kerrey is not nearly as good as some of you think he is.

This is why we live in a free country and are afforded the PRIVILEDGE (not right) to vote! We can elect whoever we want. The majority has spoken and they have re-elected George Bush!

11-03-2004, 04:36 PM
Yes Bush Is That Bad.What A Fucking Shame.Especially When Most Of The Adult Entertainment Industry Lobbied For Kerry.

11-03-2004, 05:07 PM
sorry i cant keep it to myself, but look who voted for the bushman: inbred south and pigfucking midwest. and they said they need "a strong leader" , just like any good sheep need. hooray for another four years of killing, boosting the rich and getting the whole world pissed off against the USA. those who choose the sword will fall through it (yes i know my bible too)

11-03-2004, 06:35 PM
I am in shock that Bush won.
What a disgrace and disgust. I am literally sick to my stomach that we have to deal with more ideological, theological, conservative crap for four more years.
It is truly a shame the way this country is heading.
The ONLY reason I know Bush won is because Americans arw very conservative politically when it comes to changing presidents in "war time".
I plan to spend as much time as I can outside of the US.
America is becoming a very repressive place. ANd this is from a person who travels abroad frequently, the rest of the world does not think very high of us either.
I am glad of some you who voted for Bush on this board are quite proud of your hyprocrosy.
The country will remain divived and things will worsen.
We have no money, we are at war, and the economy is in shambles.
Hmm, and who do think got us there?

11-03-2004, 06:50 PM
Well said, Allanah. I am not in shock--although I hoped otherwise, I can't say I'm surprised--but I am very angry. I especially can't understand why people who engage in such an alternative lifestyle as we collectively do (whatever facet(s) of this lifestyle we personally pursue) can possibly support that radical right bullheaded village idiot as President. But maybe it's just me.

11-03-2004, 06:54 PM
MEGA you are right. People should not try to argue politics. There are obviously more people that wanted Bush than those that wanted Kerrey. If the democrats can't muster up a better candidate than Kerrey then they deserve to lose.

This is the first time since 88' that the president elect has won the popular vote. So take all the stabs you want at Bush but apparently most of the population voted for him.

Felicia Katt
11-03-2004, 06:56 PM

he buried over 1100 young Americans in Iraq so far, so whats one more hero?


11-03-2004, 06:59 PM
I am in shock that Bush won.

Actually most europeans simply can't understand that...
It's amazing to see how it doesn't seem to matter how corrupt he is and how much money he steals to his country as long as he mentions God every 3 sentences...
Time to buy more Halliburton shares (quote: HAL)... Price multiplicated by 3 in less than 2 years...

Considering Dick Cheney owns ~100 M$ worth of halliburton shares, how much money does he make by day since the begining of the war?
(A: about 400,000 US$ per day)

11-03-2004, 06:59 PM
Yes and look who voted for him
THE South, The Mid West
all great lands, of thought, culture, and intellectuals (LOL)

Go on believing you lie son

11-03-2004, 06:59 PM
Ecstatic...maybe it is just you. Just because a person likes alternative lifestyles or t-girls does not make them a hard care liberal or even a moderate democrat.

I am a liberal republican . I do not talk towards others with opposing views with the disdain and disgust that you and some others on here do. Ease up...you're going to give yourself high blood pressure.

11-03-2004, 07:03 PM
Allanah, I suppose that you think that you are an intellectual and cultural dynamo because you live in NY! Now that is truly laughable. Where someone lives does not make them smart or stupid. The mere fact that you would generalize and imply that iit does just shows the shallowness of your thought process.

11-03-2004, 07:03 PM
I am disgusted and people like you Texas
who sit on this site but yet vote
for biggots, and neo conservatives

In any case, I am glad I live in Manhattan

11-03-2004, 07:05 PM
Allanah, you of all people should avoid the blanket generalizations!

11-03-2004, 07:05 PM
You know what don't even address me-
And yes I DO LIVE

11-03-2004, 07:09 PM
Living in an intellectual and cultural capital in and of itself does not make you smart or cultured. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him/her think!

11-03-2004, 07:12 PM
Allanah, I will match my intellect, culture and IQ against yours any time of any day.

11-03-2004, 07:12 PM
you might be a liberal republican but bush and his war mongers arent

11-03-2004, 07:14 PM
Thank you for the insight on my education and culture Texas.
Your thoughts are so very valuable to me.

