View Full Version : ECSTATIC!!!!

11-08-2006, 11:56 AM
I know I'm supposed this here but I am so GOD DAMN HAPPY that the country's had voters finally have seen a need for change PLOTICALLY and that all the fucking right wigers are sucking it up right now. Especially the ones on this board. I'm glad the dems took the house of reps, hope we take the senate, and glad we are the majority as governors in states.

It feels so good to watch these right wing fucks, ruining this country, falling off their high horses!

Thank GOD for progressive thinking, social forwardness, and hope that we can lead our way out of the social dark ages the right wing if this country wanted to take us to.


11-08-2006, 01:08 PM
You know Allanah,

I think it should have been your patriotic duty to "work" the polls.

For every democratic vote, you could offer a hand job.

I'd be on the first Jet Blue to NYC to take part in the "civic duties".

11-08-2006, 02:36 PM
Fuckin A!!


:peanutbutter :P :claps :P :rock2 :P :peanutbutter

11-08-2006, 03:12 PM
Jeez, I thought you were mad at him (ECSTATIC!!!!) or something. :lol:

I am now adding "PLOTICALLY" to my list of Happy Words. :wink:

Yah, forget the dreary rain outiside, this is a brighter morning.

11-08-2006, 03:25 PM

And if anyone wants to know just exactly how full of shit conservatives reps are these days- watch great documentary on HBO about Barry Goldwater called Mr. Conservative who was the father of the American Conservative Movement- and see exactly HOW FAR the right wing conservatives of today have grown from the original conservative movement


11-08-2006, 04:11 PM
Bwahahaha! It's about time. Not that the Democrats getting back into the game is going to change things too drastically, but it has put the brakes on this downward spiral the Right Wingers were putting the US into.

I hope.


11-08-2006, 04:51 PM
Congrats to everyone in the USA, I have watched from Canada your guys ellections and political mess and its just sad. I cant imagine what will happen after Bush gets done his 8 Years. Either way looks like people are starting to open their eyes and see what the Republicans have been doing.

11-08-2006, 04:54 PM
all i can say is well done people of america

11-08-2006, 05:20 PM
Bwahahaha! It's about time. Not that the Democrats getting back into the game is going to change things too drastically, but it has put the brakes on this downward spiral the Right Wingers were putting the US into.

That's essentially how I see it. I mean Fuck, I would have voted for Big Bird if I thought it could holt the serious downward spiral we are experiencing. It's definitely time to give something else a try because this Neo-Con bullshit is a fiasco.

Still waiting on the Senate.


P.S. B1, when I first saw this thread, I thought the same thing you did.

Vicki Richter
11-08-2006, 07:56 PM
As a non-voter, I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. Almost all politicians are crooks IMHO. Change should be good though. Why not? Maybe they will leave porn alone for awhile.


11-08-2006, 08:18 PM
I'm an independent, an atheist, and voted Republican. I know, someone will say “Oh great … an atheist voting for the religious right”. However, my biggest concern is taxes. I just hope we’re not heading back to the days of a balanced budget at the expense of the tax payers and landing us in another recession.

From Tedd Haggard, Evangelical New Life Church -- “The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality (homosexuality). And I take responsibility for the entire problem. I am a deceiver and a liar. There’s a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life”.

An electronic excerpt from Mark Foley to a 16 year old congressional page:

Maf54: You in your boxers, too?
Teen: Nope, just got home. I had a college interview that went late.
Maf54: Well, strip down and get relaxed.

Another message:
Maf54: What ya wearing?
Teen: tshirt and shorts
Maf54: Love to slip them off of you.

And this one:
Maf54: Do I make you a little horny?
Teen: A little.
Maf54: Cool.

I highly doubt Tedd Haggard has any real reservations or remorse about his sexual persuasion. Do any of you? I don’t (I'm not gay). And like Michael Jackson, Tedd Haggard and Mark Foley just cannot socially or politically afford to come out of the closet. I don’t blame them. Hell everyone on the Hill has their private lives and skeletons in their closets. It wouldn’t surprise me one iota to find that Nancy Pelosi would love to go down on some hot young high school chick while getting butt-slammed by a hot TG. Nor would it surprise me to find George W and his dad drunk and tag-teaming a hot Catholic nun behind the pulpit if they could get away with it. Hell I’d be right behind them in line for that party! And I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to find that the majority of the elected officials on Capital Hill are either agnostic or full-on atheist, bisexual and/or homosexual, because one thing we can all agree on dem and reps alike is they are all human! No matter your religious, ethical, or party affiliation, everyone behind their masks is equally human, similar, and quite comfortable in accommodating and satisfying sexual and hedonistic appetites of the human body … if they can get away with it, which makes it all the more fun and exciting. It is for me.

I think it would do this country, and humanity at large, a world of good for all to take a more honest and liberal position on all matters where humans are concerned. No one will ever agree on the ‘moral high ground’, because morality is all subjective anyway. What’s good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander, and what’s good for the gander is not necessarily good for the goose. As shocking as some of the scandals are, I find them equally amusing in that it all simply reveals that they’re no different than any of the rest of us. They’re just in a position where they have to hide who they truly are to stay in office, and the citizens of this country are free to be hypocrites and point their finger saying “Oh my god that’s terrible!” Is it really? You’d probably do the same thing.

Should the Democrats or Republicans hold the senate, I don’t really care. They’re all the same. Just don’t tax the shit out of me, don’t take my guns, don’t preach to me on how to live my life, and for heaven’s sake if some other country fucks with us, kick some ass so we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we have here.

My two cents, if it made cents at all …

11-08-2006, 09:25 PM
Ohh, brother. Self-serving, morning after, uninformed, non-reality-based-community bullshit. Let's look at it piece by piece.

I'm an independent, an atheist, and voted Republican. I know, someone will say “Oh great … an atheist voting for the religious right”. However, my biggest concern is taxes. I just hope we’re not heading back to the days of a balanced budget at the expense of the tax payers and landing us in another recession.

So called moderate Republicans are always saying, basically, "I'm not a bat shit crazy, right wing, Jesus talking Christian taliban, but I'm worried about taxes."

Do you know how stupid that sounds, from an economic perspective? It's like saying, I don't want to pay my credit card bills and my mortgage and the Repubs give me permission not to do so. Meanwhile, the principal on your debts increases. We can't get out of paying for the shit that government has sold us and government continues to sell us. You don't want to pay taxes, but you go along with a $2 trillion war. Who the fuck do you think is going to pay for it?

If Al Gore had not had the presidency stolen from him and he had continued Clinton's policies, you know what tax and fiscal issues we would be debating now? According to the Fed and Treasury in the late Clinton years, the big question was what would we do when we had finally paid off 200 years of federal debt. Hmmmm.... maybe universal health care? how about free college tuition? How about the biggest fucking tax cut you ever dreamed of in your best tranny wet dream? If the peace the prosperity party had stayed in power, that would have freed up $300 billion per year in interest on the federal debt and given the continuation of peace, maybe another $150 billion in peace dividend. Instead your chimperor took a $5.6 trillion projected 10 year surplus and turned it into $4.7 trillion debt -- that is that fucking ape spent $10 trillion dollars on war and give aways to the rich and oil companies -- and you think the rethuglicans help you on taxes. That doesn't even include the billions you were ripped off for oil when the chimperor told his oil buddy friends to ram it up your ass at the pump. Sorry but that is just the stupidest fucking moronic bullshit I've ever heard.

So what's next from this republican apologist idiot?

From Tedd Haggard, Evangelical New Life Church -- “The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality (homosexuality). And I take responsibility for the entire problem. I am a deceiver and a liar. There’s a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life”.

I highly doubt Tedd Haggard has any real reservations or remorse about his sexual persuasion. Do any of you? I don’t (I'm not gay). And like Michael Jackson, Tedd Haggard and Mark Foley just cannot socially or politically afford to come out of the closet. I don’t blame them. Hell everyone on the Hill has their private lives and skeletons in their closets. It wouldn’t surprise me one iota to find that Nancy Pelosi would love to go down on some hot young high school chick while getting butt-slammed by a hot TG. Nor would it surprise me to find George W and his dad drunk and tag-teaming a hot Catholic nun behind the pulpit if they could get away with it. Hell I’d be right behind them in line for that party! And I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to find that the majority of the elected officials on Capital Hill are either agnostic or full-on atheist, bisexual and/or homosexual, because one thing we can all agree on dem and reps alike is they are all human!
I think it would do this country, and humanity at large, a world of good for all to take a more honest and liberal position on all matters where humans are concerned. No one will ever agree on the ‘moral high ground’, because morality is all subjective anyway. What’s good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander, and what’s good for the gander is not necessarily good for the goose. …

Just who the bloody fuck do you think has made sex the wedge issue the last couple of years? You brainwashed republican fuck faces wasted millions of dollars to investigate Clinton's blow job, then you demonized gays and lesbians for years to energize brain dead, Jesus freak morons from Kansas and Iowa to vote for debt, war, jobs to Mexico -- just so long as we stick it to the gays -- meanwhile their pastors are sucking dick and smoking crystal meth. Riiiiigght. Why can't we just all get along, now you say.

There's a big difference between rethugnican and Democratic sex scandals, my friend. Republicans run on getting into your bedroom and inspecting whether your eating your own wife's pussy (against Leviticus) and Democrats favor letting people make personal sexual choices. So if Barney Frank gets a blow job, that's not a scandal, because he's out, gay and in favor of gay rights. If Foley is chasing underage boys, number one it's a crime (sexual harassment and assaulting a minor) and it's high hypocrisy because it goes exactly against what he has been running on. For fuck sake asshole, he was in charge of a committee to protect children from sexual predators! And Haggart was preaching such intense hatred against any non evangical Jesus freaks that his flock of sheep would stand in front of peoples houses and point and scream "witch, witch!" and drive them out of town. Yes, he actually did that to people who did not conform to brain dead Jesusfreakdom. Meanwhile he is sucking dick and doing crystal meth, and you think the scandals of the two sides are the fucking same? Are you on drugs?

