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02-04-2007, 04:47 AM
I am happy that you have found yourself and greater happiness. Certainly such things as sexual addiction are important issues that many people need to deal with including myself. I do not make light of anyone's relationship with God.

What I do take issue with, is the implication that a gay man cannot be a "real man of god". Or that it was "the devil that made you think that you were gay." I do believe that God puts challenges before us that we will overcome them and be better persons. I do believe you that you are a better person; you are not lying, hiding and decieving others, as you once did. However, you will have the rest of your life to deal other issues, such as being judgemental of other people, something Jesus clearly admonished. Being heterosexual will surely not free you from feeling lust toward other females. A tempting situation will surely arise sometime in your life. And you may just give in to prove to yourself that you are truly heterosexual. It's hypethetical, but I hope that you get the point.

So while you are going through your life, are you really sure that you are more of a 'real man of God' than your gay neighbor? Is the devil deceiving him by making him feel gay, or is God reaching him also with ways to do the best he can and be a better man? How is he treating the least of his brethren? If you think that you are a better man than you once were, that's good. If you think that you are better man than me, I'll say, that's not your job, it belongs to God!

Somehow, I do not believe that you will be back here to reply. So many Christians do not want to hang around 'sinners' like the person they loved, Jesus Christ did. Richest blessings to you!
