View Full Version : Jordan Peterson

05-04-2018, 10:55 AM
For me, I support transwomen as much as anyone as anyone I know. I've dated, have had relationships and have fallen in love with transwomen.

Jordan Peterson came to prominence through refusing to use preferred gendered pronouns (beyond 'she' and 'her'.... instead using 'they, them, ze etc'). Most of the transwomen I know cringe at the idea of these strange pronouns (maybe I'm projecting, but most embrace the gender differences). JB vows to resist new Canadian laws making it a crime to not refer to people as their 'preferred' pronouns (beyond mr, mrs, ms) with the threat of financial penalties (especially since he works for a Canadian-state run University)

And I'm the opposite of a Trump supporter (I hate him, his supporters, and what he stands for at a visceral level), but JP has struck a nerve with me. Freedom of speech is bigger than the right to be offended (even if its my transfriends, who I love), and the most of the transpeeps would agree, as they tend to value individuality more than most.

Anyways, there's a cultural warfare occurring (especially on US university campuses), and it often seems like its doing more harm than good with moving the conversation forward.

05-04-2018, 03:09 PM
Jordan Peterson rejects the post-modern political correctness that argues gender status is fluid.

He wants to reinforce the concept of the masculine and the feminine as both biological and socially fixed realities that cannot be changed.

He thus uses the 'gender fluid' argument against the 'gender crowd' who oppose therapies to 'correct' homosexuality by arguing that if homosexuality is a fluid identity then it can indeed be changed, it is only the methods that might be wrong. Similarly, he is not in fact opposed to addressing a transgendered man Michael by his preferred name, Michelle, but objects to being forced to do so by the law in Canada.

He claims statistical evidence for the claim that there are fewer women than men in the Board-rooms of private companies not because women are actively denied Directorships, but because most women don't want them; just as there are fewer female mechanical engineers than men because not that many women are interested in mechanical engineering.

Whether he is right on the statistics or not, Peterson attracts criticism because he appears to be suggesting that post-modernism's success in promoting 'gender fluidity' together with aggressive forms of 'feminism' that seek to dismantle 'patriarchal discourses' in a wide variety of media from education textbooks to tv programmes, has the effect of 'emasculating' the masculine to such an extent that young men no longer know how to behave 'like real men'. Where natural men are strong, contemporary men are weak. Where natural men are dominant, contemporary men are passive. Where natural men lead, contemporary men follow.

It is up to you to decide if Peterson is always right or sometimes right or wrong, he undoubtedly enjoys some of the publicity he attracts and that sells books, and he is definitely articulate as his now famous interview on Channel 4 News with Cathy Newman shows.

But gender fluidity does not strip a man of his masculinity, it does not replace male with female discourses in education or politics, it merely presents society with a reflection of what it is and has always been. And many of the social problems that Peterson ascribes to 'third wave feminism' or 'gender studies' or 'post-modernism' have been created by the social and economic changes of the last 100 years -such as urbanisation, industrialization and de-industrialization or the transition from manufacturing to the knowledge economy: all of it dominated by and shaped by men.

But look, he is making a lot of money telling people what they want to hear, and he is at least rational and not in high political office, so you can take it or leave it.

Ps, his famously long YouTube analyses of biblical, classical and mythical/fairy tale texts is pinched from Vladimir Propp and Rene Girard but without the elegance or intellect of those two compelling thinkers.



05-04-2018, 05:55 PM
he looks like the kind of guy that you would pass in a hallway and say "what's up dude" and immediately get a 12 min lecture of how you fucked that up haha

05-05-2018, 03:19 AM
Where natural men are strong, contemporary men are weak. Where natural men are dominant, contemporary men are passive. Where natural men lead, contemporary men follow.

Where is this mythical land where men are being dominated and led by women?

05-05-2018, 08:41 AM
Where is this mythical land where men are being dominated and led by women?

USA! USA! USA! According to the defeated blokes who keep chanting it at their revival meetings when the High Druid of the Turth arouses their indignation at the swamp their country has become. But fear not, he is the Second Coming (or in the case of Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal and who knows how many more, the third and fourth with added tissues) and will bury political correctness, put guns in every classroom, deport refugees and ban others from entering the USA, send the Blacks back to the Cotton Fields and women to the bedroom (they don't need a kitchen as food can now be ordered in, mostly in buckets), while Man regains his pride and status and America is great again. Tell St Michael it was just business.