There's only one dog in this fight that wants to get in the sheets in your house and that's the rethugs. But of course, they only want to do that to you, and keep all the ass fucking, dick sucking, perversion for themselves -- the whole sick, self hating closeted gay but gay-hating leadership of the rethugnicant party.

11-08-2006, 09:36 PM

You said "...swift and steadfast..." about the nation's first official postal worker. :lol:

11-08-2006, 09:55 PM
Ohh, brother. Self-serving, morning after, uninformed, non-reality-based-community bullshit. Let's look at it piece by piece.

I'm an independent, an atheist, and voted Republican. I know, someone will say “Oh great … an atheist voting for the religious right”. However, my biggest concern is taxes. I just hope we’re not heading back to the days of a balanced budget at the expense of the tax payers and landing us in another recession.

So called moderate Republicans are always saying, basically, "I'm not a bat shit crazy, right wing, Jesus talking Christian taliban, but I'm worried about taxes."

Do you know how stupid that sounds, from an economic perspective? It's like saying, I don't want to pay my credit card bills and my mortgage and the Repubs give me permission not to do so. Meanwhile, the principal on your debts increases. We can't get out of paying for the shit that government has sold us and government continues to sell us. You don't want to pay taxes, but you go along with a $2 trillion war. Who the fuck do you think is going to pay for it?

If Al Gore had not had the presidency stolen from him and he had continued Clinton's policies, you know what tax and fiscal issues we would be debating now? According to the Fed and Treasury in the late Clinton years, the big question was what would we do when we had finally paid off 200 years of federal debt. Hmmmm.... maybe universal health care? how about free college tuition? How about the biggest fucking tax cut you ever dreamed of in your best tranny wet dream? If the peace the prosperity party had stayed in power, that would have freed up $300 billion per year in interest on the federal debt and given the continuation of peace, maybe another $150 billion in peace dividend. Instead your chimperor took a $5.6 trillion projected 10 year surplus and turned it into $4.7 trillion debt -- that is that fucking ape spent $10 trillion dollars on war and give aways to the rich and oil companies -- and you think the rethuglicans help you on taxes. That doesn't even include the billions you were ripped off for oil when the chimperor told his oil buddy friends to ram it up your ass at the pump. Sorry but that is just the stupidest fucking moronic bullshit I've ever heard.

So what's next from this republican apologist idiot?

From Tedd Haggard, Evangelical New Life Church -- “The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality (homosexuality). And I take responsibility for the entire problem. I am a deceiver and a liar. There’s a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life”.

I highly doubt Tedd Haggard has any real reservations or remorse about his sexual persuasion. Do any of you? I don’t (I'm not gay). And like Michael Jackson, Tedd Haggard and Mark Foley just cannot socially or politically afford to come out of the closet. I don’t blame them. Hell everyone on the Hill has their private lives and skeletons in their closets. It wouldn’t surprise me one iota to find that Nancy Pelosi would love to go down on some hot young high school chick while getting butt-slammed by a hot TG. Nor would it surprise me to find George W and his dad drunk and tag-teaming a hot Catholic nun behind the pulpit if they could get away with it. Hell I’d be right behind them in line for that party! And I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to find that the majority of the elected officials on Capital Hill are either agnostic or full-on atheist, bisexual and/or homosexual, because one thing we can all agree on dem and reps alike is they are all human!
I think it would do this country, and humanity at large, a world of good for all to take a more honest and liberal position on all matters where humans are concerned. No one will ever agree on the ‘moral high ground’, because morality is all subjective anyway. What’s good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander, and what’s good for the gander is not necessarily good for the goose. …

Just who the bloody fuck do you think has made sex the wedge issue the last couple of years? You brainwashed republican fuck faces wasted millions of dollars to investigate Clinton's blow job, then you demonized gays and lesbians for years to energize brain dead, Jesus freak morons from Kansas and Iowa to vote for debt, war, jobs to Mexico -- just so long as we stick it to the gays -- meanwhile their pastors are sucking dick and smoking crystal meth. Riiiiigght. Why can't we just all get along, now you say.

There's a big difference between rethugnican and Democratic sex scandals, my friend. Republicans run on getting into your bedroom and inspecting whether your eating your own wife's pussy (against Leviticus) and Democrats favor letting people make personal sexual choices. So if Barney Frank gets a blow job, that's not a scandal, because he's out, gay and in favor of gay rights. If Foley is chasing underage boys, number one it's a crime (sexual harassment and assaulting a minor) and it's high hypocrisy because it goes exactly against what he has been running on. For fuck sake asshole, he was in charge of a committee to protect children from sexual predators! And Haggart was preaching such intense hatred against any non evangical Jesus freaks that his flock of sheep would stand in front of peoples houses and point and scream "witch, witch!" and drive them out of town. Yes, he actually did that to people who did not conform to brain dead Jesusfreakdom. Meanwhile he is sucking dick and doing crystal meth, and you think the scandals of the two sides are the fucking same? Are you on drugs?

There's only one dog in this fight that wants to get in the sheets in your house and that's the rethugs. But of course, they only want to do that to you, and keep all the ass fucking, dick sucking, perversion for themselves -- the whole sick, self hating closeted gay but gay-hating leadership of the rethugnicant party.

I never said I condoned anything of this from the Republican Party. I was merely sharing my points from an observational standpoint. You quote “You brainwashed republican fuck faces”, just shows that you’re the dumb-ass whose poor attitude fogs your reading comprehension. Since you didn’t notice (and/or comprehend) my opening line, “I'm an independent, an atheist, and voted Republican” for tax reasons I personally believe to be true. The evidence of that is on the Federal Income Tax box of my paycheck, if you ever bothered to look, unless you pour concrete for a living. It’s significantly lower when Republicans are in power, and significantly higher when the Democrats are. Regardless, there's never been free college tuition (which I paid for myself), nor has there ever been universal health care (which I pay for myself, $420 a month). You probably would like handouts on both and feel someone else should fit the bill for it.

As you said “the big question was what would we do when we had finally paid off 200 years of federal debt. Hmmmm.... maybe universal health care? how about free college tuition? “ In using your own words, I now ask you the same question “Who the fuck is gonna pay for that?” Me … and in your own words … ‘asshole’.

11-08-2006, 10:06 PM
Rumsfeld has resigned!

I myself would rather see him hanging from a lamppost like Il Duce...

And it's a clean sweep for the Democratic party!!

The repugs have now lost the senate also!!

Montana just declared a win for democratic candidate Tester!

And Virginia has only three precincts left to count(99.88% already reported). All in Jim Webb strongholds. It's all over for Johnny Reb Allen and his fellow repugs.

11-08-2006, 10:07 PM
Should the Democrats or Republicans hold the senate, I don’t really care. They’re all the same. Just don’t tax the shit out of me, don’t take my guns, don’t preach to me on how to live my life, and for heaven’s sake if some other country fucks with us, kick some ass so we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we have here.

I agree with what you're saying about more honest and liberal matters - take that out of politics and leave it to the policies (with the exceptions of people who are anti-gay being found to be gay, etc) but the above quote is what makes the US look so batshit to the rest of the Western world.

Don't tax the shit out of you? So you have no social healthcare of welfare - the root of people many getting poorer and in strife through one or two misfortunes. The statistic of people going bankrupt because of one major medical bill is huge and then they can't ever recover.

Don't take the guns away? Why do you need them? A few hunting guns is one thing but semi-auto guns available readily? For what? (Yeah yeah, I know some bullshit about a piece of paper that's a couple of hundred years old, about needing self-protection, blah, blah - don't want to get into a gun debate but the amount of guns easily available doesn't help anyone).

Don't preach to me? No arguments there - so let's take away their (churches) tax benefits and use the money to create a better social welfare - doing what Jesus would have done!

Some other country fucks ? - Iraq didn't fuck with you? If the US was genuinely attacked or under threat it's one thing but going after countries as the worlds so-called peacekeepers (money-makers) isn't working. You're creating more people wanting to attack.

The US has less freedoms than most other Western countries and losing them by the day.

11-08-2006, 10:11 PM
Rumsfeld has resigned!

I myself would rather see him hanging from a lamppost like Il Duce...

And it's a clean sweep for the Democratic party!!

The repugs have now lost the senate also!!

Montana just declared a win for democratic candidate Tester!

And Virginia has only three precincts left to count(99.88% already reported). All in Jim Webb strongholds. It's all over for Johnny Reb Allen and his fellow repugs.

I know you feel like stuffing it to the right wingers who are on this board and I'm all for seeing Rummy humbled but let's face it. The Dems won this because the Republicans are so fucking bad, so many scandals, such ineffective policies, so many people sick of the arrogrant and ignorant way that they have run the US for their own means over the last 6 yrs. The Dems did NOT win because they are more effective, have less scandals or even promise anything better. They're just different and the country if nothing else, needs a change.

11-08-2006, 10:24 PM
Republicans and their enablers are too stupid for words...

I never said I condoned anything of this from the Republican Party. I was merely sharing my points from an observational standpoint. You quote “You brainwashed republican fuck faces”, just shows that you’re the dumb-ass whose poor attitude fogs your reading comprehension. Since you didn’t notice (and/or comprehend) my opening line, “I'm an independent, an atheist, and voted Republican” for tax reasons I personally believe to be true. .

