View Full Version : 12 year old TS wants op at 16; she's too honest for her sake

02-03-2007, 04:26 AM
Sex-change child wants operation sooner (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=CXSW10AAXV2YLQFIQMFSFGGAVCBQ 0IV0?xml=/news/2007/01/31/wkim31.xml)

The German boy believed to be the youngest sex change patient in the world, who started hormone treatment at the age of 12, wants to bring forward the final operation by two years.
The youngster, christened Tim but now called Kim, was allowed to start the treatment after convincing doctors he wanted to live the rest of his life as a female.
Now aged 14, Kim told Germany's Stern TV his dearest wish was to have the final cosmetic surgery to remove the male genitalia when he is 16.
Under German law the operation can not take place until Kim is 18, which would mean either a law change or travelling abroad to a country where there was no legal objection to the surgery being completed.
Pictures of him on German TV showed Kim looking like a typical teenage girl, playing with strands of his long hair while seated in the pink attic bedroom of his parents' house. The room is filled with fashion magazines, a makeup table, a sewing machine and even a clothes mannequin near the window.
He also keeps a piggy bank filled with change he has been saving for the operation since the age of five, even though all the costs so far have been paid by the German health service that classifies his condition as an illness.
When he was just two Tim tried on his older sister's clothes and played with Barbies. As soon as he could speak he told his parents: "I'm a girl."
His father, named only as Lutz P for legal reasons, said they realised then it was not just a phase and that the problem was serious. After that, Tim went by "Kim" at home. He played typical girl games with other girls, went to their birthday parties and even dressed up for the ballet.
Germany alone has 6,000 transsexuals under permanent medical treatment as adults, with many living otherwise ordinary lives as engineers and lawyers, artists, programmers and teachers.

His parents decided to help Kim with a sex change after he grew increasingly distressed at becoming like other adult transsexuals with big hands and deep voices who he thought looked ridiculous when they dress like women.
Kim's mother, who has not been named, said: "If your child has a heart defect you send him to a specialist, but when your child is transsexual, everyone seems to have an opinion."
Kim said the endless series of questions was embarrassing, but told Germany's Spiegel magazine: "I answered their questions to the best of my ability, but the whole thing felt humiliating.
"All of a sudden, I had the feeling that it was my fault, that there was something dirty going on."
Gender identity disorders are not rare among children, and they often appear as soon as a child starts to speak. The problem goes away in about a quarter of these children. Most of the remaining three-quarters become homosexual.
In about two to 10 per cent of the cases, though, early gender identity disorders lead to transsexualism.
Germany has only a few experts on child transsexual development, and Kim's family eventually turned to Dr Bernd Meyenburg, who is the head of the clinic for children with identity disturbances at Frankfurt university. He has studied transsexuality since the 1970s said Kim was a "real dilemma".
He said: "If we do something about it, it's irreversible. And if we allow nature to take its course, that too is irreversible."
He added, however, that it "would have been a crime to let Kim grow up as a man".
In the past Dr Meyenburg admits he strongly opposed hormone treatment for children but changed his mind when one of his patients refused to listen and ordered hormones over the internet, then went abroad at 17 and had a sex change operation for a few thousand euros.
Dr Meyenburg admits he was angry at the time, but said today the woman is a law student and one of his happiest patients.
He now allows young patients to enter hormone treatment early, before puberty complicates a sex change. "They simply suffer less," he said.

The red text in the quote caught my eye. I can imagine the hatemail she is getting right now.

02-03-2007, 11:43 AM

02-03-2007, 05:49 PM
She also would not be the youngest TS paitient to obtain hormones either. Just us here on this board could name a couple of people who had them younger.

02-03-2007, 09:21 PM
My opinion on children beginning HRT is truly on a
case by case basis.

And HRT or SRS is not something for anyone to enter
into lightly at any age.

I feel that the individual needs to give this decision a lot of
thought, and should be fully armed with as much information
as possible.

