View Full Version : People You Have To Deal With

12-29-2006, 08:17 PM
One thing I really can't stand is stupid people completely incapable of creative thought. I run into these people frequently.

I'm working on a video game at the moment with these two program coding guys, I'm doing everything else but the coding. I'm telling one of the guys the basic set-up of the mini game were building to beta test with. I go on and on about, what I think, is an extremely clever and amusing story arc, and the guy just stands there nodding his head.

So I get done telling the story, and he has very little reaction, and then he throws in his own suggestion.

"There should be a cop in the town."

"Uh. . . yes, there will be several cops. I've just got done explaining to you. . ."

"And he should be a drunk."

I wait for more. There is no more.

"A drunk cop, eh?"

"Yeah, lots of cops really are drunks. That would be pretty funny."

I stop talking to him, bite my tongue, and thank God the guy is good at what he does. He sure as fuck can't tell a good story.

I just needed to rant about stupid people for a bit. Anyone else have any encounters with the blindingly dull?

12-29-2006, 11:11 PM
And then there's you.



You know I kid, H. :D

I have some of these moments with the technogeeks with whom I work. When it became painfully clear to them that I am deeply into T-gurls, they pretty much stood there and stared at me. :lol: Then they patted me on the head, offered me another beer, and asked when I was going to cut their next check. :twisted:

Life deals curveballs, for all other things there is Mastercard. :lol:

12-30-2006, 12:10 AM
Heh. I would like to add that my post was not meant to imply that c++ coders or any tech people are boring or whatever. I'm a tech myself and consider myself fairly interesting, as are all the techs and computer people I've met on this forum.

Just an odd incident from my day today, so I shared.

And the guy I'm working with is kinda a lamer, so it made for a little story.

12-30-2006, 01:30 AM
And the guy I'm working with is kinda a lamer, so it made for a little story.

LMFAO @"kinda a lamer"...

So said the pot to the kettle... :roll:

12-30-2006, 07:19 AM
And the guy I'm working with is kinda a lamer, so it made for a little story.

LMFAO @"kinda a lamer"...

So said the pot to the kettle... :roll:

Is that a racist joke?

I happen to consider myself a technogeek also.

12-31-2006, 06:56 PM
Your fascination and obsession with me is psychotic, chefmike. You also need to spend less time on this forum and find something meaningful to do at the retirement home.

Sad, very sad.

I'll wait for your response, and then I'll start hurting you again by posting about what a weirdo you are. I don't think anyone will step up to stop me this time. Then again, I might just ignore you. That seems to hurt you the worst "amigo".


12-31-2006, 07:34 PM
Is that a racist joke?

I happen to consider myself a technogeek also.

Technogeeks a race? Hmm...Species, perhaps. :D

I would not be where I am today without the technogeeks in my life. Hey, people that can command their boss to provide them with custom made Lego furniture (And =get= it) deserve a high amount of respect. :)

12-31-2006, 08:36 PM
Cool desk, B1.

It's too bad chefmike hasn't mouthed off again, I imagine he went back into hiding. I did enjoy publicly bitch slapping him in front of the entire forum some months ago, but I guess he's learned his lesson finally.

He is an internet hero, and everybody loves him.


12-31-2006, 09:36 PM
uh huh...you are indeed feared around here, mighty mouse. :roll: :lol:

12-31-2006, 11:10 PM
Thanks for the bump, stalker.

As far as the people who have pm'd me regarding my needing c++ coders, thanks for the interest. I have two coders I'm working with, a musician and some dj's for sound work, a computer graphics artist, and a ton of future playtesters in town here with me. My "staff" is pretty well rounded out at the moment for the scale things sit at, and I still have a ton of work to do.

I hope to continue to be a member of this forum long term, though, and if things take off I may need more people in the future. I will keep interested people posted on my progress via HA.

And if I get rich, maybe I'll take all the cool forum members on a carribean cruise or something.

Happy New Years everyone, and see you all in 2007. I think it will be a fun and productive year for many of us.

01-01-2007, 01:24 AM
Cool desk, B1.

That damn thing was the talk of the development community in 2002 and we still don't know who scored it. Must be in a home office somewhere.

Jeez, I should be so smart. :?