View Full Version : Madonna's New Kid (Why is this even news worthy?)

10-23-2006, 09:02 PM
Jumping on the boat of wealthy adopters of impoverished children (nothing wrong with that, but it seems to be a growing celebrity status/self promotional tool thing), Madonna seems to have gotten herself in the news again for basically doing nothing.

I think the best part is the father saying, "What the. . .? I thought I was just, uh, sending him off to school for a few years. . . until he becomes lavishly wealthy. . . or I mean educated. . . whatever the case may be. . . (cough)".

I'm sure the kid will, at the age of 18, return to Malawi to work with his father in the fields (sarcasm intended). I don't know who is more vile in this situation, Madonna or Mr. Banda, but personally I hope the kid grows up to disown both his "parents".
