View Full Version : why do SOME black people think its ok to be racist?

Solitary Brother
01-25-2007, 06:58 AM
I ride the subway system out here in the Bay area called BART.
I am on it everyday and see ALL kinds of people while riding it and I observe behavior.
Today I was riding home on a certain route that leads through some of the most affluent suburbs in Oakland and MOST of the people on the train are white and upwardly mobile.
There were a group of 4 young women and a teenage black man together talking extremely loud.
The 4 young women had to be in there upper teens and 2 of them had baby trollers with babies in them.
That did not deter them from cursing loudly and using the "N" word when refering to each other.
But the shocker was the were discussing and incedent with a white woman and calling her a "white bitch" and saying they would beat her.
Mind you the train is PACKED with white people.
I of course had my eyes trained on these individuals looking at them as if they were a science experiment gone awry.
ALL the white people behaved as if they were at a tea party for the queen not saying ANYTHING and not making eye contact with these "people".

Why do SOME blacks act this way?
This is no isolated incident as SOME black people.......MY RACE are routinely the worst behaved people on the train.
Its SO embarassing.

There are also the people(negros) who try to sell bootleged goods on the train and the various bums,loudmouths and black racist who spew their filth on the train.

Am I wrong for stating this?
I love my race which is why I hate the "N" word.
That word was given to our ancestors by their slavemasters......of course the slavemaster could relate to the "N" because he created it.
I refuse to use that word.

You hear it CONSTANTLY on the train and I can see the reaction of white people.......
How can we as a race expect respect when we dont respect ourselves?

01-25-2007, 07:01 AM
Because someone was mean to their great-great-great-great grandparents.

Now I can get sleep.

01-25-2007, 07:23 AM
I know what you mean. In high school I had to take the bus home and since this route ran from Cerritos (predominately white/asian) to Compton (predominately black/hispanic), so it was mostly black students who'd get on. They were consistently ghetto (loud, obnoxious, beligerent) and embarrassed the hell out of me.

Man I hated that because I knew people would look at me, even though I was quiet, well mannered, and carried myself with couth, and judge me based on the actions of my peers. I once told them that they were embarrassing themselves, me, and our generation, but of course they just looked at me as if I were stupid and then made fun of me as if I'm the joke.

To answer your question, I don't know. Racism, reverse racism, it's all the same really. I just try to avoid ignorant people altogether and carry myself with a little dignity.

01-25-2007, 07:38 AM
I know what you mean. In high school I had to take the bus home and since this route ran from Cerritos (predominately white/asian) to Compton (predominately black/hispanic), so it was mostly black students who'd get on. They were consistently ghetto (loud, obnoxious, beligerent) and embarrassed the hell out of me.

Man I hated that because I knew people would look at me, even though I was quiet, well mannered, and carried myself with couth, and judge me based on the actions of my peers...

Should we ever cross paths, would you like it that I judge you by the action and behavior of a group such as you have described? Would that be fair to you? All blacks aren't like that, as you said the operative term -- "Ghetto". Those were ghetto blacks, and not part and parcel of all blacks. Each ethnic group has its trash, as trash comes in all colors, so don't paint all blacks with one broad brush. You're thinking in boxes, and that's what ignorant people do. You are already a better person than those you have described simply by taking a higher road in your behavior, so why are you posting things as if all blacks are that way?

...By the way, what color was the man who risked his life by saving a man from certain death who had fallen onto a New York subway's rails? Was his heroism working in black and white terms ?


01-25-2007, 07:52 AM
I know what you mean. In high school I had to take the bus home and since this route ran from Cerritos (predominately white/asian) to Compton (predominately black/hispanic), so it was mostly black students who'd get on. They were consistently ghetto (loud, obnoxious, beligerent) and embarrassed the hell out of me.

Man I hated that because I knew people would look at me, even though I was quiet, well mannered, and carried myself with couth, and judge me based on the actions of my peers...

Should we ever cross paths, would you like it that I judge you by the action and behavior of a group such as you have described? Would that be fair to you? All blacks aren't like that, as you said the operative term -- "Ghetto". Those were ghetto blacks, and not part and parcel of all blacks. Each ethnic group has its trash, as trash comes in all colors, so don't paint all blacks with one broad brush. You're thinking in boxes, and that's what ignorant people do. You are already a better person than those you have described simply by taking a higher road in your behavior, so why are you posting things as if all blacks are that way?