In the case of a parent making this decision for their child, the
same applies. One needs to enter into this decision with logic
and not have it be based purely on emotions.

Ideally the person should be under the care of a therapist
who specializes in GID.

Having said that, I don't feel that that the psychological
community should be playing 'God' with a gender choice.

I am a believer in having the patient being part of their
treatment team, and having say so in the course of their care.

Nothing would be worse that having a person live a lifetime of
misery in the wrong gender when there are surgical, and hormonal
interventions that could correct the situation.

Though perhaps equally or perhaps far worse would be to make
an irreversible surgical decision.

02-03-2007, 11:52 PM
They might get hatemail, but they are refreashingly honest.

02-04-2007, 02:48 AM
Oh yes the empassioned pleas by a transgendered woman talking about how she was just as feminie but she hid it for 50 years. How she was powerless to make the change, because she had to pay the mortgage on her house and car. :-?

Or that transition was impossible in the 60's, 70's or 80's.

Both of which ending with so don't judge me.

Or the tried and true favorite, that any TS who looks good, transitioned young, and likes men will get "Your just a gay little fagboy".

The more things change the more they stay the same. Older and younger transioners generally don't mix well. I hate it but it is true.

02-04-2007, 02:58 AM
I've discovered i don't mix well with older transitioners who look like men in a dress. I've discovered that it tends to make me run like hell down the city streets in the night, fumbling for my car keys.

02-04-2007, 03:38 AM
Yeah it boggles my mind how someone who's lived their life as a heterosexual male, has kids, a wife, and looks and acts like a man suddenly wants to take hormones at age 50 and become a woman...

02-04-2007, 04:12 AM
There's no big mystery. They have a sense of being a woman that is deeper than the skin. Almost exactly the same as can be said for the girls you see here.

They also have an unrealistic fantasy that they will be treated either like XX genetic women or like who you would see on this website. When those hopes are dashed guess who catches hell.

02-04-2007, 05:40 AM
Yeah it boggles my mind how someone who's lived their life as a heterosexual male, has kids, a wife, and looks and acts like a man suddenly wants to take hormones at age 50 and become a woman...

There's no big mystery. They have a sense of being a woman that is deeper than the skin. Almost exactly the same as can be said for the girls you see here.

They also have an unrealistic fantasy that they will be treated either like XX genetic women or like who you would see on this website. When those hopes are dashed guess who catches hell.

That is a difficult situation and one that I find hard to get my
head around.

I often wonder how someone is able to live almost an entire
lifetime in the wrong gender. Often times they are able to
marry, have children, and for all intents and purposes live
their lives as a male.

Which is not to say that a transsexual can not be in a
committed relationship with the opposite biological

A part of me actually does understand the 'why' as society can
be cruel to someone who deviates from the norm. Clearly their
family may frown upon it.

And then as has been stated in their latter years, they may decide
that now is the time to transition.

Maybe they feel that because their children are grown, or that
their marriage can no longer bear the strain of them living a
lie, they opt to transition.

Yet this seems to not be the optimum time to transition. Physically
after decades of testosterone, living as males, and functioning
as males it may not be something they will be able to pull off.

Time has masculinized them, and it will be extremely difficult
for them to make convincing women.

The friends, family, and business associates that have known
them for a lifetime as a 'he' must now adjust to them as a 'she'.

It will be difficult for the transitioner and it will be difficult for
those that know them.

And if as stated they feel that they are women trapped in
a man's body, then they incarcerated themselves in a
cell to which they had the key all along.

02-04-2007, 07:22 AM
Yeah it boggles my mind how someone who's lived their life as a heterosexual male, has kids, a wife, and looks and acts like a man suddenly wants to take hormones at age 50 and become a woman...

In my neck of the woods, half the women DO look like that. :lol:

Lemme guess, this one was from urnotalone.com, yes? :?:

02-04-2007, 07:24 AM
If one holds the key to their cell then they are not imprisoned. Just afraid.

