View Full Version : Lucky Number Slevin (Danielle Foxxx related)

11-28-2006, 08:30 PM
Danielle Foxxx posted awhile ago about the greatly underappreciated movie "Lucky Number Slevin" (I can't remember which thread, but she did). I'd have to agree that it was a pretty damn good movie and would recommend anyone picking up the dvd.

Excellent cast, great script, good story, but the ending dragged on a bit too long. Still, this movie was way better then most of the recent "blockbusters" and it got saddly over looked.

No real point to this post, just trying to provide some alternative stuff to all the porn related threads (porn on a porn forum, who'd a thunk?).

I'll try to think of other recently over looked movies on my lunch break in order to keep this thrilling topic alive a bit longer.


11-28-2006, 08:44 PM
mmmm... i think ill take danielle's opinion and not waste my time...but in other movie news! check out this trailor; http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1808715896/info

Danielle Foxxx
11-28-2006, 08:54 PM
LOL ok....

Danielle Foxxx
11-28-2006, 09:06 PM
Lucky 7.5

11-28-2006, 09:44 PM
Saw the movie. Honestly, I can't remember a thing about it. I guess that's how eventful it was for me. Hollywood movies are so frustrating. Basically they suck. They rely on special effects and just putting the big names in the cast to attract viewers. Foreign films are much better written movies.

One of the best movies I've seen in many years was last year's Oscar winner for Best Picture, Crash. Talk about a great script. I suggest watching this movie and marvel at the wonderful script writing and directing of Paul Haggis. If you are disappointed then...well...I'm sure Borat will have a sequel that will appeal to your taste or Spiderman 3 will be released and we can be treated to the dull acting of Tobey Mcquire and bad teeth and bad acting of Kristen Dunst.

11-28-2006, 09:54 PM
Saw the movie. Honestly, I can't remember a thing about it. I guess that's how eventful it was for me. Hollywood movies are so frustrating. Basically they suck. They rely on special effects and just putting the big names in the cast to attract viewers. Foreign films are much better written movies.

One of the best movies I've seen in many years was last year's Oscar winner for Best Picture, Crash. Talk about a great script. I suggest watching this movie and marvel at the wonderful script writing and directing of Paul Haggis. If you are disappointed then...well...I'm sure Borat will have a sequel that will appeal to your taste or Spiderman 3 will be released and we can be treated to the dull acting of Tobey Mcquire and bad teeth and bad acting of Kristen Dunst.

The first "Saw" was actually created on a low budget. It didn't do too well in the theatres, but dvd sales were amazing. I think the first "Saw" was actually good, and that means a lot coming from me. My personal library consists of a lot of foreign, and independent films. You have to realize that "Spider-Man" is what it is. Entertainment for the masses. I will say that the Summer blockbuster is dead. I haven't been impressed with the past couple of Summer releases.

11-28-2006, 10:39 PM
I didn't see either Crash or Saw (that little puppet guy just seemed retarded). The last really good limited release/indie flick I saw was Thank You For Smoking. Very funny movie, good script too. I use to be more into the foreign and obscure movies years ago. I had a couple hundred titles you wouldn't find in most video stores, but then threw them all away rather then move all of them.

Smart, eh?

And Foxxx, stop point that thing at me. It might be loaded.


Harrys Boy
11-28-2006, 10:56 PM
The film 'thank you for smoking' can't get away from the fact that it is endorsing cigarettes

11-28-2006, 11:24 PM
Not to hijack this thread (It's already in that process I think), and certainly not to start drawing comparisons between the Bond benchmark Connery, or Moore's Bond, but if you haven't seen the latest Bond flick, go check it out. Beaucoup of fawning beautiful women or ridiculous special effects such as ice castles or toy space shuttles are replaced by a well written script, great stunts, and a woman who matches Bond mano a mano. I went in thinking that Daniel Graig's Aussie surf boy look would tarnish the movie, but the movie overcomes that stereotype. Yes, it has its shortcomings, and which Bond movie hasn't had its share, but it possibly is the best written Bond ever.

11-28-2006, 11:25 PM
Duplicate posting. Sorry.

...By the way, is this site moving a tad slow at this moment, or is it on my end? ...Is 2.4 megabits per second fast ?

Danielle Foxxx
11-29-2006, 12:17 AM
I want to see the new Will Smith movie and I am buying the Global Warming movie by Al Gore...

11-29-2006, 02:59 AM
Saw the movie. Honestly, I can't remember a thing about it. I guess that's how eventful it was for me. Hollywood movies are so frustrating. Basically they suck. They rely on special effects and just putting the big names in the cast to attract viewers. Foreign films are much better written movies.