If you voted for republicans after the last six years, that's no longer just ignorance but a character flaw. If you voted for them, you supported their pathetic, treasonous program.

The evidence of that is on the Federal Income Tax box of my paycheck, if you ever bothered to look, unless you pour concrete for a living. It’s significantly lower when Republicans are in power, and significantly higher when the Democrats are. Regardless, there's never been free college tuition (which I paid for myself), nor has there ever been universal health care (which I pay for myself, $420 a month). You probably would like handouts on both and feel someone else should fit the bill for it.

As you said “the big question was what would we do when we had finally paid off 200 years of federal debt. Hmmmm.... maybe universal health care? how about free college tuition? “ In using your own words, I now ask you the same question “Who the fuck is gonna pay for that?” Me … and in your own words … ‘asshole’.

OK, let's break this down in simple terms that a repugnicant or repugnicant voter might, in the dim recesses of his mind, be able to understand. Let me tell you a fable.

Once upon a time, there was a husband and wife. They had $10K in credit card debt and a $150K mortgage. They also had a strange arrangment in paying the bills. The husband would pay bills from their joint checking account for 8 months; then the wife would pay the bills for 8 months.

When the hubby held the checkbook, he paid bills as they came due. When wifey held the checkbook, she didn't pay the credit card or mortgage bills.

One day they had an argument. Wifey says, when I hold the checkbook, we have more money in our checking account. I buy myself fancier clothes and we eat out more. See, I've given us a tax cut.

Hubby tried to explain that although they had more spending money when wifey held the check book, it was illusory, because the debts just rolled over and accumulated interest. In fact, if wifey held the checkbook for too long, they would go bankrupt, and Mr. Chungkuo from the credit card company and Mr. Takashita from the mortgage bank, would foreclose and take everything they had.

In case you don't get it, wifey is a republican; hubby is a Democrat; Mr. Chungkuo is the Central Bank of the People's Republic of China; and Mr. Takashita is the minister of finance of Japan.

If hubby can get control of the finances, he can in a relatively short time pay off Mr. Chungkuo and Mr. Takashita, freeing up so much of their income that they can begin to invest in important things. They could use the freed up debt money to buy health insurance -- just like the Windsor family, the LePews and the Deutcheman family who live across the pond in their town. Or they could re route all that stream of income to create a better system of funding college for their kids than crippling student loans, just like that nice Canadian fellow who lives in the northern part of their town.

Unfortunately wife is just too stupid to understand that when she doesn't pay the bills the debt still accumulates. So one day in the year 2000, they put the matter to a family vote. Hubby and their one older daughter who is getting a ph.d in economics, voted to pay their debts on time. Unfortunately, wifey and the couple's two mentally retarded younger children outvoted hubby and the smart daughter, because wifey and the two retards like having the extra money to buy video games.

11-08-2006, 10:45 PM
Scandals probably had no effect on this election because both parties had quite a few people but the main thing that effected my decision on which party to support is the war i mean whatever they are doing now is clearly failing but yet we hear the same shit from bush and rumsfeld. Personally i think the iraq situation had a big factor on this election.

11-08-2006, 10:48 PM
its like in england

When someone asked me who i am voting for

and i said "what do you mean between the liars and the crooks ?"

11-09-2006, 12:23 AM
Great stuff InHouston. Great minds think alike!
I am also an independent that voted Republican based largely on the tax issues, except for Texas Governor which I voted for KINKY!

Lets see what these liberals say four years from now when there paychecks are several thousand dollars lighter and they are praying to Mohammed. Oh wait, most are on welfare anyway and they will absolutely love it!

Regarding some posters, learn how to spell "political" if you want to be taken seriously in a political debate! LOL

11-09-2006, 12:33 AM
Should the Democrats or Republicans hold the senate, I don’t really care. They’re all the same. Just don’t tax the shit out of me, don’t take my guns, don’t preach to me on how to live my life, and for heaven’s sake if some other country fucks with us, kick some ass so we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we have here.

I agree with what you're saying about more honest and liberal matters - take that out of politics and leave it to the policies (with the exceptions of people who are anti-gay being found to be gay, etc) but the above quote is what makes the US look so batshit to the rest of the Western world.

Don't tax the shit out of you? So you have no social healthcare of welfare - the root of people many getting poorer and in strife through one or two misfortunes. The statistic of people going bankrupt because of one major medical bill is huge and then they can't ever recover.

Don't take the guns away? Why do you need them? A few hunting guns is one thing but semi-auto guns available readily? For what? (Yeah yeah, I know some bullshit about a piece of paper that's a couple of hundred years old, about needing self-protection, blah, blah - don't want to get into a gun debate but the amount of guns easily available doesn't help anyone).

Don't preach to me? No arguments there - so let's take away their (churches) tax benefits and use the money to create a better social welfare - doing what Jesus would have done!

Some other country fucks ? - Iraq didn't fuck with you? If the US was genuinely attacked or under threat it's one thing but going after countries as the worlds so-called peacekeepers (money-makers) isn't working. You're creating more people wanting to attack.

The US has less freedoms than most other Western countries and losing them by the day.

You know, they could increase welfare and other benefits to our citizens without raising taxes as it is, if they just wouldn’t waste the revenue the way they do. That sounds simplistic, but it’s true.

Why do I need guns? Well in this country you have people walking around with their pants hanging off their ass who don’t respect their elders, or their fellow citizens at large for that matter. And that’s white people, black, brown, and the like. Home invasions in this city are fairly common, and the perpetrators are not nice in how they go about it. And once a group of Latin gang members corralled my truck to the side of the road in an attempt to pull me over and rob or car jack me. My Glock pistol in their face quickly diffused that situation, and my girlfriend and I returned safely home that night. Crime is bad here.

True Iraq didn’t fuck with us. 911 spun our leaders (and not just Bush) into a paranoid frenzy for a war that turned out to be unnecessary in the end. Before 911, you Bush was quoted as saying “We’re not interested in regime change in Iraq.” Well, can’t turn back now that we’ve done it. However, I think there are enough good people in Iraq to warrant us staying and trying to stabilize the country, although the infighting between the Sunni and Shia are a good part of the blame for the mess there right now. We started the mess, so we have to finish it. Personally, if Saddam was such a threat, we could have just bombed his entire military infrastructure, leaving some weapons for their own defense, and that would have solved that problem. We could have done that without putting troops on the ground.

I’ve never lived in, nor (yet) had the opportunity to visit, a European country, so can’t say that I fully understand the freedoms enjoyed therein. Would love to visit Venice and see where great composers lived and performed. Beethoven and Brahms are my personal favorites. I would love to walk the back streets of France and England and just take in all the lush history.

As far as what caused the election to turn the way it did, I feel the war had a lot to do with it. The scandals only compounded the problem turning more voters over to the dems. However, if the war in Iraq was over, or near over, I don’t think the dems would have done as well. The American people are simply growing impatient, which in my opinion is good. Rumsfeld and Bush are conducting the war in a very patient and methodical style, but it’s too slow for the public and a bit slow for me too. Personally, I think they should handle Iraq like we did Berlin. All known and captured insurgents are lined up and shot. That quickly stopped the insurgency problems in WWII, and the French (for example) are still free to speak French instead of German.

The election is like a company bringing in a new management team to shake things up and get projects moving again. However, and I caution, once that happens it can go either way. There could be significant progress made, but in my experience I’ve usually just seen things come to a grinding halt and all attempts at progress die in committees. The balance of power has now shifted largely to the middle. Now everything has to be done by committee, and I feel that were going to spend the next two years watching our leaders debate and study issues incessantly instead of just getting the job done. But, that’s democracy in action. Regardless … America rocks! We’ve been here for over 200 years, and endured through times when we didn’t even necessarily understand how to govern ourselves. We’ll be fine.

By the way Seanchai, I resusbscribed to ShemaleYum again after being off for a couple of years. Your updates on this forum sold me in the end. Not sucking up. Just giving you Kudos where it's warranted. The repository of images and videos you've amassed over the years is quite impressive.

11-09-2006, 12:37 AM
By the way Seanchai, I resusbscribed to ShemaleYum again after being off for a couple of years. Your updates on this forum sold me in the end. Not sucking up. Not sucking up here. Just giving you Kudos where it's warranted. The repository of images and videos you've amassed over the years is quite impressive.

Glad to see my presence here is doing me some good :wink:

2007 is going to be mammoth for us. Site will be 10yrs old so we have all the celebrations to go with that as well as a complete redesign which should be extremely user friendly, themed updates and more content. I'm excited about getting to work on it - if I can just get out of the paperwork I'm buried under now.

11-09-2006, 12:51 AM
Democrats are the lesser of two evils... slightly better.
But as far as I'm concerned the US has only one party with two opposing fractions. History repeats itself... Try defacto hidden dictatorship since the rule of George H W Bush... ;) (ok, I'm feeling a little bit conspiratorial today...;))

But congratulations! Hope you can clean up the economy. The American people shouldn't pay for the neoconservative's/ G8's neo-imperalism abroad...


11-09-2006, 01:01 AM
Bwahahaha! It's about time. Not that the Democrats getting back into the game is going to change things too drastically, but it has put the brakes on this downward spiral the Right Wingers were putting the US into.

I hope.


well Honda, there's something we both agree on!!!! That was exactly my take on the Clinton years.........and will be happy if we get a lot of mileage out of this latest "brake job" :claps :peanutbutter

11-09-2006, 01:23 AM

11-09-2006, 06:56 AM
I know I'm supposed this here but I am so GOD DAMN HAPPY that the country's had voters finally have seen a need for change PLOTICALLY and that all the fucking right wigers are sucking it up right now. Especially the ones on this board. I'm glad the dems took the house of reps, hope we take the senate, and glad we are the majority as governors in states.