Hold up, the last thing I'm trying to do is generalize. I thought I was articulate enough, but maybe not. I know not all black youth is that way, I was talking about the ones I rode with on the bus. What exactly made you think I was generalizing?

EDIT: Hm, I guess the word "peers" came across as all encompassing. That's not how I meant it, but I'll be careful of my wording in the future. :)

...By the way, what color was the man who risked his life by saving a man from certain death who had fallen onto a New York subway's rails? Was his heroism working in black and white terms ?

Yeah, I saw that. He gets much respect for being a selfless individual no matter his color, just like the 19 year old white kid in Iraq who saved four of his fellow soldiers by using himself as a shield when an insurgent threw a live grenade in the tank, at the expense of his own life. 8)

01-25-2007, 07:59 AM
Hold up, the last thing I'm trying to do is generalize. I thought I was articulate enough, but maybe not. I know not all black youth is that way, I was talking about the ones I rode with on the bus. What exactly made you think I was generalizing?

For me, in the context of this thread, your post came across that way. My best friend is African-American, as are the majority of my childhood friends being that I grew up in a predominantly African-American neighborhood. I just get upset with anyone who paints any ethnic group with a set of broad brushes. There are ghetto whites, Mexicans, blacks, etc., for sure, but don't make it seem as if they all are that way simply based on your upbringing or isolated incidents.


01-25-2007, 08:01 AM
Now I can get sleep.
Me too. The first time i agree with you.

01-25-2007, 08:10 AM
Why is it there is a country in Africa they actually named,

Niger !? 8)

01-25-2007, 08:19 AM
I finally get it, White male canada! You're really, really stupid!
Thanks for clearing that up. Next time I get into a political discussion, I'll try talking to a leafblower and see if it's any more productive than your rants here.

01-25-2007, 08:25 AM
Hold up, the last thing I'm trying to do is generalize. I thought I was articulate enough, but maybe not. I know not all black youth is that way, I was talking about the ones I rode with on the bus. What exactly made you think I was generalizing?

For me, in the context of this thread, your post came across that way. My best friend is African-American, as are the majority of my childhood friends being that I grew up in a predominantly African-American neighborhood. I just get upset with anyone who paints any ethnic group with a set of broad brushes. There are ghetto whites, Mexicans, blacks, etc., for sure, but don't make it seem as if they all are that way simply based on your upbringing or isolated incidents.


I see what you mean, and I agree completely. Often times when people find out I'm from Compton they assume we're all gang members doing drive-bys on eachother's streets every night or think we're all basketball prodigies and are surprised by how well informed, intelligent and articulate I am (not bragging, just saying).

So yeah, I know all too well that "broad strokes" is a no-no. Glad we're on the same page. :)

Why is it there is a country in Africa they actually named,

Niger !? 8)

I don't know lol.

01-25-2007, 08:29 AM
Why is it there is a country in Africa they actually named,

Niger !? 8)

Can we just check all the hillbillies at the door? This guy is an embarrassment to any race.

Felicia Katt
01-25-2007, 08:36 AM
Why is it there is a country in Africa they actually named,

Niger !? 8)
The nations of Nigeria and Niger are named after the Niger river. The origin of the name Niger is unknown. It is often assumed that it derives from the Latin word for "black", Niger, but there is no evidence for this, and it would have been more likely for Portuguese explorers to have used their own word, negro, or preto as they did elsewhere in the world. In any case the Niger is not a blackwater river (see Rio Negro).

The name is thus thought to be indigenous, but no convincing origin has been found among the 30 languages of the Niger delta and lower reaches of the river. One hypothesis is that it comes from the Tuareg phrase gher n gheren "river of rivers" (shortened to ngher), originating in the middle reaches of the river around Timbuktu.

The people who live along the river have a variety of names for it, notably Jeliba in Manding, Isa Ber ("big river" in Songhay), Joliba (a Mandigo word meaning Great River), and Kworra or Quorra. By the last name the Niger was known in its lower reaches before its identity with the upper river was established. The Romans had heard of the Niger and called it Dasibari.

Easy information to find, and notably absent is anything that would indicate that the N word is anything other than a horrible racial slur.