11-03-2004, 07:19 PM
Allanah, good girl, now your starting to get it! You're right, I don't have any insight on your culture or intellect. And giuess what? You don't have any insight on mine either yet you insult me and others from the south and midwest just because we live there.

It took awhile but i think you are understanding that where a person lives does not make them good, bad, smart, stupid, pretty, ugly...etc....

11-03-2004, 07:28 PM
Scarcasm is a beautiful thing, for those who get it.

11-03-2004, 07:30 PM
was i being sarcastic? maybe a little...but sometimes that is the only way to make someone see clearly.

11-03-2004, 07:34 PM

Here is some more for you,

You are completely right. I forgort that Boise, Idaho rivals NYC in the arts and Podunk, Mississippi is an intelectual thought breeding ground.

11-03-2004, 07:44 PM
Ecstatic...maybe it is just you. Just because a person likes alternative lifestyles or t-girls does not make them a hard care liberal or even a moderate democrat.

I am a liberal republican . I do not talk towards others with opposing views with the disdain and disgust that you and some others on here do. Ease up...you're going to give yourself high blood pressure.
Too late for that; thanks to my genetics, I've had high blood pressure for the past six years. But please don't misquote or misrepresent me or my comments; what I said referred to Bush, not to all Republicans by any means. There are Republicans I respect and vote for (most notably, Bill Weld for Gov. of Mass., and just yesterday for state rep for our district). And yes, liking an alternative lifestyle or tgirls does not make one either hard core liberal or a moderate Democrat; but supporting Bush and his Revelationist Christian, highly bigoted, radically right wing, anti-environmental agenda whilst embracing an alternative lifestyle of this sort or enjoying the company of girls who are among the targets of that agenda is hypocritical in principle.

11-03-2004, 07:46 PM
Scarcasm is a beautiful thing, for those who get it.

Come on, stop playing like this with Texans, it's not nice to make fun of retards!


11-03-2004, 08:23 PM
I think you're all missing a few points;

1. You're arguing over who is the President of your country like a football game - winners and losers. This is life and death for many people, not just a a sport. Nearly 50% of your country does not want Bush for President but if Kerry had just tipped it, nearly 50% of your country did not want him.
The USA is divided - look forward to the next 4 yrs of civil unrest and economic crisis. You hillbillys aged 18-24 should move to Brazil now (or another country without a extradtion treaty, Canada will now send you back) - you or you're stupid sons are going to war, as soon as Bush can get the draft in - there is no other way to continue his war.

2. Texasman already stated he voted Bush to protect the money in his pocket - I find this to be as tragic as the idiots who voted just to keep stem cell down, to make abortion illegal or to block gay marriage. It's disturbing that someone on this site, would think with their pockets over lives and rights of others (and I guarantee my tax bracket would have been hurt more than yours, T-man). You cannot broadly sweep that those states are full of dumbfucks, just the ones the voted Bush's way - think yourselves lucky you live in a state that does have more sense (thankyou Hawaii for having one of the largest margins between Bush and Kerry). Imagine you have to live with those hillbillys next door to you?

Ultimately and what I said to my girlfriend this morning, being foreign nationals (whooopee) we can have our opinions and state how we feel but if a country that has over 50% ignorant, low intelligence, rightwinged, relgiously zealoted/motivated and uninformed people decides to choose a person on their own level for President, what can we do. That is how the US democracy system works.

For all you complainers, all of you who feel like I do - disillussioned and dissapointed. Start making change now, keep the political dialogue up, question the issues (let's impeach Bush for lying about Halliburton contracts), refuse to let your friends go to war, join organisations like moveon.org, encourage dialogue between friends and colleagues, join the democratic party and force them to get stronger leadership....do something, do anything.

A dissapointed but not surprised seanchai...

11-03-2004, 09:58 PM
Sean, you said a mouthful. I agree 100%. This is a divided country. The sad part--well, one of dozens--to me is that slightly more than 50% of those who voted (let's be totally honest here--were are the millions who didn't vote? who then bitch about who won?) supported Bush because they think he's on their side, when in fact he isn't. He's protecting the tax cuts and profits of the top 2% and the religious zeal of the radical right Revelationist Christian fundamentalists. 48% of his supporters think he's on their side, and they are the fools. (TexasTman, based on your comment re: your tax bracket, I suspect you are no fool at all; you're looking out for your own, and while I disagree with that, I think you at least made a reasoned decision based on your priorities, rather than a kneejerk reaction based on Bush's pandering to the religious conservative base of this country.)