It feels so good to watch these right wing fucks, ruining this country, falling off their high horses!

Thank GOD for progressive thinking, social forwardness, and hope that we can lead our way out of the social dark ages the right wing if this country wanted to take us to.


Considering all the doom and glooming the left has done and in light of 12 years of CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN DOMINATION, this so called victory femocrats are claiming is nothing more than symbolic dick stroking.

Let's not forget. In last 12 years we've seen

Liberal democrats LOSE control over both houses

Clinton was indicted and impeached

We've installed 2 conservative (replacing OConnor thank the Lord). supreme court justices

We've got 8 years of George W Bush.

We've impeached and removed Saddam Hussein.

Overthrown the Taliban

Restored federal funding for faith based initiatives.

Advanced the anti-abortion movement and soon to be revisited by the Supreme Court

The Bush Adminstration has corrected failed diplomatic efforts and fake treaties with North Korean tyrants

We've overcome an early term recession.

4.4% unemployment

Sure the dhimmicrats may claim some success in their latest psychological warfares of doom and gloom against the America psych, but the pendulum swings both ways. You've claimed a small, negligible majority but as soon as Fems take off the masks and the liberal socialist agenda shows it's head, you'll pray for Ken Starr to put you out of your misery.

11-09-2006, 07:19 AM
My political soul brother, EdelweissFan. Great postings, sir.


11-09-2006, 07:24 AM
Sure the dhimmicrats may claim some success in their latest psychological warfares of doom and gloom against the America psych, but the pendulum swings both ways. You've claimed a small, negligible majority but as soon as Fems take off the masks and the liberal socialist agenda shows it's head, you'll pray for Ken Starr to put you out of your misery.

The fact is America does not want Liberalism. You will not see Democrats pushing some great big liberal agenda. What made Clinton such a success was that he was a moerate. Shit, I remember listening to Limbaugh damn near fumingthe first years of Clinton for the number of conservative ideas that Clinton claimed as his own.

Far left wing nuts are as bad as far right wing nuts. Money and power hungry people of any ilk will bring about bad changes and choices for the country.

The fact is republicans that have been in power have tried to have it both ways times ten. They want to fight a war we didn't need to fight with a low number of troops and seriously fucked up planning. They spend spend and spend some more and still fight to give the rich tax cuts. They make is profitable for companies to send jobs overseas and worry about how the economies of other nations are rising above ours. They preach no child left behind but don't fund the program. They get in bed with the drug companies and oil companies and have both industires write our prescription drug programs and energy policy.

One of the biggest problems is that people don't hold thier politicians to the fire. Conservatives lead the cheers for republicans as long as they didn't raise taxes and gave lip service to patriotism and so called values issues. democrats will fuck up almost as bad if thier supporters don't keep them in check.

11-09-2006, 07:36 AM
Despite your other ridiculous assertions which I disagree with, I'm curious about these two:

Restored federal funding for faith based initiatives.

Advanced the anti-abortion movement and soon to be revisited by the Supreme Court

Do you really think these are advancements and good for the country and the people? On what basis?


11-09-2006, 07:45 AM
Sure the dhimmicrats may claim some success in their latest psychological warfares of doom and gloom against the America psych, but the pendulum swings both ways. You've claimed a small, negligible majority but as soon as Fems take off the masks and the liberal socialist agenda shows it's head, you'll pray for Ken Starr to put you out of your misery.

The fact is America does not want Liberalism. You will not see Democrats pushing some great big liberal agenda. What made Clinton such a success was that he was a moerate. Shit, I remember listening to Limbaugh damn near fumingthe first years of Clinton for the number of conservative ideas that Clinton claimed as his own.

Far left wing nuts are as bad as far right wing nuts. Money and power hungry people of any ilk will bring about bad changes and choices for the country.

The fact is republicans that have been in power have tried to have it both ways times ten. They want to fight a war we didn't need to fight with a low number of troops and seriously fucked up planning. They spend spend and spend some more and still fight to give the rich tax cuts. They make is profitable for companies to send jobs overseas and worry about how the economies of other nations are rising above ours. They preach no child left behind but don't fund the program. They get in bed with the drug companies and oil companies and have both industires write our prescription drug programs and energy policy.

One of the biggest problems is that people don't hold thier politicians to the fire. Conservatives lead the cheers for republicans as long as they didn't raise taxes and gave lip service to patriotism and so called values issues. democrats will fuck up almost as bad if thier supporters don't keep them in check.

You have some good points. As a republican I will be the first to admit that my party has made some big mistakes, particularly in Iraq. However, these mistakes are amplified by the anti-American psychological warfare of doom and gloom coming from the left.

Slime like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, as late as 2000, have had direct collaborations with "Democratic Socialists of America".


It does not surprise me that they have not run campaigns on their own platform, their own ideas. So of course they've got the negligible majority, psychological warfare can be effective, especially against the unprepared still watching CNN and CBS.

For every mistake republicans have made, the socialists propagandists have amplified several times over.... until Joe Public finally says "Oh damn. I don't really want to, but I guess I have to vote for the fags" and dems pick up a few seats.

11-09-2006, 07:47 AM
Fuck it, I'll answer anyway.

Prohibiting federal funding for faith based initiatives is a violation of the First Amendment (church and state)

And abortion, is murder. In some rare cases, for the protection of the mothers life or other rare circumstances, abortion should be legal.

11-09-2006, 07:50 AM
You don't wait very long before you start deleting posts, do you sean?

11-09-2006, 07:52 AM
Fuck it, I'll answer anyway.

Prohibiting federal funding for faith based initiatives is a violation of the First Amendment (church and state)

And abortion, is murder. In some rare cases, for the protection of the mothers life or other rare circumstances, abortion should be legal.

Nice - your fucking insane.

11-09-2006, 07:54 AM
You don't wait very long before you start deleting posts, do you sean?

Not yet but I'm getting itchy fingers.

Why are you on this board - nobody as rightwing as you can possibly and realistically be into this scene without compromising your religion?


11-09-2006, 07:54 AM
Fuck it, I'll answer anyway.

Prohibiting federal funding for faith based initiatives is a violation of the First Amendment (church and state)

And abortion, is murder. In some rare cases, for the protection of the mothers life or other rare circumstances, abortion should be legal.

Nice - your fucking insane.

Intelligent comeback.

11-09-2006, 07:56 AM
You don't wait very long before you start deleting posts, do you sean?

Not yet but I'm getting itchy fingers.

Why are you on this board - nobody as rightwing as you can possibly and realistically be into this scene without compromising your religion?


You don't know my religion unless your allowing your own predispositions to get the best of you again.

11-09-2006, 07:56 AM
Fuck it, I'll answer anyway.

Prohibiting federal funding for faith based initiatives is a violation of the First Amendment (church and state)

And abortion, is murder. In some rare cases, for the protection of the mothers life or other rare circumstances, abortion should be legal.

Nice - your fucking insane.

Intelligent comeback.
Came from the gut.

11-09-2006, 07:57 AM
You don't wait very long before you start deleting posts, do you sean?

Not yet but I'm getting itchy fingers.

Why are you on this board - nobody as rightwing as you can possibly and realistically be into this scene without compromising your religion?


You don't know my religion unless your allowing your own predispositions to get the best of you again.

You've already stated them in your assertations and beliefs.


11-09-2006, 08:00 AM
Fuck it, I'll answer anyway.

Prohibiting federal funding for faith based initiatives is a violation of the First Amendment (church and state)

And abortion, is murder. In some rare cases, for the protection of the mothers life or other rare circumstances, abortion should be legal.

Nice - your fucking insane.

Intelligent comeback.
Came from the gut.
I figured

11-09-2006, 08:02 AM
Sincerly - apart from the fact that it's in the first amendment do you think faith based initiatives should get tax cuts and why?

Secondly - the abortion issue. I'm for abortion regulation but you are for banning it completely, under all circumstances? It's just so alien to me for somebody to assert that onto another?


11-09-2006, 08:11 AM
Labels, labels, labels ...conservatives, liberals....democrats, republicans and the ineffectual independants....left wing, right wing. Who runs for office? Would you? Have you?

I was thinking of going off on a long Jamie like disertation without the links, but then Tony Bennett came on the tonight show singing "I Left my Heart in San Francisco". And I said fuck it. We are still fucked, not because the mind set of any party in office but because of our own mind set. Because what happens, happens because we let it.

Check out South Park's episode on elections that aired on election nite. Did we vote in the "Giant Douches" or "The Turd Sandwiches" and at the end of the day when you check out the new threads posted does it matter?

Lawyers become law makers and judges and then become richer lawyers. But they have little real life experience with the people. But they rule the world based on winning their case. Which means ensuring their argument prevails. All sides are guilty.

Giant Douches or Turd Sandwiches you decide what we have!

11-09-2006, 08:14 AM
Sincerly - apart from the fact that it's in the first amendment do you think faith based initiatives should get tax cuts and why?

I didn't say faith based initiatives should receive tax cuts. I said I am in support for federal funding for faith based initiatives. Most faith based initiatives are actually tax exempt already.

Secondly - the abortion issue. I'm for abortion regulation but you are for banning it completely, under all circumstances? It's just so alien to me for somebody to assert that onto another?


I am against abortion except for cases where the mothers life is endangered or several other extreme and rare circumstances.

11-09-2006, 08:16 AM
Sincerly - apart from the fact that it's in the first amendment do you think faith based initiatives should get tax cuts and why?

I didn't say faith based initiatives should receive tax cuts. I said I am in support for federal funding for faith based initiatives. Most faith based initiatives are actually tax exempt already.

Secondly - the abortion issue. I'm for abortion regulation but you are for banning it completely, under all circumstances? It's just so alien to me for somebody to assert that onto another?