01-25-2007, 08:38 AM
there's a bunch of rowdy children in every city in every part of the world, I'm sure even the Quakers have a few kids that act irresponsibly...........

fact of the matter is society is to blame for them acting like this, 30-40 years ago things like that never would have happened because you had folks who were older & more mature ready to keep the youth in check.........

but during the 80's a social change came to pass silently (baby boomer era) where you had a shitload of abused children from those earlier era's taking positions that gave them enforcing power..............

agree or disagree all you want but child services, lawyers, etc. turned a blind eye towards parental control until the 1980's, where you began to see parents getting arrested &/or sent to therapy over the way they dealt with their children.................. which is sad because in this day & age you have kids that will either run to the kitchen or their own cellular phone and call in the police on their parents who MIGHT HAVE simply been trying to keep their own home in order.............

01-25-2007, 08:43 AM

If your post on Niger is to someone such as White_Male_Canada, it is akin to offering a bicycle to a tuna fish.

01-25-2007, 08:45 AM
Why is it there is a country in Africa they actually named,

Niger !? 8)
The nations of Nigeria and Niger are named after the Niger river. The origin of the name Niger is unknown. It is often assumed that it derives from the Latin word for "black", Niger, but there is no evidence for this, and it would have been more likely for Portuguese explorers to have used their own word, negro, or preto as they did elsewhere in the world. In any case the Niger is not a blackwater river (see Rio Negro).

The name is thus thought to be indigenous, but no convincing origin has been found among the 30 languages of the Niger delta and lower reaches of the river. One hypothesis is that it comes from the Tuareg phrase gher n gheren "river of rivers" (shortened to ngher), originating in the middle reaches of the river around Timbuktu.

The people who live along the river have a variety of names for it, notably Jeliba in Manding, Isa Ber ("big river" in Songhay), Joliba (a Mandigo word meaning Great River), and Kworra or Quorra. By the last name the Niger was known in its lower reaches before its identity with the upper river was established. The Romans had heard of the Niger and called it Dasibari.

Easy information to find, and notably absent is anything that would indicate that the N word is anything other than a horrible racial slur.


The more you know. 8)

Thanks for that, Felicia. I always love learning something new. :D

01-25-2007, 08:51 AM
Why is it there is a country in Africa they actually named,

Niger !? 8)

Can we just check all the hillbillies at the door? This guy is an embarrassment to any race.

And here we thought all the southern Cal types to be mellow. You`re wound up so tight you couldn`t pass a bb. Relax, it was humor.

Felicia seems to be correct except every Latin dictionary I press Enter into comes back as 'niger' equaling 'black'.

The last one I hit gave me this:

niger, nigra, nigrum ADJ [XXXAX]
black, dark; unlucky;


What the USA needs is some good federal "hate crimes" legislation where people can be tossed into the gulags for uttering words. 8)

01-25-2007, 09:00 AM
Because it is politically correct to to so.Yes,whites have many done bad things.But no other race has done more to help other races or the pursuit of knowledge than caucasions.The virtual support of most african countries,plus the benefit of getting preferred treatment and promotions based on race.And god forbid the police defend themselves or do their job.Whites have been the dominant culture for a long time.And it is a very popular pastime to demonize the ones with the most success or whatever culture is on top.They are just like white supremacists.Always making excuses for their sad life or bad behavior.I could go on quoting sources and write an entire essay on this subject,but i won't.Why?Because it will not change anyones mind.But the truth is that blacks have more opportunities than any other race on the planet!provided of course you live in america.I can't tell you how many times i've seen affirmative action give someone a promotion they did not deserve or how the race card got them out of trouble.Some of my friends who are black actually told me to be careful when going to their house for a visit.Why?Because white folks in their neighborhood are prime targets for getting jumped,robbed or shot.I've never had to ANY of my friends who want to visit me to be careful because of their color.I told one of my friends about a similiar thread on this board who is a mandan indian and she told me that the next time she comes over that she would love to respond to it. :soapbox

01-25-2007, 09:18 AM
Why is it there is a country in Africa they actually named,

Niger !? 8)

Can we just check all the hillbillies at the door? This guy is an embarrassment to any race.

Hillbilly is a pejorative, it's as bad as the N word. You're no better.

01-25-2007, 09:25 AM
Hillbilly is a pejorative, it's as bad as the N word. You're no better.

You don't want me, stupid fuck. You don't.

Felicia Katt
01-25-2007, 09:42 AM
And here we thought all the southern Cal types to be mellow. You`re wound up so tight you couldn`t pass a bb. Relax, it was humor.