02-20-2007, 12:41 PM
* Deleted *

02-20-2007, 04:42 PM
@ Ariana

That's me totally. I wanted that operation from as soon as I knew such an operation existed. I even remember how I first heard about it. There was an episode of "WKRP in cincinnati" where one of the characters had agreed to go on a date with someone he meet at a highschool reunuion. As it turned out she had been a post op TS. I said "Dad your a surgeon can you do a sex change on me?" That did not make him happy. I was about 9.


Could you possibly make your avatar smaller? Please?

I think perhaps the explaination lies in the possibility that some people are not all the same on the TS scale.

Some bright and sensitive male children will commit suicide for an apparently unknown reason at around age 13-15. I've wondered if they were strongly distressd with the changes their body was going thru as they became young men. Let's call them a "10" - Transition or suicide or self mutilation for them.

Some people are say a "5". Kinda femmy but can be a guy too. Like to build up electronic circuits and shoot guns and stuff like that, but also likes to dress up and pretend to be a girl sometimes too. (We won't mention the creative ways of masturbation that someone who is too shy to even talk to girls but still has raging hormones can come up with).

Suppose that sometimes an otherwise frail / sissy-type little boy can grow into a man. He joins the military, goes to school, gets a (technical) job, joins a good bible believing church and gets married to a good woman. That's all guarenteed to make all those silly felings about wanting to be a girl go away...

Well anyway, for some if/when these feelings return, CrossDressing is enough.

I agree not everyone is the same on the TS scale. There are some shades of grey but there are only two primary colors of transsexual. They can be used to describe most any transsexual.

There are two types of transsexual and I use how we describe ourselves to delinate them. There are those who "Identify as women." then there are those who "Identify with girls and women". You have to really talk to someone in order to get them to reveal how they feel about this.

Some of us describe having always prefered girls things, and girls activities. As they start to grow through teen age years they never "creatively mastrubate" with the fantasy of being a woman. Primarily this type likes males and may think themselves to be homosexual at first (this does not have to be the case all the time). They may even try to live as a man for a while but that never works for long. Because of their irrepressible and remarkable feminity they will probably start transition (at least their first hormones) by 25 at the latest. When these people describe thier feelings they tend to put them in terms of how much they identify with women and girls lives. This kind is never obsessed with having the operation and has SRS for practical and pragmatic reasons.

Some of us describe having had fantasies of being a woman. They start at puberty and involve that "creative masturbation". People like this may claim a number of sexual orientations or that their orientation changed. They tend to be normally masculine as boys and men. They tend to lead rather successful, seemingly un impaired lives as men. They devlope a female alter ego of shorts that they slip into and out of and one day they just have to keep living as that alter ego. They tend to bellive that the alter ego is real, they need to believe in her. They stress how much they identify as women when they describe their feelings. This kind is obsessed with SRS in general in the belief that it makes them a "real woman". Most annoyingly they often do not recognize that other TS's can have another reason or reasons for this.

Someone who reads this may think it sounds like the taboo theory of "Autogynephilia" due to Blanchard, and Bailey. Well it isn't. Not quite. For though I accept that two basic types exist. I reject that sexuality is what makes the difference between them. They have different feelings, different psychology, because of how what ever causes transsexuality effected them and their brains. These types have always been known. Sometimes called primary and secondary. This is not a new idea really. As for BB&L, they really focused to much on sexuality.

The 12 year old in this story is a prime example of the first kind of transsexual. From reading what the people here at HA mostly say about themselves that applies to most of us as well. The big give away is that basically no one here is obsessed with having the op.

Wendy you on the other hand are clearly the second type. You speak of "creative mastrubation" and you waited until you were fifty one to transtion. don't take that as a value judgement. (I could have written about the kind you are first. then you would be the first type. :-) ) Most importantly having experienced such a typically male life you could not really identify with what women been through (i.e. having been through approximately the same things such as trouble with boyfriends. Or having your feminity or efeimnacy hamper your finding a job. etc.)