I am against abortion except for cases where the mothers life is endangered or several other extreme and rare circumstances.

Ok fair enough but why should they get federal funding?

Do you believe more or less money should be spent on welfare and free healthcare?

11-09-2006, 08:24 AM
Ok fair enough but why should they get federal funding?

Do you believe more or less money should be spent on welfare and free healthcare?

Because denying them equal access to federal funding simply because they represent a religious cause is unconstitutional.

I'd like to spend exactly ZERO on welfare and free healthcare. However, all people, at some point or another, need a handout. But when that handout becomes an expectation and that expectation is exploited politically (usually by dems playing class warfare), then I have a problem with it.

Advances in healthcare and medicine put America in the cutting edge. Unfortunately these advances come at a price.

We can chose to reward the innovators who develop new technologies and save lives OR we can regulate them out of business or into obscurity. Technology comes at a cost and with this cost comes tough decisions.

11-09-2006, 08:30 AM
Ok fair enough but why should they get federal funding?

Do you believe more or less money should be spent on welfare and free healthcare?

I'd like to spend exactly ZERO on welfare and free healthcare. Technology comes at a cost and with this cost comes tough decisions.

Then who would pay for all those unwanted babies that mothers couldn't afford to. Forget about people taking care of themselves - we both know it's unrealistic. Wouldn't this contribute to more social problems and spending to combat it?

America's health advances are falling behind because some people think stem cell's represent babies and a life and have banned the research.

You bring up the "unconstitutional" - can a document or a constitution be changed when the need comes. Should all faith based initiatives get equal funding based on the amount of people that subscribe to it - ie; should we give the same amount to Muslims as to Jews as to Christians?

11-09-2006, 08:36 AM
Democrats are Republicans too.

Your country desperately needs a mass-based workers' party. It's the only industrialized democracy without one.

11-09-2006, 08:38 AM
Voters bitch-slap bible-bangers...

Losses on ballot measures jolt religious

By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer
Wed Nov 8, 4:40 PM ET

From the country's heartland, voters sent messages that altered America's culture wars and dismayed the religious right — defending abortion rights in South Dakota, endorsing stem cell research in Missouri, and, in a national first, rejecting a same-sex marriage ban in Arizona.

Conservative leaders were jolted by the setbacks and looked for an explanation Wednesday. Gay-rights and abortion-rights activists celebrated.

The verdict on abortion rights was particularly clear. Oregon and California voters defeated measures that would have required parents to be notified before a girl under 18 could get an abortion, and South Dakotans — by a margin of 56 percent to 44 percent — rejected a new state law that would have banned all abortions except to save a pregnant woman's life.

"This was really a rebellion in the heart of red-state, pro-life America — the heart of the northern Bible Belt," said Sarah Stoesz, head of the Planned Parenthood chapter that oversees South Dakota. "It sends a very strong message to the rest of the country."


11-09-2006, 08:48 AM
Ok fair enough but why should they get federal funding?

Do you believe more or less money should be spent on welfare and free healthcare?

I'd like to spend exactly ZERO on welfare and free healthcare. Technology comes at a cost and with this cost comes tough decisions.

Then who would pay for all those unwanted babies that mothers couldn't afford to. Forget about people taking care of themselves - we both know it's unrealistic. Wouldn't this contribute to more social problems and spending to combat it?

You accidentally edited my quote.

My reply was-

I'd like to spend exactly ZERO on welfare and free healthcare. However, all people, at some point or another, need a handout. But when that handout becomes an expectation and that expectation is exploited politically (usually by dems playing class warfare), then I have a problem with it.

I understand that handouts are sometimes necessary. You asked about "WELFARE". In the contemporary context that means "Free money for adults". Now you're asking about money for kids. I'm all for the foster parent system.... well not all for, it's a screwy system that needs reform.

That said, I'm still in favor of a highly regulated welfare system. But I'd rather see that money in the hands of private recovery/education professionals than in the hands of and directly controlled by government.

Many adults living on the public dime are suffering from addiction or other mental illness. If their lives can be redeemed and made productive then they'd be a great asset to America.

America's health advances are falling behind because some people think stem cell's represent babies and a life and have banned the research.

That's speculation, pure speculation. SCR has yet to yield a single result. I'm not talking about laboratory results. I'm talking about applicable results. I'm talking about real-world, real-time results that are helping people RIGHT NOW, TODAY. SCR may down the road help people, but it has an equal chance of producing ZILCH.

I'd rather spend my tax money on national defense and fire departments and leave the government out of research. IMO, it's not even worth political debate. This is not political, it's capital. CASH.

You bring up the "unconstitutional" - can a document or a constitution be changed when the need comes.

I don't understand your question.

Should all faith based initiatives get equal funding based on the amount of people that subscribe to it - ie; should we give the same amount to Muslims as to Jews as to Christians?

Faith based initiatives should recieve equal access to federal funding, regardless of what religion they represent.

11-09-2006, 09:08 AM
Hi first time poster but long time lurker.

Thought I might share this with everyone. I think this may be a first.

Kim Coco Iwamoto a trangendered girl was elected to the State of Hawaii Board of Education Member Position yesterday here.

Here's her website..... http://kimcoco.com/

Way to go Kim!

11-09-2006, 09:23 AM
Hi first time poster but long time lurker.

Thought I might share this with everyone. I think this may be a first.

Kim Coco Iwamoto a trangendered girl was elected to the State of Hawaii Board of Education Member Position yesterday here.

Here's her website..... http://kimcoco.com/

Way to go Kim!

Was wondering about that. I met her in Kona Brewing Company a couple of weeks back. Nice individual.

11-09-2006, 09:28 AM
Thanks for the answers Tfan - can't say I'll ever understand your way of thinking as it seems at odds to where I was brought up but your explanations at least make some sense.

The Constitutional Question. I hear time and time again American's saying they can't change something (gun control, religion, etc) because it's in the Constitution - but why can't the Constitution be changed if it's out of date? Surely the answer should never be to any debate - "it's in the Constituion" or "it's un-Consititional"? It should be open to debate on the relevant merits of how if fits or affects today's society.


Kurdy M
11-09-2006, 10:23 AM
Democrats are Republicans too.

Your country desperately needs a mass-based workers' party. It's the only industrialized democracy without one.

Agreed, compared to us democrats are far right wing.

11-09-2006, 10:47 AM
I didn't say faith based initiatives should receive tax cuts. I said I am in support for federal funding for faith based initiatives. Most faith based initiatives are actually tax exempt already.

The problem with faith based initiatives is that politicians have to decided which ones get funding and who gets how much. It has turned into a way to buy church leaders support and to get the ear of large churches. It is easy to say that they should get funding equally but that is unrealsitic. Churches would just start throwing up programs to get the money. Let's not pretend that just because they are based in faith that they are all on the up and up.

Which brings up the fact that there is little oversite of the dollars and how they are spent. If they are going into building bigger chrches, gassing up the minister's Bentley or private jet we got a problem.

11-09-2006, 11:37 AM
I didn't say faith based initiatives should receive tax cuts. I said I am in support for federal funding for faith based initiatives. Most faith based initiatives are actually tax exempt already.

The problem with faith based initiatives is that politicians have to decided which ones get funding and who gets how much. It has turned into a way to buy church leaders support and to get the ear of large churches. It is easy to say that they should get funding equally but that is unrealsitic. Churches would just start throwing up programs to get the money. Let's not pretend that just because they are based in faith that they are all on the up and up.

Which brings up the fact that there is little oversite of the dollars and how they are spent. If they are going into building bigger chrches, gassing up the minister's Bentley or private jet we got a problem.

Of course there are those problems. But that's no roadblock. Some simple, independent oversight can make sure the cash doesnt fall into the hands of those that preach Jihad or bomb abortion clinics.

11-09-2006, 01:01 PM
TFan u are an absolute moron. HeHateme Kiss My Arse over the mispell-If I really gave a fuck I would delete your sorry ass post.

George Bush is not a conservative- he is a big spending, big goverment republican which is a paradox of what conservative goverment is. If it were not for 9/11 he would have not been re-elected. He has backed bills and legislations that are completely agaisnt what republican goverment stands for. Where as Ronald Reagan (which I am not a fan of either) was a unitor, Dubya is a divider. Your arguments are futile and have no basis. You are spewing the same sewage republicans have been for the past 6 years- and as you can see the american poeple have spoken and they are not buying the lies and deciet of this administration. Rumsfeld should have been fired a long time ago-now Bush was forced to let him go because he finally realized that maybe the polls were right; did he just not say two weeks ago that the polls were wrong on the war?

And that whole abortion tirade is just ridiculous. The supreme court will not over turn Roe V. Wade, and as Chef pointed out- in the fucking heartland they turnd down anti abortion laws. Of course you would believe
in denying a woman's right to choose what to do with her own reproductive system- what a piece of work you are. I bet you take out the dishes before you pee in the sink.


Maybe it's time to go into that bunker u have been building huh, T? Filled with lots of guns and amo, and should I guess...lots of cans of pork and beans???? Wow, i can't believe I just figured out your location!

11-09-2006, 05:07 PM
Oh Ari I know the type so so so well-

U know that kills me about these pro lifers- is the hypocrisy in their politics and beliefs. They are agaisnt someone terminating an undeveloped fetus- which is probably one of the most difficul descisions and painful one a woman will ever have to make, if she has to have one. Trsut me, no woman WANTS to have an abortion. These people would rather have back alley abortions, woman sticking coat hangers in themselves and dying of infections or bleeding to death; which is what did happen and will happen again if abortion is ever made illegal

Yet they want to save what is an undeveloped fetus but they are willing to go to war and have Americans and innocent civilians killed, want the death penalty, and want ak 47s on the street- so people can shoot each other out. How does that make any sense?