Felicia seems to be correct except every Latin dictionary I press Enter into comes back as 'niger' equaling 'black'.
The last one I hit gave me this:
niger, nigra, nigrum ADJ [XXXAX]
black, dark; unlucky;
What the USA needs is some good federal "hate crimes" legislation where people can be tossed into the gulags for uttering words. 8)
If that was humor, what's the punchline? You were trying to imply that the N word wasn't a horrible racial slur because there are a river and two countries in Africa that have similar names, but with a completely different origin? How is that funny? Never mind. If you have to explain a joke, its not really funny.

You are right that in Latin, Niger is black, as Negro is in Spanish and Portugese, Nero is in Italian, Noir is in French etc. But niger is not black in Africa to Africans. The Europeans called Africans their words for black, with all its negative implications, and then it further devolved into the N word, but Africans didn't self identify or self refer as black until either their countries were colonized by Europeans or they were taken from their countries as slaves.


01-25-2007, 09:48 AM
Hillbilly is a pejorative, it's as bad as the N word. You're no better.

You don't want me, stupid fuck. You don't.


01-25-2007, 09:55 AM
why is he looking in the latin based dictionary if the word might be derived fromlocal linguistics..tauregs had a large trade in this region for centuries...this is a good thread..

Felicia Katt
01-25-2007, 10:18 AM
Hillbilly is a pejorative, it's as bad as the N word. You're no better.
Hillbilly can be derogatory, but hardly in the same league as the N word. Hillbilly generally refers to people who dwell in remote, rural, mountainous areas isolated from the dominant culture. People from those areas use the term themselves. In Pikeville, Kentucky the annual Hillbilly Days Festival. which raises money for the Shriner's Hospitals for Children, is the second largest festival in the state of Kentucky, often drawing nearly 100,000 people. A Hillbilly Days festival also takes place near Lebanon, Missouri.
If you can find an N word Days or Festival somewhere then you can make the argument for equal offensiveness. Until then, that dog don't hunt. :)


01-25-2007, 10:22 AM
Have you guys heard of the racist race called mankind?
Its pretty rough.
It doesn't matter if its Yellow, Black, White, or Purple. People of one race are going to hate another race, and usually those are the types of people that are too uneducated so they use a racial term of disrespect.

Nigger, Porch Monkey, Chink, Spic, Illegal, Cracker, Honkey, Redneck, even a word so simple as "Jew" can offend someone.

i.e. "You're such a fucking jew." -- That can be degrading.

"You're such a fucking muslim" -- Not so much.

Racist race called mankind. Not only one race is racist, every race is.

01-25-2007, 10:35 AM
I ride the subway system out here in the Bay area called BART.
I am on it everyday and see ALL kinds of people while riding it and I observe behavior.
Today I was riding home on a certain route that leads through some of the most affluent suburbs in Oakland and MOST of the people on the train are white and upwardly mobile.
There were a group of 4 young women and a teenage black man together talking extremely loud.
The 4 young women had to be in there upper teens and 2 of them had baby trollers with babies in them.
That did not deter them from cursing loudly and using the "N" word when refering to each other.
But the shocker was the were discussing and incedent with a white woman and calling her a "white bitch" and saying they would beat her.
Mind you the train is PACKED with white people.
I of course had my eyes trained on these individuals looking at them as if they were a science experiment gone awry.
ALL the white people behaved as if they were at a tea party for the queen not saying ANYTHING and not making eye contact with these "people".

Why do SOME blacks act this way?
This is no isolated incident as SOME black people.......MY RACE are routinely the worst behaved people on the train.
Its SO embarassing.

There are also the people(negros) who try to sell bootleged goods on the train and the various bums,loudmouths and black racist who spew their filth on the train.

Am I wrong for stating this?
I love my race which is why I hate the "N" word.
That word was given to our ancestors by their slavemasters......of course the slavemaster could relate to the "N" because he created it.
I refuse to use that word.

You hear it CONSTANTLY on the train and I can see the reaction of white people.......
How can we as a race expect respect when we dont respect ourselves?

I have been on BART and far too many times has that happened. It embarrasses me to no end. When that happens, I feel like everyone is staring at me and I start to feel real uncomfortable. All I can do is sit there and shake my head.

