View Full Version : Keep on Trucking!

02-18-2022, 04:14 PM
Are Truckers going to become the Brown Shirts of New Wave Fascism? The assumption that they are right-wing nutters is almost certainly an offence against the men -and women- who drive those monsters of the road.

It makes me think of those Truckers in Oregon I think it is, who have been seduced by Krissy....but let's leave them to their harmless pleasure. Trucking, after all, does have its 'payday', as it were, and fun it was to be had.

Here is the issue -when Extinction Rebellion in the UK, or Black Lives Matter disrupt town centres, the complaint is that the police ought to remove them by force, and in some case have. And now we have the UK Government proposing legislation to make such 'street protests' all but illegal.

But use two words, Freedom Convoy, and that affront to the peaceful street becomes an heroic challenge to Government - as Rand Paul stated

“I hope the truckers do come to America. I hope they clog up cities,”.

And this, from the same man-

"In 2020, Paul described a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters that confronted him in Washington as an “angry mob”, thanking police for escorting him and “literally saving our lives from a crazed mob”. (https://twitter.com/RandPaul/status/1299219937517613056?s=20&t=gvbnsrvzvf1ifAhqIxNNNA)

So I guess it all depends on what you drive. A Rig or a Prius....and the colour of your shirt.