If T is so worried about murder of children,then maybe he should be concered about the innocent children that have been killed in the iraq war.
Maybe he should be worried about the thousands of Americans who have died in Iraq while he sits his ass at home supporting a war . Maybe he should enlist.

11-09-2006, 05:34 PM
my personal opinion with the american goverment is they should concentrate more on there own country more then the affairs of over countrys

The amount of money they spent on the war could have been put to far better use in america

11-09-2006, 05:43 PM
Ahhh. . . I gotta stand up for the gun nuts. I'm not a NRA member, dont own a gun of any sort, never had and probably never will. I have shot guns and enjoyed it. It's juvenile, but I have to say it is pretty fun blasting holes in a piece of paper or knocking cans off a post or whatever. Guys like guns, we just do.

I also don't think they are any more or less dangerous then many other tools and substances which are legally and readibly available. They are admittedly made mostly for the purpose of killing things, but a person being in a position to kill/injure something or someone in self defense is valid at times.

Hunting, in my opinion, is retarded.

Maybe we should limit gun ownership to women, it generally is men who misuse weapons for the most part. But I'd still like to use my girls gun on occasion to shoot cans.


11-09-2006, 05:44 PM
Of course there are those problems. But that's no roadblock. Some simple, independent oversight can make sure the cash doesnt fall into the hands of those that preach Jihad or bomb abortion clinics.

That is easier said than done. We can't fund EVERY faith based program, no matter how well they are run. Those that play the game and cozy up next to the administration will get most of the money. Who funds the independent oversight. To adequately oversee that kind of money it woul take any another govt. agency, like a smaller verson of the IRS.

The faith based program without serious oversight is the same as us handing out millions after millions to a handfull of ministers and just trusting them because they are ministers. As if ministers don't commit crimes.

11-09-2006, 09:54 PM
LMAO. While I'm being attacked, I have to say, the "womans right to choose" issue has nothing to do with either of you. You really should stay away from the topic.

Your attacks are some of the most angry, childish and bitter remarks I've read in a while. This thread was rolling along very well before you two began commenting on an issue that has nothing to do with you.

:peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :king :king :king :peanutbutter :peanutbutter :peanutbutter

11-09-2006, 10:13 PM
OMG, I flipped when I saw the thread title! LOL! Why would you be shouting my name, Allanah? :lol: :lol: But of course, I am indeed ECSTATIC over the election! Here in Mass we elected our first black governor (and, as I understand it, the second in the nation), and nationally won the House and the Senate and swept the governorships! If Bush and Cheney stepped down (or were impeached or whatever), we'd actually have a decent President now!

11-09-2006, 11:19 PM
Fucking A! You are so right!

11-09-2006, 11:38 PM
T Fan you further communite your ignorance when you point out that abortion has nothing to do with us. Why because we are not genetic women? So what in the hell does it have to do with you then either? if you USE that flawed logic my dear bunker frank & bean eater you would not be entitled to an opinion either.

Abortion rights is an issue I care deeply about because before being a tanssexual, a latina, I am a HUMAN. And i care about human beings and HUMAN RIGHTS for everyone. Everyone should be awarded the same rights and freedom in our society and that includes the freedom to do with your body as you please. As I am Ari bith have done.

Don't get all high and mighy on us because we are trans and have opinions on abortion- we both have bigger cojones than u annonymous punter sitting behind a pc screen hiding 'where we kick terrorists ass'.

A true T.S. Elliot.

Don't be bitter dear- envy will be joining your party very soon.

11-09-2006, 11:49 PM
OMG, I flipped when I saw the thread title! LOL! Why would you be shouting my name, Allanah? But of course, I am indeed ECSTATIC over the election! Here in Mass we elected our first black governor (and, as I understand it, the second in the nation)...

:lol: :lol:

I know you haven't been around much lately, E, but I'm surprised it took you this long to see your name at the head of one of the hottest topics in the LR in a long time. :lol:

Wilder (VA) said something to the effect that it was nice to be the first black governor in history, but he was a bit tired of hearing that he was the "...first and only...". :D I bet Southie is pissed right now. :lol:

My comments are based only on heresay and past experience, but I caught the drift of some of the previous posts. I have found it interesting that gays and particularly lesbians have been with the forefront of the abortion rights issue, throughout its history. WUDDAFUG??? Like what do a bunch of queenie guys and dick-hating dykes have to do with making/breaking babies? It's not about the babies (Gawd bless 'em, whatever their fate), it's about people's rights to make their own decisions, about heir own lives.

As for guns, I love 'em. Spent VD (Valentine's Day) of '98 remembering my last lover with a .22, .38, .357, a .45, and a =LOT= of brass. :twisted: But really, how many Kalischnikovs do you want your neighbors owning? Jeez. :roll:

Oh...I missed a step here: Was Clinton really impeached? I seem to recall they didn't get enough votes to do so.

Baaad President, got a blowjob from a mouthy intern and lied about it.

Baaad Congress, spent millions of OUR MONEY to tell dickboy he was baaad. :roll:

Maroons, both sides of the aisle.

11-09-2006, 11:53 PM
Oh...I missed a step here: Was Clinton really impeached?

Hell YES!

11-10-2006, 12:04 AM
Oh...I missed a step here: Was Clinton really impeached?

Hell YES!

Thanx for that. I was clearly so bored with the witchhunt at that point that I wasn't paying all that much attention to the matter.

11-10-2006, 12:10 AM
Clinton was impeached but acquitted for recieving a blowjob and supposely messing around with paula jones,they tried to go after him with personal stuff and failed. If anyone needs to be impeached its bush he is a liar which has proven to be costly with lifes of americans soldiers

11-10-2006, 12:15 AM
:lol: :lol:

I know you haven't been around much lately, E, but I'm surprised it took you this long to see your name at the head of one of the hottest topics in the LR in a long time. :lol:
I've been slammed with work lately (a good and bad thing, lol), and simply hadn't clicked into the forum in a couple of days. I drop by several times a week, though I don't always post (with my post count, I surely don't need any post padding at this point). So when I came in today, I was WTF?!

Oh...I missed a step here: Was Clinton really impeached? I seem to recall they didn't get enough votes to do so.
He was impeached, but not expelled from office. I remember this very well from when Nixon was nearly impeached but stepped down before charges could be laid. Most people think that impeachmend equates to removal from elected office, but in fact it's the legal statement of charges, equivalent to an indictment in criminal law. When the President faces impeachment, he subsquently faces a second legislative vote determining conviction and, thus, removal from office. So Clinton was impeached, but was not convicted. First the House impeaches by a simple majority, if they find that the President has committed "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" (thought the Constitution does not specify what constitutes "high crimes and misdemeanors"). Then the President is tried by the Senate, who may then remove the President from office if convicted by a two-thirds majority.

11-10-2006, 12:18 AM
Clinton was impeached but acquitted for recieving a blowjob and supposely messing around with paula jones,they tried to go after him with personal stuff and failed. If anyone needs to be impeached its bush he is a liar which has proven to be costly with lifes of americans soldiers

Liar you say? :lol:

Would you care to support that? :lol:

11-10-2006, 12:21 AM
"...thought the Constitution does not specify what constitutes "high crimes and misdemeanors"

Well, the blowjob would probably qualify as a misdemeanor.

Ex: "The more blowjobs I miss, de meaner I get". :lol:

11-10-2006, 12:42 AM
I bet you take out the dishes before you pee in the sink.


A classic...I think the last time you used that one was on our old pal yourdaddy! Not that this right-wing hypocrite stooge isn't deserving of it, also.

But my favorite will always be "I wouldn't suck your dick if I was suffocating and your balls were filled with oxygen!"

11-10-2006, 12:50 AM
And yet Clinton had 70% approval ratings at the time this farce(impeachment) was being orchestrated by the repugs!

But it's all good, because the so-called "Gingrich Revolution" is dead and fucking buried...whether you can deal with it or not, Gomer.

11-10-2006, 12:57 AM
Clinton was impeached but acquitted for recieving a blowjob and supposely messing around with paula jones,they tried to go after him with personal stuff and failed. If anyone needs to be impeached its bush he is a liar which has proven to be costly with lifes of americans soldiers

Liar you say? :lol:

Would you care to support that? :lol:

Rumsfield was a lousy secretary of defense that has been proven costly,first bush says his main man is doing a great job and he is sticking by him yet he resigns and the president accepts his resignation obvious he must be doing a pretty terrible job if he cowardly resigns and the president accepts further proving that he has done a terrible job with the war and the president knows that.

11-10-2006, 02:03 AM
Clinton was impeached but acquitted for recieving a blowjob and supposely messing around with paula jones,they tried to go after him with personal stuff and failed. If anyone needs to be impeached its bush he is a liar which has proven to be costly with lifes of americans soldiers

Liar you say? :lol:

Would you care to support that? :lol:

Rumsfield was a lousy secretary of defense that has been proven costly,first bush says his main man is doing a great job and he is sticking by him yet he resigns and the president accepts his resignation obvious he must be doing a pretty terrible job if he cowardly resigns and the president accepts further proving that he has done a terrible job with the war and the president knows that.


So what are you claiming to be the "lie" there? LMAO

11-10-2006, 02:05 AM
Correcting liberals has never been so easy!

This is for you, libs! LMAO

11-10-2006, 02:14 AM
Clinton was impeached but acquitted for recieving a blowjob and supposely messing around with paula jones,they tried to go after him with personal stuff and failed. If anyone needs to be impeached its bush he is a liar which has proven to be costly with lifes of americans soldiers

Liar you say? :lol:

Would you care to support that? :lol:

Rumsfield was a lousy secretary of defense that has been proven costly,first bush says his main man is doing a great job and he is sticking by him yet he resigns and the president accepts his resignation obvious he must be doing a pretty terrible job if he cowardly resigns and the president accepts further proving that he has done a terrible job with the war and the president knows that.

