View Full Version : Listen to (and Watch) the Voices of Iraq

01-26-2007, 10:57 PM
Listen to (and Watch) the Voices of Iraq

Be a cyber observer: View our video of dinner with Congressman Jim McDermott and leading voices in Amman Jordan

At the dinner table, sit a host of Middle East leaders with Congressman Jim McDermott. The setting is Amman, Jordan; the topic is what to do about Iraq.

Hear advice from:

Hassan Anbari, the Counselor for International Affairs for the Jordan Institute of Diplomacy, an Iraqi Shia.

Hassan Abu Nimah, the Director General of the Royal Institute for Interfaith Dialogue, advisor to Prince El Hassan Ben Talal, and a former Jordan Ambassador to the United Nations, the EU, Belgium and Italy. He is a Jordanian Sunni of Palestinian origin.

Wissam Al-Zahawi, Secretary General of the Arab Thought Forum and the former Ambassador to the Vatican for the Saddam Regime; he is a Daghistan Sunni.

George Hawatmeh, the former chief editor of the Jordan Times and former chief editor of Al Rai newspaper. He is a Greek Orthodox Christian,

Munther Haddadin, the former Minister of Water and Irrigation for Jordan, a Greek Orthodox Christian.

Kamal Al-Qaisi, an Iraqi economist who is an Iraqi Sunni

The participants initially expressed their frustration about the missteps that lead to the growing, seemingly insoluble problem in Iraq. They blame the U.S. neo-cons and Israeli Zionists for getting us in this mess in the first place. They are concerned that the overall plan was to divide Iraq into pieces.

But that was just the beginning. As leaders, they are well aware that solutions rather than complaints are what we all need.

And so, they offered their advice to us and our Congressional representatives.

They urge us to involve all of Iraq's neighbors when determining a resolution for the problems -- including Syria and Iran. They want the U.S. to cease aiming for a military victory. They suggest

*Suspending of the Iraqi Constitution;

*Closing of the country's borders;

*Allowing soldiers of the Iraqi army and the workers of Saddam's government to return;

*Announcing an end to the occupation;

*Negotiating with the Resistance; and

*Turning the problem over to a United Nations Trusteeship.

Hear from some Middle East voices not screened by this Administration or the Western media.

See and hear the 50-minute video here.

The dinner was convened by Congressman Jim McDermott and was hosted by Lexi and Munther Haddadin. The video was produced by The Progressive Government Institute (PGI), www.progressivegovernment.org. Video is directed by Dal LaMagna, founder of PGI, and is edited by Joseph Smallwood.


All the links mentioned can be found at the link below
(I don't feel like messin' with the BBCode)-


01-26-2007, 11:37 PM
Hear advice from:

Hassan Anbari, the Counselor for International Affairs for the Jordan Institute of Diplomacy, an Iraqi Shia.

Hassan Abu Nimah, the Director General of the Royal Institute for Interfaith Dialogue, advisor to Prince El Hassan Ben Talal, and a former Jordan Ambassador to the United Nations, the EU, Belgium and Italy. He is a Jordanian Sunni of Palestinian origin.

Wissam Al-Zahawi, Secretary General of the Arab Thought Forum and the former Ambassador to the Vatican for the Saddam Regime; he is a Daghistan Sunni.
George Hawatmeh, the former chief editor of the Jordan Times and former chief editor of Al Rai newspaper. He is a Greek Orthodox Christian,

Munther Haddadin, the former Minister of Water and Irrigation for Jordan, a Greek Orthodox Christian.

Kamal Al-Qaisi, an Iraqi economist who is an Iraqi Sunni

LMAO! LMAO! I like how you Marxists form rainbow coalitions and expect to sell your stupidity based on "racial and religious diversity" rather than on the merits of each individual. Classic liberal play.

The participants initially expressed their frustration about the missteps that lead to the growing, seemingly insoluble problem in Iraq. They blame the U.S. neo-cons and Israeli Zionists for getting us in this mess in the first place. They are concerned that the overall plan was to divide Iraq into pieces.

If by "Zionists" you mean "people who believe Israel has a right to exist per the United Nations", I agree. Unfortunately for you, it's the Zionists who have been under attack from the START since 1948. It was the Arab states who attacked and have been attacking Zion.

But that was just the beginning. As leaders, they are well aware that solutions rather than complaints are what we all need.

And so, they offered their advice to us and our Congressional representatives.

Here's where it gets good-

They urge us to involve all of Iraq's neighbors when determining a resolution for the problems -- including Syria and Iran. They want the U.S. to cease aiming for a military victory. They suggest

*Suspending of the Iraqi Constitution;


*Closing of the country's borders;

Can't close em without military power. Most countries are unwilling to commit troops to Iraq. America is the only country with balls so we'd remain the only military force in Iraq... and no, we ain't wearin no bitch ass baby blue helmets.

*Allowing soldiers of the Iraqi army and the workers of Saddam's government to return;

Yeah and also, Let's dig up Saddam and click our Ruby Slippers together. "There's no place like 1990... there's no place like 1990". This is impractical.

*Announcing an end to the occupation;

Doesn't matter what country or UN entity is in Iraq. If they ain't Muslim, they're getting IED bombed. The only way this would work is if a strong and fair Muslim government had the military might to supress terrorist insurgency. Scratch that, you could send in the Turks but if there's one thing that's clear about the terrorists. There's only one brand of Islam and that's extremism. Moderates have no place in their world vision. Only those who are in Jihad for the Abbasids Caliphate.

This idea clearly won't work.

*Negotiating with the Resistance; and

So far you've suggested abandoning Iraq, similar to how Britain abandoned Czechoslovakia in 1938.

Then you proposed putting Iraq back in the hands of Saddams military

Now you want to negotiate with Tyrants? And then? Will we have Hillary flying back to New York saying-

“I have in my hand a piece of paper, signed by Mr. Hitler, in which he assures us that there will be no war in Europe.

"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour.
I believe it is peace for our time...
Go home and get a nice quiet sleep."

This is what liberals don't get, from the time of Neville Chamberlain. You guys are so busy trying to get everyone to get along. Trying to "pass a global test", that you are willing to deal with fanaticism. You're actually willing to "negotiate with the resistance".

Luckily there's still MEN around to kick some ass. We actually have a man in the White House, the Commander in Chief and no senate resolution you come up can legally stop him from confronting the tyrant rather than trying to negotiate with him.

Impeach Bush, you'll have Cheney. Cheney appoints a Vice President who'll also be a MAN and who will also confront Tyranny. You can impeach ad naseum. Doesn't make a fucking difference.

Men will confront tyranny as the weak cower and hide.

*Turning the problem over to a United Nations Trusteeship.

LMAO! I won't even respond to this "War by committee" bullshit.

Hear from some Middle East voices not screened by this Administration or the Western media.

Yeah we already have that.

See and hear the 50-minute video here. [/b]

Huffington propaganda? No thanks.

She turned her husband into an appeasing homosexual with her wickedness and confused thinking. I have no interest in her fruits. Eve poisoned Adam with the Apple. Ariana poisons men with her confusion.

01-26-2007, 11:48 PM