There it is , what I really really think about this issue.

02-20-2007, 05:24 PM

On a few occasions afterthat I would try to discuss SRS with my father. Asking him about the technical aspects of it. I found out that he had observed such an operation being done once. (perhaps he considereed being an SRS surgeon, instead he choose feet). The one I remember most after paitiently answering many questions he said " So you wan't your dick cut off. I'll cut yer dick off for ya! Now shut the fuck up and get me a beer. I laugh about it now.

02-21-2007, 10:19 AM
* Deleted *

02-21-2007, 10:44 AM
* Deleted *

02-21-2007, 11:21 PM

Don't tell me about that. I live in Chicago and I know for a fact that Dr. Bailey treated, or talked regulary with transsexuals from all over Chicagoland (city and suburbs). He did meet some in tranny bars. He meet more though the Howard Brown Health center here in Chicago. Including myself back in 2000. Though I was not his paitient he did talk to me several times.

I don't live in "boys town". Neither did "Maria" or "Juanita", or Anjelica K. (I don't know them but I kind of remember meeting Maria once.). Furthermre so what if he meet some people in boystown? That's where the GLBT people are concentrated duh. Shelve that criticism.

Last but not least. It appears that the doctor who helped the 12 year old was applying BBL theory to her. If you have bothered to read TMWWBQ for yourself would notice how much like "Danny Ryan" the kid is. So much for the criticism that Bailey just made that part up. ("No body ever actually is a femine boy we just all lie and say were are." Speak for yourselves.) uft

07-16-2007, 01:02 AM

I think perhaps the explaination lies in the possibility that some people are not all the same on the TS scale.

Some bright and sensitive male children will commit suicide for an apparently unknown reason at around age 13-15. I've wondered if they were strongly distressd with the changes their body was going thru as they became young men. Let's call them a "10" - Transition or suicide or self mutilation for them.

Some people are say a "5". Kinda femmy but can be a guy too. Like to build up electronic circuits and shoot guns and stuff like that, but also likes to dress up and pretend to be a girl sometimes too. (We won't mention the creative ways of masturbation that someone who is too shy to even talk to girls but still has raging hormones can come up with).

Suppose that sometimes an otherwise frail / sissy-type little boy can grow into a man. He joins the military, goes to school, gets a (technical) job, joins a good bible believing church and gets married to a good woman. That's all guarenteed to make all those silly felings about wanting to be a girl go away...

Well anyway, for some if/when these feelings return, CrossDressing is enough.

I agree with this. I mean, there are guys who marry women and have kids but are actually gay and after 20 years, get divorced because they just can't fight it anymore. But being gay is one thing ~ you are a man who is sexually and romantically attracted to other men, not women. On the other hand, being a transsexual is a whole mix of emotions and actions and ways of being. That's why it's more complicated.

Benjamin called it "total psychosexual inversion", but life is a bit more complicated than that. I think he was on the right track though and I think that's what you're trying to get at.

Benjamin scale: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_scale)

1: Pseudo TV
2: Fetishistic TV
3: True TV
4: TS, Nonsurgical
5: TS, Moderate intensity
6: TS, High intensity

If I was going to put myself on this scale, I'd say 5/6. Kinsey-wise, I'm about a 5 (almost but not exclusively interested in men). I don't hate my genitalia, I think it's weird that some people do. I hate the social effects of being a girl with a penis though. I'm a bottom and vaginal sex would just be easier and more pleasurable than anal. I do strongly desire to be a normal girl. I depend on estrogen, my brain and body really hates testosterone ~ both pre-transition and when I've been poor and couldn't afford it ~ it's intensely painful and debilitating without it.

