View Full Version : Couldn't choose password

08-08-2023, 01:12 PM
When registering, I couldn't choose a password. It was filled with random letters (separted by dashes/hypens) and a yellow label in the field on the right saying to pick a secure password, but the field itself not being clickable.

I'm logged in now from the activation link, but wouldn't be able to login anymore if I don't change my password (which I cannot without knowing the current).

Can you send me a reset link or something?

08-10-2023, 07:41 AM
Use the contact form (click on the ‘Contact Us’ link on the toolbar at the foot of this page) or send an email to admin@grooby.com

08-10-2023, 10:07 AM
Oh wow, I just found out both the password and what the weird yellow unselectable field it was.
Thanks Apple for auto filling a "secure" password, but because of a bug not showing the "Do you even wanna use this pw?"-popup.

Thanks anyways @rodinuk :)
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