View Full Version : Brazilian escorts using the iPod Video to increase turnover

01-23-2007, 01:45 PM
Apparently some Brazilian prostitutes are starting to use technology to increase the number of clients they receive. As Folha de Sao Paulo, the leading Brazilian newspaper, announced “the profession might be the oldest of the world, but the marketing being used is pretty new”!

The mentioned women work for an online site called M.Class, which recently started offering video on the MP4 format that can be played on the iPod. Rodrigo dos Santos, the owner of the site, commented that the idea emerged six months ago and it is receiving a lot of attention. Before using the M.Class services users can download the videos, upload them to the iPod and ask friends some advice regarding the product portfolio… and after the service is consumed the clients can carry the video around to brag about it, or so Rodrigo said.

The website receives 50,000 unique visitors daily (yeah I know, that is a heck lot of visitors, but hey we are talking about sex!) and it gets updated with a new MP4 every week. By the way for those of you wondering the content of the videos there is nothing explicit going on, it is just a showcase for the girls, including 3 to 4 minutes of play time where they describe themselves. According to the site owner the revenue of the featured girls go up by three times on the following weeks, and because of that popularity most of the girls are willing to pay money in order to appear on the weekly video.

01-23-2007, 11:47 PM
Nice! Tech, may you never rest... ;)


Don'y know about mp4-format, but www.Malicia.com.br has videos of their TS escorts as well... A great service!


01-24-2007, 01:00 AM
"No publicity is bad publicity" - Anon.

"Porn was the impetus of highspeed internet" - DLW, CEO of the dotcom that wisely hired me. :D