11-03-2004, 11:33 PM
onme probably last word bout the grinnin ape regainin office. thsi time he reached all his bible toting hillbillies and got em to vote. so i guess thers no more support to drum up for em. i saw democtrats at least fighting, somehting unseen for years, and taken into consideration all that right wing bullshit moronic propaganda ( like fox news lol to enjoy THAT one u have to have a great deal of sense for sarcasm...) Kerry didnt do bad at all. hey just recall the TV debates...the grinning helpless ape versus the liberal? what country is this that chooses the ape.? its america. ok i am outta that debate. you will all suffer from that decision, unless u r among those 2 % moneykeepers out ther .

11-03-2004, 11:40 PM
What a fucking shame that some of you voted for that idiot warmonger.
In the not too distant future when his buddy Ashcroft starts shutting down your favorite Trannie sites maybe you'll finally realize what the hell these
people are all about. Wait until the new 2257 regs go into effect.Then you'll see what these people are about.
This is really,really,very fucking sad

11-04-2004, 01:02 AM

11-04-2004, 01:43 AM
This is in fact a sad day for the people on this planet and for the planet itself. Just like Hitler, all that the "Cheney ticket" is selling is FEAR ITSELF! Media networks owned by corporations immerse themselves in this like pigs in shit... pun intended. The ancient Apache Indians (yes the ones that were "efficiently" slaughtered), before making any kind of decision, would consider its effects seven generations down the line. The fact that the leaders of this country and its inhabitants, pay no attention to preservation of the environment is sickening. The fact of the matter is, we are made of the same stuff and elements that composes the natural world. When it becomes diseased, so do we. People seem to be concerned with making that quick dollar and thats it regardless of its effects on nature. Again this is sickening. All I can say is that when the shit hits the fan and the supermarkets lose electricity, and the tap water stops running... people will be sorry. Emotional and societal chaos is what will ensue. A deep change needs to occur within the minds of our species. We must shed our selfish motives and seek balance and equality. If this does not happen, the apocalypse will arrive sooner than later. The "Bush administration" certainly isn't helping any.
Change is the only constant.... this is a universal truth. The very definition of the word "conservative" goes against this principal and is out of sync. That is all I have to say for now. Big ups to Seanchai and Allanah... atleast they exhibit morality unlike most of the filthy rich mother fucking conservative ignorant self centered, shithead REPUBLICANS.
Oh yeah, check out www.Trackerschool.com Adiosssss

11-04-2004, 01:55 AM
lol@magabody you loose. i like your thinking, however, with bush we are in some deep stuff. war, more war, and more war. i'm not trying to get drafted

11-04-2004, 02:14 AM
kerry and bush are both slow. the both cant form a sentence. i only voted for kerry cause i dont like bush. tell you the truth both of them are garbage. jeb bush probably plans to run. i hope hilary clinton runs next. :D

11-04-2004, 03:57 AM
NEVER thought i'd see this day.... Democracy in America is dead as we know it. Theres nowhere to go but down.. 4 more years of Bush is going to run this country into the ground.

no jobs, higher taxes, a faltering economy, unavailable health care, overpriced medicine, useless wars. This is what we have to look forward to.

And we're the ones that will have to deal with it, not the middle aged "Fat cats", or the idiot hicks in the south who are too dumb to know any better, and those are who got Bush back into office.

11-04-2004, 04:06 AM
When do I toss my $0.02.

J, you are correct about living with a myriad of people. I spent the first 18 years of my life in a small town with absolutely no cultural stimulai and it was sheer hell. I whole goal in high school was to move out of my town and go to school in a big city because if I stayed my life would have been sucked out of me. When I go back to visit family, you can see the resignation in people's faces that their lives have no meaning. It is disturbing and depressing at the same time. Living their lives devoid of any meaning. Looking back now I would have been classified as a timebomb and someone who might plan an attack on the school but I just wanted to get out. One of my best friends in high school is an artist who also escaped and we look back we wondered how we figured out that we needed to get out and broaden our horizons. When I moved away for college I threw myself into the culture of the city and met a diverse group of people that I call my friends. You need that diversity to broaden your horizons and open your mind.

