View Full Version : Opinion on passable or not?

01-08-2020, 07:10 AM
hey guys..
quick question...do you think the girl listed below is passable?

what is her most "masculine" feature or giveaway?

and what is her most feminine?


01-08-2020, 08:10 AM
Blurred , cant tell.

01-08-2020, 01:09 PM
She’s clearly very passable facially :fu:

Cereal Escapist
01-08-2020, 01:17 PM
Well the dead give away that she is not passable as a human being is that she has no face.

If in face she has a human face, it will have to be evaluated separately.

that said, this girl clearly has a definite shoulder and neck line that you do not find on most genetic girls.

01-08-2020, 02:41 PM
Dumbest post ever - and bordering on a delete, for mis-gendering.

01-09-2020, 03:01 AM
These days I don't think being "passable" really matters...

01-09-2020, 07:01 AM
I mean more in the sense of..are there any telltale signs of either above?

01-09-2020, 12:11 PM
I am sure I have seen these photos before, and years ago, maybe on one of the West Hollywood sites, or more recently on social media of some form.

01-09-2020, 03:37 PM
I mean more in the sense of..are there any telltale signs of either above?

Why? What is the purpose of this topic? It's creepy.