One of the best movies I've seen in many years was last year's Oscar winner for Best Picture, Crash. Talk about a great script. I suggest watching this movie and marvel at the wonderful script writing and directing of Paul Haggis. If you are disappointed then...well...I'm sure Borat will have a sequel that will appeal to your taste or Spiderman 3 will be released and we can be treated to the dull acting of Tobey Mcquire and bad teeth and bad acting of Kristen Dunst.

i also have agree 100.4% with CRASH being one of the
very best drama movies ever.
So captivating, intriguing and moving that i couldn't get
enough and end up watching it several times
over on the very first weekend i rented it.

i saw Lucky Slevin, ...though it was Ok but i cant
really say it was flat out off the hook as one for me
to highly recommend.

i enjoyed DEPARTED a lot better than Slevin
and have to rate it as one of the better movies
i have seen in '06.
With a star-studded cast and very
good performance by Leonardo DiCaprio.
i wouldn't be suprised if this movie end up being an Oscar
winner with Dicario being nominated for one of the awards.

11-29-2006, 03:20 AM
so far these are the Best and Worst movies i've seen in '06

the BEST:

Underworld 2: Evolution


Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

The Descent


Running Scared

the WORSE:

V for Vendetta

The Wicker Man

The Covenant

Snakes on a Plane


Talladega Nights

the DaVinci Code

Scary Movie 4

Silent Hill

Final Destination 3


the Protector

Stay Alive



( i haven't seen Fearless, Saw 3, Borat or Eragon yet)

Danielle Foxxx
11-29-2006, 04:03 AM
Will Smith will be nominated for an Oscar for that, and may win it, I have not seen the movie, but the preview is amaizing.

I also want to see " Dejavu "

11-29-2006, 04:17 AM
Will Smith will be nominated for an Oscar for that, and may win it, I have not seen the movie, but the preview is amaizing.

I also want to see " Dejavu "

Will was outstanding in his lead role in " ALI" and well-deserving
of an Oscar that year ,IMO.

Dejavu ? ...with Denzel ?

i really like Denzel as a pure actor, but can he
expand his roles outside the goodie - goodie cop/detective ?
( feels like Steven Segal all over.)

11-29-2006, 04:19 AM
I thought this was a great script, but the director lost me until the final third. There's a lot of beautiful camerawork and editing, but the production design was killing me with those Echer-style wallpapers.

Mainly, I was puzzled by the Hartness character being such a wiseguy with folks he knew would just as soon kill him. Usually, this kind of interaction means that the character is putting the villian in a position to kill them. See Dennis Hopper's scene with Christopher Walken in True Romance, where he yanks Walken's chain to avoid being tortured and revealing Christian Slater's whereabouts. Or Bogart with Greenstreet in the Maltese Falcon, where he tells the fat man that, if tortured (again!), he will force the issue and make him kill him before he talks. The director needed a surer hand with this, IMHO.

That being said, Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley act their hearts out, and the flick is worth seeing just for that. Lucy Liu does what she can in a cardboard role (neighbour next door, overly friendly. Everytime she leaves him alone, bad guys show up). I did figure out the twist, but I'm a film maven, so it takes a lot of Magguffin to baffle me.

Much more fun, but with a shitty tittle was Kiss Kiss Bang Bang with Robert Downey and Val Kilmar.


11-29-2006, 04:59 AM
The biggest movie disapointment this year was The Omen.

it wasn't the worst film of the year, but the producers did a poor job of resurecting that classic.

Danielle Foxxx
11-29-2006, 05:52 AM
I really love the screen magic between Morgan Freeman and Ashley Jude... OMG they are so awesome together.

I love " The bone collector" that movie rocked... " Taking Lives"... And the latest I really enjoyed was " The departed" and " Prestige"

Dino Velvet
11-29-2006, 06:10 AM
The 1970s was the best era of movies to me. Political Correctness was not such a strong movement and people made what they wanted.

Great Genres Of The 1970s:
Italian Horror/Giallo(Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci, Mario Bava)
Zombie Movies(Dawn Of The Dead, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie)
Slasher Movies(Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Last House On The Left, I Spit On Your Grave)
Copsploitation/Vigilante(Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson)
John Waters Gross-0ut Comedies(Desperate Living, Female Trouble, Pink Flamingos)

Danielle Foxxx
11-29-2006, 06:36 AM
I love claymation shit as well. Ray harrihousen shit - Clash of the titans, the simbad series, all that cheesie stuff. and ofcorse the towering inferno and also the 80 king Kong - cheesie but fun.

By the way - I just shot a huge load thats whjy I am not typing really well LOL

11-29-2006, 07:22 AM
Will Smith will be nominated for an Oscar for that, and may win it, I have not seen the movie, but the preview is amaizing.

I also want to see " Dejavu "

Will was outstanding in his lead role in " ALI" and well-deserving
of an Oscar nomination that year, IMO.

Dejavu ? ...with Denzel ?

i really like Denzel as a pure actor, but can he
expand his roles outside the goodie - goodie cop/detective ?
( feels like Steven Segal all over again.)

11-29-2006, 06:07 PM
Hmmm, just skimmed things for now. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was a really good movie, The Omen was one of the most hysterically funny things I've ever seen. Watched it with one of my sisters and we had the entire theatre laughing half way through by making fun of what was going on.

Ray Harryhousen. . . I watched that Sinbad flick a hundred times as a kid. I wanted to be sinbad. Of course, judging from how he dressed, he may have been employed at a GLBT club at some point as well.

And stop touching yourself, Foxxx, you'll ruin your keyboard :!:

Although keyboards are cheap to replace and pretty simple to clean. . .