01-25-2007, 10:37 AM
Hillbilly is a pejorative, it's as bad as the N word. You're no better.
Hillbilly can be derogatory, but hardly in the same league as the N word. Hillbilly generally refers to people who dwell in remote, rural, mountainous areas isolated from the dominant culture. People from those areas use the term themselves. In Pikeville, Kentucky the annual Hillbilly Days Festival. which raises money for the Shriner's Hospitals for Children, is the second largest festival in the state of Kentucky, often drawing nearly 100,000 people. A Hillbilly Days festival also takes place near Lebanon, Missouri.
If you can find an N word Days or Festival somewhere then you can make the argument for equal offensiveness. Until then, that dog don't hunt. :)


It's pejorative and it's use was clearly meant as such.

01-25-2007, 04:20 PM
Because it is politically correct to to so.Yes,whites have many done bad things.But no other race has done more to help other races or the pursuit of knowledge than caucasions.The virtual support of most african countries,plus the benefit of getting preferred treatment and promotions based on race.And god forbid the police defend themselves or do their job.Whites have been the dominant culture for a long time.And it is a very popular pastime to demonize the ones with the most success or whatever culture is on top.They are just like white supremacists.Always making excuses for their sad life or bad behavior.I could go on quoting sources and write an entire essay on this subject,but i won't.Why?Because it will not change anyones mind.But the truth is that blacks have more opportunities than any other race on the planet!provided of course you live in america.I can't tell you how many times i've seen affirmative action give someone a promotion they did not deserve or how the race card got them out of trouble.Some of my friends who are black actually told me to be careful when going to their house for a visit.Why?Because white folks in their neighborhood are prime targets for getting jumped,robbed or shot.I've never had to ANY of my friends who want to visit me to be careful because of their color.I told one of my friends about a similiar thread on this board who is a mandan indian and she told me that the next time she comes over that she would love to respond to it. :soapbox

LOL If you put it that way no ones bombed and killed more people than white people. I'm sure you have no clue how many countries the U.S. bombs everyday and has bombed everyday.

01-25-2007, 04:24 PM
I know what you mean. In high school I had to take the bus home and since this route ran from Cerritos (predominately white/asian) to Compton (predominately black/hispanic), so it was mostly black students who'd get on. They were consistently ghetto (loud, obnoxious, beligerent) and embarrassed the hell out of me.

Man I hated that because I knew people would look at me, even though I was quiet, well mannered, and carried myself with couth, and judge me based on the actions of my peers...

Should we ever cross paths, would you like it that I judge you by the action and behavior of a group such as you have described? Would that be fair to you? All blacks aren't like that, as you said the operative term -- "Ghetto". Those were ghetto blacks, and not part and parcel of all blacks. Each ethnic group has its trash, as trash comes in all colors, so don't paint all blacks with one broad brush. You're thinking in boxes, and that's what ignorant people do. You are already a better person than those you have described simply by taking a higher road in your behavior, so why are you posting things as if all blacks are that way?

...By the way, what color was the man who risked his life by saving a man from certain death who had fallen onto a New York subway's rails? Was his heroism working in black and white terms ?


Couldnt have said it better.

01-25-2007, 04:46 PM
Well,you know what they say.Opinions are like assholes everybodies got one.And they all smell(unless you use perfume).I really don't like these kind of discussions but the blatant anti-white sentiments of some of the members on this board was too much to endure.I will no longer respond to ANY raciaL topic or discussion.

Felicia Katt
01-25-2007, 07:09 PM
It's pejorative and it's use was clearly meant as such.

A disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression.

Of course it was pejorative in that context , that wasn't the point. You said it was bad as the N word. That's what I take issue with. The N word is in a category all by itself.


01-25-2007, 07:11 PM
And here we thought all the southern Cal types to be mellow. You`re wound up so tight you couldn`t pass a bb. Relax, it was humor.

Felicia seems to be correct except every Latin dictionary I press Enter into comes back as 'niger' equaling 'black'.
The last one I hit gave me this:
niger, nigra, nigrum ADJ [XXXAX]
black, dark; unlucky;
What the USA needs is some good federal "hate crimes" legislation where people can be tossed into the gulags for uttering words. 8)

If that was humor, what's the punchline? You were trying to imply that the N word wasn't a horrible racial slur because there are a river and two countries in Africa that have similar names, but with a completely different origin? How is that funny? Never mind. If you have to explain a joke, its not really funny.

Jokes require punchlines.