Seanchai - I agree with you prodding people to get involved. People should be. Find ways to get involved at any level. One person can change the system. After all, we vote for one person to represent us at each level of government. That one person you voted for got involved at some level and stayed involved. It may sound idealogical but for good or bad, they got involved and the definition of good or bad is subjective. It all depends on the side of the fence you are on.

Me, I am a bit bitter because one parent was slightly involved for 30 years and there is still some lingering bitterness on my part.

Allanah - Your 10:35AM post was very well said. I agree with you 100%. Kerry could have won the South very easily. All he had to do was one thing.

Texas - "I am very happy yet at the same time I realize that considering how close the election was that we are a nation very closely divided. Bush isn't nearly as bad as some of you think he is and Kerrey is not nearly as good as some of you think he is.

This is why we live in a free country and are afforded the PRIVILEDGE (not right) to vote! We can elect whoever we want. The majority has spoken and they have re-elected George Bush!"

Very good points. We, as a nation, are divided and that is not a good sign. That is what Osama wants, for this country to be divided. It makes it easier for him to achieve his goals.

No Kerry is not as good as we think he is. I agonized over voting for him because I was not voting for his policies but against Bush's. That is dangerous, very dangerous. I wish Dean was the candidate. My vote ended up being a vote against the neocons as I do not share their beliefs. Not against the man but against the people behind him pulling his strings.

Yes, the right to vote is a priviledge. A priviledge most of us ignore or take for granted. We should be lucky to live in such a country where we still have such privliledges. In other countries that have recently turned their heads toward democracy some have decided after 10 years to turn away.

There is so much I can say but would prefer not to here. At the next party.....

11-04-2004, 04:29 AM
I leave for a few hours and when icome back you folks ar still going at it. I whole heartedly agree with MEGA, you aren't going to change anyones opinions in here by name calling or casting aspersions at others beliefs!

And the sweeping generalization that a person living in the south or midwest is not as cool, smart, cultured or whatever else you suggest is preposterous! All you folks living in NY or MASS take a good look around and I will assure you that you have way more than your fair share of simpletons, thugs, morons and generally uneducated people. Take a look at the national standardized testing results and you will see that your states are no smarter than the ones you believe are inferior in the brains and culture department.

It would serve you well to get off your collective high horses. Bush is going to be president for 4 more years. DEAL WITH IT! If you want to effect change, do something. The president doesn't single handedly make the decisions of the entire USA. It is a collective effort of all of congress and if enough of you lean on your congressman it will have an effect that will eventually make it to the top. Quit whining and do something for yourselves.

(And Seanchi I think that you would find yourself gravely mistaken on your prior assertion.)

11-04-2004, 05:10 AM

You and I share an admiration for beautiful women, particularly the stunning Lilienne Li, and I would joust you to the death for a an overnight with that beautiful dreamy woman if I could, but you are wa-a-a-a-ay off on your reasoning for voting for a politician. Even if you are a millionaire, and I'm going to assume you are and were simply voting your pocketbook interests, wouldn't those self-interests also envelope the health of your community, state, country, et all ? What good is having a few -- negligible amount mind you -- more bucks in your pocket if your neighborhood has become blighted in crime or homelessness due to federal cutbacks of programs designed to mitigate such ? Is your idea of a great United States of America one where the majority shop for Chinese made products at Walmart while a minority shop at Sak's Fifth Avenue ? That's where it's heading. Is adding to Reagan's debt, alienating our allies with a pre-emptive attack of a third world country killing 100,000 Iraqis, thus placing a bulls-eye on anyone and everything American for decades to come worth those few more bucks ? Is destroying the enviroment worth a few more bucks in your pocket ? What good is having a few extra bucks if you're living in a country going down the tubes in other words ? Reagan's legacy of homelessness and federal debt among other things only make me wonder what this moron will leave us with?

... The paradox working here in electing Bush in this election is just how many of the ignorant and working poor (waitresses, auto mechanics, factory workers, retail clerks, farmers, et all) voted for this clown out of the fear angle (terrorism). It's easy to sell security to anyone, particularly the aforementioned, who according to a recent survey (50%) still believe Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11. Yeah, witness how they ignore how they benefit from Democratic policies and how it is becoming harder and harder to earn a living day to day, but see how they eagerly and mistakingly vote against their own interests by voting for a clown who favors tax breaks for billionaires while he sends their working class kids overseas to die for his quagmire in the making.