I went through a lot of suicidal "ideation" as therapists call it and a couple serious attempts at 15. From 14 through 19, when I started hormones, I self-injured (cutting, scratch, primarily burning). I have only had a couple of relapses. This gets complicated because I'm also a masochist but I know other people who have both issues and there is a difference between "happy cuts" and "bad cuts", one of my friends can point out which of his are which. Most of my scars have faded though and I'm happy to move forward.

I still hate my body and the fact that I have had to live like this and not as a normal girl. I have had a lot of pent-up frustration over the years considering I've been struggling with this for over a decade intensely.

I don't see how someone can wait 40-50 years though, I would have killed myself long before. Anyway, at that point, why bother? I don't get it.

07-16-2007, 11:52 AM
I've discovered i don't mix well with older transitioners who look like men in a dress. I've discovered that it tends to make me run like hell down the city streets in the night, fumbling for my car keys.

Yeah it boggles my mind how someone who's lived their life as a heterosexual male, has kids, a wife, and looks and acts like a man suddenly wants to take hormones at age 50 and become a woman...

I read a couple of troubling things from younger people on this thread about their acceptance of older transsexuals. I am assuming these are boys. I hope they don't represent the younger transsexuals on this site.

Speaking as an older transsexual - one who's partner is 23 years old and 20 years my junior. It saddens me to see such a generation gap in some of these posts - especially by those who want acceptance - either as transwomen or as admirers, but are so unwilling to accept others.

As for people who transitioned later in life. Yes, some are fetish transitions. And some are scary. And some will never "pass." But so what?

For most transsexuals who are 40-50-60 and in transition you younger guys and girls need to understand the following.

It was only 30 years ago that Rene Richards had SRS. It's really only been the past 5-10 years that surgical techniques have evolved to the point where SRS is generally of acceptable quality that revision surgery isn't necessary. I know 3 girls who had SRS in the 70's and all have ongoing vaginal problems.

10 years ago we didn't have really successful laser hair removal or FFS. 20 years ago we barely had boob implants.

Until 1996 it was ILLEGAL in San Diego for a man to wear the clothing of a female in public. It's STILL illegal in many countries. When I was a kid if you told someone you felt like a girl or GOD FORBID that you actually liked to have sex with men - you could easily get locked up in a mental institution.

I know TS's in their 40's who were given electroshock treatments and testosterone injections - to "cure" them. We didn't even have the basic Benjamin Standards until 1969 - and they are still a screwed up mess.

WE STILL DON'T HAVE PROTECTION FROM HATE CRIME in most of the country. And there is a damm good chance the Senate will screw us in the next week or two. Most of the nation and world can still refuse to rent you a hotel room - or toss you out of one if they find out you are trans - and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

It was only 8 years ago that we had the frist "Trans-Unity" conference in LA. This winter was the SECOND - "TS Leadership Conference" held at USC. It was less than 40 years ago that transsexuals led the Stonewall riots that led to the Gay civil rights movement.

We are presently in our OWN civil rights movement. And boys and girls this IS a Civil Rights Movement.

So PLEASE before you condem people who have big hands, or who for whatever reason didn't transition at 14 - please realize we are ALL pioneers in the evolution of mankind.

And that kid in Germany is the first step on the next rung of the ladder - which is to treat people when they are young enough to benefit from it. And not force them into the closet for 10-20 or 30 years.

TS Jamie

07-16-2007, 04:28 PM
I am truly sorry that what was written here hit you that way. Consider the following.

I think you should read the thread called "Who is the oldest transwoman you know? (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=21778&highlight=oldest)" The question was asked by Peggygee

Many of us can point out transsexual women who are 60 70 and 80 + years old who started living as females when they were in their teens and 20's. Hormone supplements were known to science even back then. They could be obtained outside the medical system then, as now. They did was was necessary such is why they get respect.

Here's the problem. It has nothing to do with generations.