It is funny when humor has to be explained. In fact,it is hilarious when nuance and subtlety escapes them. Your niggling led you to overlook the obvious also 8)

Also notice I took the slur "hillbilly" with less then a grain of salt. Some people are so weak,so insipid,they virtually become incapable of functioning if called a 'bad' word. Last time words hurt me was when I was taught the reply," sticks and stones...".

Language will be used,Orwellian style, to stifle free speech. That I can gaurantee with the `Rats holding a majority in Congress. Wait for it,"hate crimes" legislation wil be attempted.

The name is thus thought to be indigenous, but no convincing origin has been found among the 30 languages of the Niger delta and lower reaches of the river. One hypothesis is that it comes from the Tuareg phrase gher n gheren "river of rivers" (shortened to ngher), originating in the middle reaches of the river around Timbuktu.

The natives obviously may have had various names for the river but it was Herodotus who most likely gave the river it`s now commonly known name.The discovery of the river(apart from natives who had nearly no concept of continents and geography)said Herodotus was made by Neco,the Egyption King.

01-26-2007, 03:57 AM
just a couple of points. As discussed earlier the N word, and related words negro had nothing to do with blacks or africans and came from the Portuguese who began slavery in west africa.

The word 'Africa' also has nothing to do with Africans or Africa. It came from Leo Africanus a Roman senator or general. a large military fort in Carthage was named after him. The romans named the land surrounding the base 'Africa'. So according to the Nation of Islam if your black militant and say you are proud of being an African, you are naming yourself after a white man, or by the D word they use, for the plantation owners.

01-26-2007, 04:25 AM
The same reason racsit whites think it is ok to be racist. because those particular black people are themselves racist. People like to think they are good and doing the right thing. So they convince themselves wha they think is the right good thing.

01-26-2007, 05:10 AM
I think what you saw on the train were a few ill mannered youths which is something pandemic throughout most western societies. It's completey abhorrent to watch, but im not so sure it has much to do with racism, or even social class.

I've seen young middle class white girls with absolute gutter mouths on buses. I think there are a couple of reasons why such scenes are too common.

Firstly, these young people are learning from somewhere that it is cool to be belligerent, agressive and abusive in public.

Also, adults who are witness to this type of thing are in a pretty difficult situation. Say something and risk getting attacked by "minor's" who may built like proverbial brick walls, or even carrying weapons. And if they do end up in an altercation, they risk coming off worse in the eyes of the law for using excessive force against a minor.

I've travelled a fair bit in Asia and never seen any type of similar behaviour from young people there. That doesnt mean they are all angels, but there doesnt seem to be the need to go through an obnoxious phase when growing up, and if a young person there tried something similar to what was described in the original post it just wouldnt be tolerated by anyone who happened to witness it.

01-26-2007, 06:49 AM
[quote="Solitary Brother"]
Why do SOME blacks act this way?
This is no isolated incident as SOME black people.......MY RACE are routinely the worst behaved people on the train.
Its SO embarassing.


Alright, Solitary Brother, you did it with whites now you've done it with blacks. ie started a donybrook and retired to the bench. If I ever start a hockey team I'll save you a spot on the forth line.

Who's next, jews, arabs, hispanics, or orientals?

01-26-2007, 07:16 AM
It's pejorative and it's use was clearly meant as such.

A disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression.

Of course it was pejorative in that context , that wasn't the point. You said it was bad as the N word. That's what I take issue with. The N word is in a category all by itself.


So it's ok to insult one side but not the other?

It seems you are quick to defend the insulter. At least no one on this board of any significance has attempted to justify the N word as you have attempted to justify "Hillbilly".

That's a double standard no matter how you rationalize it.

01-26-2007, 08:39 AM
It's pejorative and it's use was clearly meant as such.

A disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression.

Of course it was pejorative in that context , that wasn't the point. You said it was bad as the N word. That's what I take issue with. The N word is in a category all by itself.


So it's ok to insult one side but not the other?

It seems you are quick to defend the insulter. At least no one on this board of any significance has attempted to justify the N word as you have attempted to justify "Hillbilly".

That's a double standard no matter how you rationalize it.

No, Stupid Fuck ... Stupid Fuck ... Stupid Fuck ... Stupid Fuck. Hillbilly has several connotations, among them are being: unsophisticated, rural, ignorant, unrefined, lacking in pedigree, low class, low educated, etc. Even combined, those aforementioned descriptions don't carry the same pejorative weight of calling an African-American a "nigger". Don't try to bring me down to your gutter by attempting to blur the weight of the two. And only a moron would be in here attempting to defend the use of the term, "Nigger". ... As far as calling WCM a hillbilly, it fits. In fact, it fits you also. Live with it.