So what are you claiming to be the "lie" there? LMAO

LOL, your buffoon president said rummy was doing a great job and he is sticking by him yet he is canned must be the great job he was doing there that got him thrown away like yesterdays trash.

11-10-2006, 02:19 AM
Clinton was impeached but acquitted for recieving a blowjob and supposely messing around with paula jones,they tried to go after him with personal stuff and failed. If anyone needs to be impeached its bush he is a liar which has proven to be costly with lifes of americans soldiers

Liar you say? :lol:

Would you care to support that? :lol:

Sweet Fancy Moses! Now that's a tough one Gomer...prove bush a liar.... :roll: :P




11-10-2006, 02:26 AM
TFan you are fighting a losing battle against these liberal "sheepels". In their opinion, let socialism rule.

11-10-2006, 02:34 AM
I don't mean to demean anybody. I know most liberals have good intentions.

But liberalism is really nothing. Conservatism is not radically different. In fact, it relies on the same basic tenets of liberal economics (neo-liberalism these days to be more specific).

If American 'left-liberals' (now there's a contradiction in terms!!!) think they're somehow radical or left, then the American education system and media are even more powerful and evil than I imagined.

Liberalism is to the right of political centre. It advocates profit over people and relies on squashing the working class to enrich the bourgeoisie. (Mr. Kerry, their last candidate for the presidency is a billionaire who has built a vast fortune by exploiting thousands of Americans).

So, while I'm sure you liberals are happy right now, I seriously hope you don't believe things are going to change for the better, because that's so naive it literally scares me.

I hope I don't sound anti-American, because I am definitely not. But I thought an outside perspective that brings everybody back to earth was badly needed.

The very term 'ecstatic' to represent the mere shift from one right-wing party to another is so over-blown. Let's not forget the evils that the Democrats have unleashed on the world over the years. Think of Kennedy and LBJ. Thousands of children are STILL being born deformed in Vietnam because of those (Democrat) bastards.

If you want your country to move in the opposite direction of Bush/Cheney (instead of merely pursuing the same agenda at a slower rate with a more warm and fuzzy face -- that's all you'll get with Dems) you need to look outside of the two (read: one) party system.

The USA is the only advanced democracy without a major workers' party, and the USA has a working class of what, like 200 million people? That's cuckoo! The American public is even more brainwashed than all the rest of us poor saps!

Americans are good at standing up for themselves, now let's see you do it!

In Solidarity with my American sisters and brothers.

11-10-2006, 02:46 AM
Clinton was impeached but acquitted for recieving a blowjob and supposely messing around with paula jones,they tried to go after him with personal stuff and failed. If anyone needs to be impeached its bush he is a liar which has proven to be costly with lifes of americans soldiers

Liar you say? :lol:

Would you care to support that? :lol:

Rumsfield was a lousy secretary of defense that has been proven costly,first bush says his main man is doing a great job and he is sticking by him yet he resigns and the president accepts his resignation obvious he must be doing a pretty terrible job if he cowardly resigns and the president accepts further proving that he has done a terrible job with the war and the president knows that.

So what are you claiming to be the "lie" there? LMAO

LOL, your buffoon president said rummy was doing a great job and he is sticking by him yet he is canned must be the great job he was doing there that got him thrown away like yesterdays trash.

LMAO. You're really stretching, meatball. I tried telling W to chain Rums to the desk today and force him to stay. But W was afraid the the Ny Times would pick up the story, "Bush locks Rumsfeld in the war room".

It's free country, brother.

11-10-2006, 02:50 AM
TFan you are fighting a losing battle against these liberal "sheepels". In their opinion, let socialism rule.

Nah I like painting em into a corner. I've just exposed the democrat philosophy, especially if you're trans, gay, mex, black etc.....


These people live under the thumb of their 'community' masters

11-10-2006, 02:51 AM
TFan you are fighting a losing battle against these liberal "sheepels". In their opinion, let socialism rule.

LMFAO @ "fighting a losing battle"! Better take a look at the papers, schmuck, because you stooges just lost the fuckin battle! :lol: :P


11-10-2006, 03:00 AM
Nah I like painting em into a corner. I've just exposed the democrat philosophy, especially if you're trans, gay, mex, black etc.....

"VOTE DEM OR YOU'RE DISOWNED BY YOUR OWN 'COMMUNITY'"Stop kidding yourself. You've painted no one into any corner. Your logic is flawed. Address the topic, and leave partisan politics out of it.

LOL! You've yet to find a topic and take a position on ANYTHING! So far all you've added is "I'm not a liberal or a democrat".

I'll let you do the honors. Pick a topic and then put yourself on a position.

Please! I'm begging you! LMAO

11-10-2006, 03:04 AM
TFan has proved that he is a mysoginist, and anti trans ,and just another in the closet repulican fuck sitting on a cucumber (or maybe he has a sheep in his bunker) because he can't get the real thing.

He is the type like Foley, who is anti gay, anti gay rights, the biggest public homophobe- but is secretely taking it in the arse. Have we not seen this kind of hypocrysy over and over with the right wing nuts? Congressmen who pretend to be homophobes yet are gay pedophiles, Conservstive Radio Host who says anyone who does drugs should die and is a drug addict, Evangeligist who preaches the gospel but hires gay male escorts.

Isnt enough enough? The coountry has realized that right wingers like TFan are full of shit- that is why you lost control of both houses, lost crazy conservative measures, and know even Dubya is bowing to preassure.

Get a clue- your anti gay, anti feminist, anti social services crap is going no where TFan. You should not even be on this board- there is no room for people like you here.

You certainly are not party of any community here- wait yeah-tthe hyprocitical republican conservative community-

Nah, I bet you don't even take out the dishes before u pee in the sink. You are not that much of a gentleman.

11-10-2006, 03:05 AM
Please don't try placating me with a devicive, long-winded monologue. I'm not a democrat OR a liberal.


My post wasn't directed at you, or anybody in particular, just this overall wave of ecstacy over nothing.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by placate either. How could my post be construed as trying to placate anybody?

Bit confused here. Could you clarify for me?

11-10-2006, 03:13 AM
I'm begging you to explain how, if TS can't have opinions on abortion in your little world, how you can. Begin...

Read closely. I said "The issue has nothing to do with you and you should stay away from the topic".

Of course you can have an opinion, you're ONLY human. But if you can't impregnate or be impregnanated, you really ought to leave the topic to us fishy smelling breeders. That's only offensive to people like you who are highly resentful your place in the world.

The minute I grow a snatch and start bleeding out of it is the minute I'll push for "free tampon" legislation. Until then, I'll leave the tampon political debate to the women.

11-10-2006, 03:15 AM
What a pig.

See what inbreeding causes? Don't get your first cousin preagnant folks.
You could end up like TFan.

11-10-2006, 03:18 AM
You certainly are not party of any community here- wait yeah-tthe hyprocitical republican conservative community-

LOL! Community?


LMAO! That's no community.
That my friend is the definition of "herd mentality". If YOU don't agree with us, YOU don't belong?


11-10-2006, 03:19 AM
he is again defining everything to his own little world-
geez some transwomen have kids? NO WAY!

Wait not all transwomen like men, they like women too- NO WAY!

Please don't insult me by calling me your friend-
And you and I well know darling that you are still here because I have not kicked your ass out. Don't flatter yourself. If you don't like it, dont let the door smack you in thr ass. Though you are on the road like YourDaddy- a quick exit.

And you do know what usually happens to the smallest and weakest member of the herd :twisted:

11-10-2006, 03:28 AM

11-10-2006, 03:30 AM
tick tock tick tock

11-10-2006, 03:32 AM
hunny he is a coniving little abortion himself-

guess where that came from ari- i know u know!

11-10-2006, 03:38 AM


11-10-2006, 03:39 AM
No sweetie- he is still trying to figure out what his index finger is for and how it got there...don't worry he will return in a bit once all the hair falls off his body and he walks upright.

11-10-2006, 04:04 AM
Arianna, I'm still confused as to the issues in my post that bothered you, or were seen to be directed at you.

My post was simply an outside look into the quite unique political situation in the United States where freemarket liberals are considered the 'left'. To people actually on the left, especially outside the US, this is quite shocking.

Also, it seems you're under the impression that my original post was somehow aimed at you or meant to be divisive? Please allow me to disabuse you of that impression, because neither are true.

For now,

11-10-2006, 07:18 AM
for the past 6 years? importing nazi-monsters after WWII to construct plans to stop the russian "invasion" that has never been did not happen in 2003 or 2001.... there were things that happened before hitler´s parents were born. how about the genocide on native americans? the KKK and the millions of shitheads that stood behind them? is this american history?

anyway, you´re right. i really wonder what people like tfan or neil young ups white male canada are doing here. haven´t they told their super-republican credit card-asshole friends what they´re into?

sorry but something must be said. can´t believe what´s going on. it´s really hard to be a human being.

11-10-2006, 07:31 AM
No sweetie- he is still trying to figure out what his index finger is for and how it got there...don't worry he will return in a bit once all the hair falls off his body and he walks upright.LOL - And I think he's spraying that finger with Febreze as we type. Nice avatar, Tfan. Is that what you use to get that fishy smell out out your mom's cootch?

I've done enough ownage in this thread already. The last few posts in this thread have been nothing but playground taunting.

I'm perfectly satisfied to sit back and observe the cackling.

11-10-2006, 07:48 AM
I've done enough ownage in this thread already. The last few posts in this thread have been nothing but playground taunting.