Kerry voted to give the president the authorization to go to war, not to go to war. He, like most rational thinking people, assumed a president -- THIS PRESIDENT -- would go to war with legitimate reasons to go to war and -- AND -- as a last resort. This "president" didn't do either. He rushed us to war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and now we're stuck there. Stuck. Bush implied there was a link with Iraq all along and never bothered to dissuade this country's citizens. In my opinion he therefore lied, misled, and concocted a war to take the American public off his failed domestic policies and leadership. Who speaks from both sides of his mouth ? Yes, you have a right to your beliefs, but they should be based on facts. Got that ? Facts not emotion. ...The easiest thing for anyone to do is to align themselves to the powerful. It makes them feel powerful.

Felicia Katt
11-04-2004, 05:26 AM
if you are all so proud of Bush and his policies, come out as Tranny lovers at the next Republican Convention. See how small the the Big Tent suddenly will get when you do. Voting just your wallet and not your conscience is bad enough. Voting for someone who won on the basis of "values" when those values would condemn you, if the truth about you were known, is hypocritical.

11-04-2004, 06:56 AM
Mega if you're not serving probation or you're off parole you could have voted.
In New York City you can vote if:

You have been convicted of a felony but have been pardoned.
Your maximum sentence of imprisonment has expired.
You have been discharged from parole.
You have been convicted but have not been sentenced to imprisonment or if the sentence of imprisonment has been suspended.
You finished your maximum sentence and are currently serving probation.

The laws vary from state to state but its in certain groups favor to keep people ignorant of this.

11-04-2004, 07:31 AM

Oh, what swift boat did Bush command ?

I'll never understand how one can attempt to pick apart things from someone who served and actually saw action, regardless if it was for four months or four days, and then had the courage and wherewithall to come back and denounce a war that had no point, but can't account for Bush's whereabouts around the same time ? I would think one -- just one -- of his fellow guardsmen would come forward and verify that he was indeed in Alabama serving the National Guard.

Who's the one hiding something and the liar and deceiver again ?

11-04-2004, 10:02 AM
I just want to tell everyone that I think it is useless to argue with MEGAloser. He is aggressive, crude, confrontational and violent (Just like Cheney). He seems too ignorant to grasp new concepts and accept new ideas that resonate with truth (like Bush). It is also amusing that one of the republicans only anti-Kerry assaults is that he is a "flip flopper"... Give me a goddamn break... fluidity and evolving with the times is key. Bush has friggin brain damage from years of coke/alcohol/poor genetics, and doesn't even compose his own speeches. The current administration are war and corporate criminals that should be locked up... bottom line And what's up with the friggin country music that they blast at these republican speeches? All I have to say is Stop Mad Cowboy Disease... Anybody ever seen the movie Deliverance? lol

When you get a Dick and a Bush in the Whitehouse, someone is bound to get screwed...

Oh yeah, Red Sox kick all ass

11-04-2004, 04:00 PM
T-Chaser....get with the program. Kerrey doesn't write his own speeches either. What was your point on that. Also, i agree that a politician needs to be amenable to change but Kerrey changes with the direction of the wind. He has no true conviction.

The people have spoken and they want more BUSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

11-04-2004, 05:28 PM
Tchaser - I think most pigfuckers and inbreds believe its the liberal east and west coasters who have coke/alcohol induced brain damage. Most of them drink pepsi or RC, I think.

Kerry has never explained his alleged flip-flopping as changing his mind - he claims it was nuances, technical details that the dumb voting public wouldn't understand, that changed his positions. If he came clean and said he had a change of heart, he'd have one some votes but probably lost more. I ended up voting for him but I really DO think he only voted to prop up his candidacy, not with his integrity!

11-04-2004, 08:34 PM
Violence breeds more violence......bottom line. Don't you stupid fuck cowboys see this? The "USA" lol, shoul be setting examples of peace and trust if they wanted to prevent WWIII. Do you know how many more terrorists we are giving birth to by our actions? We are losing in Iraq and will lose. Actually WWIII has already started and we are on the virge of a civil war in this country. Think of it as similar to Star Wars, the militant Imperial DARK SIDE of the force Vs. the rebels..... its on the way. George Lucas is a genious.