By the way, your signature displays your ignorance. "Liberal" is a virtuous term, so yes, Robin Hood was a virtuous, noble person.

Bring it on, Stupid Fuck. Bring it on.

01-26-2007, 09:22 AM
It's pejorative and it's use was clearly meant as such.

A disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression.

Of course it was pejorative in that context , that wasn't the point. You said it was bad as the N word. That's what I take issue with. The N word is in a category all by itself.


So it's ok to insult one side but not the other?

It seems you are quick to defend the insulter. At least no one on this board of any significance has attempted to justify the N word as you have attempted to justify "Hillbilly".

That's a double standard no matter how you rationalize it.

No, Stupid Fuck ... Stupid Fuck ... Stupid Fuck ... Stupid Fuck. Hillbilly has several connotations, among them are being: unsophisticated, rural, ignorant, unrefined, lacking in pedigree, low class, low educated, etc. Even combined, those aforementioned descriptions don't carry the same pejorative weight of calling an African-American a "nigger". Don't try to bring me down to your gutter by attempting to blur the weight of the two. And only a moron would be in here attempting to defend the use of the term, "Nigger". ... As far as calling WCM a hillbilly, it fits. In fact, it fits you also. Live with it.

By the way, your signature displays your ignorance. "Liberal" is a virtuous term, so yes, Robin Hood was a virtuous, noble person.

Bring it on, Stupid Fuck. Bring it on.

Just replied to say that YOU'RE A CHILD. I won't even justify your stupidity by responding.

Felicia Katt
01-26-2007, 10:28 AM
The natives obviously may have had various names for the river but it was Herodotus who most likely gave the river it`s now commonly known name.The discovery of the river(apart from natives who had nearly no concept of continents and geography)said Herodotus was made by Neco,the Egyption King.
Herodotus is believed to be the first Western person to document the Niger River (though Pliny may also have mentioned it) but he didn't name it. He just recorded its indigenous name. Niger has no meaning in Greek, where black translates as Mavros.

In Orwell's 1984 the three slogans of the Party, on display everywhere, are:

Terms like the "Patriot" act (which needs no explanation of the irony there) the Clear Skies Act (where polluting industries got to write their own regulations) The Heatlthy Forests Initiative, (which allows for clear cutting forests) Defense of Marriage, (which is only about denying same sex couples equal protection), "Intelligent Design" (relabeled religious creationism) so on and so forth are the kind of newspeak Orwell predicted and was warning against, not the right to use hateful slurs.


01-26-2007, 08:19 PM
The natives obviously may have had various names for the river but it was Herodotus who most likely gave the river it`s now commonly known name.The discovery of the river(apart from natives who had nearly no concept of continents and geography)said Herodotus was made by Neco,the Egyption King.

Herodotus is believed to be the first Western person to document the Niger River (though Pliny may also have mentioned it) but he didn't name it. He just recorded its indigenous name. Niger has no meaning in Greek, where black translates as Mavros.

Herodotus likely used Greek letters to describe what he saw. Most likely the letter 'Δ' to describe the Niger. Little sense delving any deeper as to who saw what first, Herodotus, Diodorus, Strabo, Plinius,Marcellinus,etc.

In Orwell's 1984 the three slogans of the Party, on display everywhere, are:

Terms like the "Patriot" act (which needs no explanation of the irony there) the Clear Skies Act (where polluting industries got to write their own regulations) The Heatlthy Forests Initiative, (which allows for clear cutting forests) Defense of Marriage, (which is only about denying same sex couples equal protection), "Intelligent Design" (relabeled religious creationism) so on and so forth are the kind of newspeak Orwell predicted and was warning against, not the right to use hateful slurs.

Hilarious to see radical leftists point fingers at others about big government.

Not the "right" to use hatefull words !? Except for that pesky thing called the 1st Amendment.

Orwellian big brother? How about the Center for Constitutional Rights ,which is anything but.The Kyoto treaty, the UN,the ICC,etc,etc.

As far as your myths of the Patriot Act please feel free to open a subject line on it in Politics and Religion and I`ll see you there.

01-26-2007, 09:11 PM
Why do SOME blacks act this way?

Just the same reason as SOME whites are skin-heads and others are in the KKK. Ignorance doesn't discriminate.