I'm perfectly satisfied to sit back and observe the cackling.You're content to stop putting your foot in your mouth now, because it's painfully obvious to you that you've made a complete jackass of yourself. You're out of your element here on every level, and you know it. So do yourself a big favor and get back to your guilt-ridden infatuation with cock shots, which your backwards belief system and religious faith would NEVER allow for. You obviously lack the mental hardware and/or maturity to do little else.

Like I said... playground taunting.

gummi baer
11-10-2006, 10:06 AM
Something about the other elections on Tuesday: In Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin the voters passed measures banning same-sex marriage. (Arizona is at 49% in favor; but still undecided) One thing that is left unclear to me is whether Trans-Gender are prohibitted from marrying men? or women? or both. If anyone knows some details of these States-Rights issues; please inform the rest of us.

11-10-2006, 10:15 AM
Something about the other elections on Tuesday: In Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin the voters passed measures banning same-sex marriage. (Arizona is at 49% in favor; but still undecided) One thing that is left unclear to me is whether Trans-Gender are prohibitted from marrying men? or women? or both. If anyone knows some details of these States-Rights issues; please inform the rest of us.

Transgenders should be allowed full marriage rights. Gays on the other hand should respect the union of a man and a woman and go for an equal status, "civil unions". They are constitutionally guaranteed that in this, the greatest country the world has ever seen.

gummi baer
11-10-2006, 10:41 AM
In many of these ballot initiatives they also disallow "civil unions".

11-10-2006, 10:48 AM
In many of these ballot initiatives they also disallow "civil unions".

That part won't survive the courts.

Kurdy M
11-10-2006, 01:11 PM

Like I said... playground taunting.If that's what you'd like to believe, to help you sleep better at night, you're welcome to relax in the safety of your own delusions.

Huh?? I thought you left this forum.

11-10-2006, 01:52 PM
Tfan- I am so glad u finally decided to post a self portrait of you! Just like I pictured it- a dead rat! I must say that rat trap choker you are wearing is very flattering.

The only thing you have ownd on this thread is your assholism.

Of course in your view transgenders should be allowed to marry but not gays because u like a some cock on a chick. What a fucking hypocrite you are.

I'd bet back in the day you be rocking some anti interacial marrige bans or segregation in schools- cause it does not concern your lility white ass.

May I suggest the little green pellets next time? A rat trap seems to human for you.

11-10-2006, 09:45 PM
Tfan- I am so glad u finally decided to post a self portrait of you! Just like I pictured it- a dead rat! I must say that rat trap choker you are wearing is very flattering.

The only thing you have ownd on this thread is your assholism.

Of course in your view transgenders should be allowed to marry but not gays because u like a some cock on a chick. What a fucking hypocrite you are.

I'd bet back in the day you be rocking some anti interacial marrige bans or segregation in schools- cause it does not concern your lility white ass.

May I suggest the little green pellets next time? A rat trap seems to human for you.

I'm not white though that is the typical assumption made by the hysterical.

11-10-2006, 09:55 PM
Now that the new village idiot has shut the fuck up for a while, here's a behind-the-scenes look at recent events in the chimp-in-chief's world.

Mo Dowd's(NY Times) latest hilarious and brilliant column-

A Come-to-Daddy Moment

Poppy Bush and James Baker gave Sonny the presidency to play with and he broke it. So now they’re taking it back.

They are dragging W. away from those reckless older guys who have been such a bad influence and getting him some new minders who are a lot more practical.

In a scene that might be called “Murder on the Oval Express,” Rummy turned up dead with so many knives in him that it’s impossible to say who actually finished off the man billed as Washington’s most skilled infighter. (Poppy? Scowcroft? Baker? Laura? Condi? The Silver Fox? Retired generals? Serving generals? Future generals? Troops returning to Iraq for the umpteenth time without a decent strategy? Democrats? Republicans? Joe Lieberman?)

The defense chief got hung out to dry before Saddam got hung. The president and Karl Rove, underestimating the public’s hunger for change or overestimating the loyalty of a fed-up base, did not ice Rummy in time to save the Senate from teetering Democratic. But once Sonny managed to heedlessly dynamite the Republican majority — as well as the Middle East, the Atlantic alliance and the U.S. Army — then Bush Inc., the family firm that snatched the presidency for W. in 2000, had to step in. Two trusted members of the Bush 41 war council, Mr. Baker and Robert Gates, have been dispatched to discipline the delinquent juvenile and extricate him from the mother of all messes.

Mr. Gates, already on Mr. Baker’s “How Do We Get Sonny Out of Deep Doo Doo in Iraq?” study group, left his job protecting 41’s papers at Texas A&M to return to Washington and pry the fingers of Poppy’s old nemesis, Rummy, off the Pentagon.

“They had to bring in someone from the old gang,” said someone from the old gang. “That has to make Junior uneasy. With Bob, the door is opened again to 41 and Baker and Brent.”

W. had no choice but to make an Oedipal U-turn. He couldn’t let Nancy Pelosi subpoena the cranky Rummy for hearings on Iraq. “He’s not exactly Mr. Charming or Mr. Truthful, and he’d be on TV saying something stupid,” said a Bush 41 official. “Bob can just go up to the Hill and say: ‘I don’t know. I wasn’t there when that happened.’ ”

Bob Gates, his friends say, had been worried about the belligerent, arrogant, ideological style of Rummy & Cheney from the start. He fretted at the way W.’s so-called foreign policy “dream team” — including his old staffer and fellow Soviet expert Condi — made it up as they went along, even though that had been their complaint about the Clinton foreign policy team. A realpolitik advocate like his mentor, General Scowcroft, he was critical of a linear, moralizing style that disdained nuance, demoted diplomacy and inflated villains. In 2004, he publicly questioned the administration’s approach to Iran.

While Vice went off to a corner to lick his wounds, W. was forced to do his best imitation of his dad yesterday, talking about “bipartisan outreach,” “people have spoken,” blah-blah-blah — after he’d been out on the trail saying that electing Democrats would mean that “the terrorists win and America loses.”

“I share a large part of the responsibility” for the “thumpin’ ” of Republicans, he told reporters. Actually, he gets full responsibility.

W. has stopped talking about democracy as a standard of success in Iraq; yesterday, he said that Iraq had to “govern itself, sustain itself and defend itself.”

He was asked if his surprise at the election results showed he was out of touch with Americans. “I thought when it was all said and done,” he replied, “the American people would understand the importance of taxes and the importance of security.”

So it was just that the American people were too dumb to understand? W. also managed to bash Vietnam vets, saying that this war isn’t similar because there’s a volunteer army, so “the troops understand the consequences of Iraq in the global war on terror.” Is that why W. stayed out of Vietnam? Because he understood it?

An ashen Rummy was also condescending during his uncomfortable tableau with W. and Bob Gates in the Oval Office, implying that he was dumped because Americans just didn’t “comprehend” what was going on in Iraq. Actually, Rummy, we get it. You don’t get it.

“Baker’s no fool,” a Bush 41 official said. “He wasn’t going to go out there with a plan for Iraq and have Rummy shoot it down. He wanted a receptive audience. Everyone had to be on the same page before the plan is unveiled.”

They don’t call him the Velvet Hammer for nothing. R.I.P., Rummy.

http://select.nytimes.com/2006/11/09/opinion/09dowd.html?n=Top%2fOpinion%2fEditorials%20and%20O p%2dEd%2fOp%2dEd%2fColumnists%2fMaureen%20Dowd

11-10-2006, 11:32 PM
No your not white- just retarded.

11-11-2006, 12:05 AM
Aw jeez, piss/moan, bitch/cry, whine & cheese. :roll:

I'm actually going to miss the lying-ass bastard.

Who else can fascinate us with known knowns, unknown knowns, unknown unknowns, and known unknowns? :lol:

11-11-2006, 12:28 AM
I always take great pleasure when Chef and Quinn don the gloves and pummel the Repug pinheads in the Politics forum. :D But, I take even more joy watching the likes of Arianna and Allanah pistol whip this pinhead with his own cock.........Nice job ladies, well done :claps

11-11-2006, 10:32 AM
Arianna, I'm still confused as to the issues in my post that bothered you, or were seen to be directed at you.

My post was simply an outside look into the quite unique political situation in the United States where freemarket liberals are considered the 'left'. To people actually on the left, especially outside the US, this is quite shocking.

Also, it seems you're under the impression that my original post was somehow aimed at you or meant to be divisive? Please allow me to disabuse you of that impression, because neither are true.

For now,
SC.We basically have a two party system in the US, regardless of how accurate the labels "liberal" and "conservative" may truly be. And your post essentially bashed Democrats, who are the only likely party to restore something better than radically self-serving right-wing politics to this country. So, in light of the undeniably fascistic direction the current "conservative" administration has bullied us into for the past 6 years, which has failed miserably on every level; the slanted and abridged history lesson you've inserted into this thread is as counter-productive as it is moot. Whether or not you aimed it me, or anyone else, is immaterial. Tfan is knee-jerk neo-nazi and, imho, you should've been more concerned with exposing his incongruities than giving him any breathing-room on this thread.


Totally offside. How is a Marxist critique of the American political context giving a fascist breathing room?

Not cool at all. I don't want to make this a pissing contest, but I've done a hell of a lot of anti-fascist work in my day (i.e. confronting the fucks physically when necessary), and your comments were totally unfair.

As for this guy, Tfan, why would I bother even addressing him? I was trying to make a point about the centrist limitations of the Democrats and the desperate need for change in American working-class politics. This is something intended to spark thought for democratic minded Americans. Frankly, I'm not worried about what Tfan thinks. He is decidedly unimportant.