People who are the same age as those ladies transition now, then they want to get the same respect as those people do. Because they are the same age. They want to be the mother of the group. When in fact they would rank lower than any daughter simply by virtue of their inexperience. They try to gain that respect by verbally and in a very male way attacking someone who has respect. Only to end up being permanently on the outside. I have seen it so many times, so many times. I know of one time an older transitoner physically assaulted a younger one just outside of a GLBT clinic. It is people who would do that... they are who comments in this thread were really about not necessarily all later transitioners in general.

About the whole "it was impossible to transition without the internet (FFS/less homophobia/...)" notion.

Excuses excuses. Many here are like me closer to 30 than 20 and did not have any of those things to help us. In fact those of us who would not compromise had to have great perseverance, and lost many other things in life to live this way. Family relationships, career opportunties, etc. This myth that it has been so easy is really irritating and 100% false.

07-16-2007, 06:26 PM
I think for some people the idea that transition was "impossible" before the 90s is true. I mean, American girls aren't able to buy hormones over the counter like in a lot of developing countries without strict regulations. Many there will just say "it's for my mom" ~ for menopause relief ~ at 12, 13, 14 because they heard it from another TS. Many countries don't have that sort of woman-to-woman passing down of information and training.

I know Rene Richards only transitioned 30 years ago but she hardly would have inspired my transition. My first exposure to actual TS apart from Jerry Springer was a contemporary article with photo on Christine Jorgensen, the first accidental celebrity TS in America in 1952. She got tons of letters from admirers as well as potential transitioners. There were a flurry of people talking to doctors and pschologists about how to get on this treatment. In 1966, Harry Benjamin published The Transsexual Phenomenon.

Of course, this is just how our scientific, modernist society has dealt with transsexualism but for thousands of years males have been living as women and females as men, whether or not the culture afforded them a role of third and fourth gender. Transsexualism is hardly a new phenomenon, whether it emerges from biology or from culture.

I occasionally drop in to the local transgender self-help group to say "hi" and show my support. On one of these occasions last year, I met a woman who said she goes to one of these sorts of things maybe once a year for the same reason. She was in her 40s and had transitioned in the 80s. She said it was a lot harder than it is now and that she doesn't fault those of her generation and older for waiting this long to do it. I've heard the same thing from a couple other women online who transitioned in the 80s and have decided to come back into the trans community to support younger women after living stealth.

I don't fault anyone for not transitioning until their 30s, 40s, 50s, or even older. It's more just like I don't understand. I didn't find out the information on how to transition until 2001 at the age of 16, prior to that I just fought my own battle with no direction or role model. I struggled with giving up the fight, it seemed hopeless against my family and society, that's why I attempted suicide twice before I got hope from finding information on how to transition and photos of beautiful teenage girls who were like me.

Maybe it's the whole "intensity level" thing, but I don't get how someone could "hide" as a straight man in a masculine job, entrenched in the community, have a wife and kids, and then decide at the age of 45 that they have always been a woman. What does that even mean? You say that there is less intolerance now but it's not like I was never beaten up and harassed for being myself all my life, all of us have been. I grew up with conservative, self-described Fundamentalist parents who tried hard both after they became involved in the right-wing movement and when they realized my "sissyhood" was not going away. They pushed but what could they do? My natural way of being comes through the cracks. I don't see how it could not.

07-16-2007, 09:17 PM
Oh no no I don't fault them for waiting. Not at all. I doubt that they were waiting.

I used to be as confused as you were by the whole idea of someone living just fine until 40 then suddenly switching. Then I realized that the idea that they were a transsexual never occurred to them until they were 40. That explains why they acted the way they did and why they exercised the personal power to do all those things (house, children, career) but not transisition.

They almost never say "I waited". They say "it was impossible". Which is false.