11-04-2004, 08:36 PM
:evil: dummies

11-04-2004, 08:43 PM
The people have spoken and they want more BUSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
The people? What a crock. Bush received 51% of the vote, roughly 3% more than Kerry. Note: that's only 51% of those who voted or 58 million out of 295 million--scarcely 20%. Bush claims to be all about the rights of the unborn, yet 25% of the US population (a larger group than those who voted him back in power) are excluded from voting by virtue of being too young, yet these are the ones who will inherit the burgeoning debt, lose social security, and inherit a depleted environment. Some mandate.

(Wait, TexasTman, maybe you mean that the people want more bush--but most of the people on this forum want more cock, not more bush.)

To everyone except MEGA: this sort of dialogue is going on on every forum of I know of, in every field and industry. Some are crying (as MEGA says), some are belittling others, some are crazed, yes. But I think most of the dialogue isn't crying at all, it's taking action in the most immediate way we can: expressing ourselves in groups of our peers. Rant on! (You, too, MEGA.)

11-04-2004, 08:56 PM
i agree more cock, no more bush. thats th new slogan

11-04-2004, 08:58 PM
I wonder how Bush would feel if he knew some of his fellow Texans posted on this board...

11-04-2004, 10:17 PM
Mess With Texas

11-04-2004, 10:38 PM
Ecstatic -

Thats the best friggin joke I've heard since the election.

2000: Bush didn't get a majority of the popular vote
2004: Bush didn't get a big enough majority of the popular vote

What's next? You want a sweep?

11-04-2004, 11:01 PM
Hey, seaman, ya gotta laugh even in the face of adversity sometimes. As for the future, I'm wondering how 2008 is going to shape up. Bush is out after this term (though I will not be a bit surprised if he lobbies to eliminate the 22nd amendment), and Cheney is not going to run (or have a snowball's chance in Dallas on July 4th if he does), so who are the Reps going to put up? Delay? Probably McCain, if he's still interested. And the Dems? Since Kerry lost this go round, it's unlikely he'll be back again (though not out of the question). Edwards? He's gone from bright shining newcomer to hasbeen already; he's no longer in the Senate and the VP would've been his best bet (and that would've been in 2012). Ah! Hilary! Could it be? Could we go from Bush to Clinton to Bush to Clinton?! Interesting times, as the Chinese proverb would have it.

11-05-2004, 01:54 AM
Ecstatic- In an earlier post I clearly stated that we are closely divided. I am not even pretending that this wasn't a very close election. It is however the first time since 88' that the president elect has won the popular vote. That goes for all the bleeding hearts that voted for Clinton. Slick Willie never won the popular vote but I am sure you have a different view when the shoe is on the other foot.

Magic9- We all know that more cock is all you have ever wanted.

11-05-2004, 02:43 AM

Check out the T-shirt.


11-05-2004, 02:49 AM
. It is however the first time since 88' that the president elect has won the popular vote. That goes for all the bleeding hearts that voted for Clinton. Slick Willie never won the popular vote but I am sure you have a different view when the shoe is on the other foot.
just for your information texas:

1992 William J. Clinton Democratic 44,909,889
George H. Bush Republican 39,104,545
H. Ross Perot Independent 19,742 267

William J. Clinton Democratic 47,402,357
Robert J. Dole Republican 39,198,755
H. Ross Perot Reform Party 8,085,402

LOL so according to YOUR GOP propaganda slick willie never won the popular vote??? since when, for a rep mathematician 39 is more than 47???

but thats typical, check a reps "fact" it usually turns out to be crappy propaganda

11-05-2004, 02:52 AM
Steevex -- my bad..i meant to say that he didn't win a majority. I'll stand by that even though I am not too sure about your 96' numbers

11-06-2004, 03:25 PM
Ecstatic- In an earlier post I clearly stated that we are closely divided. I am not even pretending that this wasn't a very close election.
Thanks, Tman. Yes, it was a very close election, and I hope (but don't expect, especially with his speech the next day) that Bush remembers how close it was and doesn't take his victory as license to do whatever he wants. Interesting sidebar: yes, Bush won the largest popular vote in history. But just to show how close it was, Kerry captured the second largest vote in history, 1.4 million more votes than Reagan did in '84 which had been the record until now. Think about it: the second largest vote in US history went to the loser. That's close.

11-06-2004, 03:32 PM
Steevex -- my bad..i meant to say that he didn't win a majority. I'll stand by that even though I am not too sure about your 96' numbers
Tman, how are you defining majority? If it's a portion larger than the combined votes of all the opponents, then by this definition, Clinton won a majority in his second term (by over 118,000), but not in his first (not by a wide margin).