Like about hormones. Those could be had here in the USA quite easily. Illegally true but not so hard. Not all prescription drugs are treated equally. The rules most people think of are for the so called schedule 1 drugs (http://www.cnsm.csulb.edu/services/safety/druglist.htm). Those are the ones that will get you in hot water. NOTE ESTRADIOL AND PREMARIN ARE NOT ON THE LIST! Take a good close look at the prescription note you get from the doctor next time. Is there anything special about it? Not really it's a note which is barely legible. I will not post instructions on how to scam the system but it really is not too hard to figure out. Basically if you have the note and the money you have the hormones at full price.

It is a little easier now than it was when I was comming up. There were no youth centers or any services targeted specifically at TS youth. Only reparative therapy and antidepressants.

07-16-2007, 09:43 PM
They almost never say "I waited". They say "it was impossible". Which is false.

I think it really isn't about what is or is not possible... it is about perception.

If someone perceives something to be impossible it might (might), in some cases, have them waiting until their beliefs leave them thinking it is possible after all. How long it takes someone to go from "there is no way this is possible" to "maybe I could do this" to "this is feasible" is a fairly individual thing.

07-17-2007, 06:14 AM
I am truly sorry that what was written here hit you that way. Consider the following.

I think you should read the thread called "Who is the oldest transwoman you know? (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=21778&highlight=oldest)" The question was asked by Peggygee

Many of us can point out transsexual women who are 60 70 and 80 + years old who started living as females when they were in their teens and 20's. Hormone supplements were known to science even back then. They could be obtained outside the medical system then, as now. They did was was necessary such is why they get respect.

Here's the problem. It has nothing to do with generations.

People who are the same age as those ladies transition now, then they want to get the same respect as those people do. Because they are the same age. They want to be the mother of the group. When in fact they would rank lower than any daughter simply by virtue of their inexperience. They try to gain that respect by verbally and in a very male way attacking someone who has respect. Only to end up being permanently on the outside. I have seen it so many times, so many times. I know of one time an older transitoner physically assaulted a younger one just outside of a GLBT clinic. It is people who would do that... they are who comments in this thread were really about not necessarily all later transitioners in general.

About the whole "it was impossible to transition without the internet (FFS/less homophobia/...)" notion.

Excuses excuses. Many here are like me closer to 30 than 20 and did not have any of those things to help us. In fact those of us who would not compromise had to have great perseverance, and lost many other things in life to live this way. Family relationships, career opportunties, etc. This myth that it has been so easy is really irritating and 100% false.

Having transitioned in the 'bad old' days, some thirty plus years ago,
before there was the plethora of information, and modicum of
acceptability that now exists for transsexuals, I indeed did what I had
to do.

I was able to procure HRT both under the supervision of an
endocronologist, and under the table when needed. I sought out and
was able to obtain therapy around GID and other issuses. I was able to
have the various cosmetic surgeries that I needed (rhinoplasty, laryngeal
scraping, orchiechtomy, etc) and ultimately SRS.

With the exception of the negative events that occurred as a result of my
substance abuse, I was able to for the most part achieve my
life goals. I pursued and completed degrees. I was able to sustain
gainful employment.

There is an adage that I once heard and have adopted as a mantra;

'Impossible, merely determines the degree of difficulty'. :wink:

07-17-2007, 06:20 AM
I read a couple of troubling things from younger people on this thread

about their acceptance of older transsexuals. I am assuming these are

boys. I hope they don't represent the younger transsexuals on this


That the transcommunity is extremely fractious and divisive,
is no secret, indeed I and others have written about it many

To illustrate the point, I have reposted a previous post on
that matter:


Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for being here today.

I shall be extremely brief with our State Of The Dis-union
address for the transcommunity;

Look at that bitch she think she cute.

The pre op thinks the non op is playing at being
a women and they both dislike the post op cause
she think she the shit.

The older girls don't like the young girls.
The young girls don't like the older girls.

The celibate girls don't understand the sisters who
sells a bit.

The Latina doesn't like the Asian who doesn't like the
Black girl and all of them hate on the White girls.

And society in general ain't feeling none of them till
its time to get their freak on or need amusement on
Maury or Springer.

Thank you again for your time.