View Full Version : Trolling a bathroom bill governor #BathroomBuddy

07-19-2017, 11:53 PM



photo of a transgender woman and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has gone viral
The woman says she took photo to show "sometimes it's not really apparent who transgender people are"
(CNN)Sometimes a photo says more than you think it does.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who is at the center of controversy over a bill that regulates bathroom use for transgender people, posed alongside a woman from San Antonio.
A day later, the woman, Ashley Smith, shared the photo on social media.
"How will the Potty Police know I'm transgender if the Governor doesn't," Smith captioned the photo, which has the hashtag #BATHROOMBUDDY.

07-20-2017, 12:40 AM
I think we are short sighted in protesting these laws. We need to consider the safety of others and ourselves. This isn't really prejudice or ignorance it's common sense. If you are truly transitioning it really isn't an issue. But im sure I'll get flamed by some, and I don't care, so save your breath.

07-20-2017, 12:59 AM
Yeah right

Only pretty are and passable transgender can use the restrooms unrestricted

07-20-2017, 02:45 AM
No, you do what your state requires to show you are legitimately transitioning. In most cases a letter from a doctor or therapist is enough. We don't need someone putting on a wig and going into a ladies bathroom and assaulting someone or worse

07-20-2017, 09:37 AM
That does not happen,it's just used by the far right to instill fear.there real reason is mostly religious but there is separation of church and state ideally.

07-20-2017, 05:29 PM
Keep Catholic priest and Republicans out of your bathroom with kids and you will significantly​ slow down the child predators. More Republicans are Child predators then you would care to know about.

07-20-2017, 07:09 PM
With or without a bathroom law anyone can (in disguise or not) go into a public restroom and molest someone. If the already existing laws against assault and molestation won't deter such an offender, then neither will a special law aimed at the transgendered. What such a law will do is simply discourage transgender persons from using the restroom of their choice - which is the actual intent of such laws. [When I have to go, I have to go. I don't have time prove to some pervert that I meet the ad-hoc legal requirements to use the restroom :) ]

07-20-2017, 08:19 PM
There is no separation of church and state. The constitution merely states the govt can not establish an approved religion, such as England had. We have freedom of religion and not freedom from religion.
The Democrat party has done a lousy job protecting us,just look at the pulse nightclub. People need to take the responsibility for their own safety. In the bathroom or elsewhere. And nobody deserves extra rights just because we think we are special. Nobody is going to check your I.D at the bathroom door, ever anywhere so this discussion is silly. And if I had a choice of who to have in the stall next to me if there was a problem I'd pick a republican woman everytime, they are far more likely to take action .

07-20-2017, 08:42 PM
With or without a bathroom law anyone can (in disguise or not) go into a public restroom and molest someone. If the already existing laws against assault and molestation won't deter such an offender, then neither will a special law aimed at the transgendered. What such a law will do is simply discourage transgender persons from using the restroom of their choice - which is the actual intent of such laws. [When I have to go, I have to go. I don't have time prove to some pervert that I meet the ad-hoc legal requirements to use the restroom :) ]

Correct. These laws are designed specifically to punish the innocent on the basis of an imagined threat.

07-20-2017, 08:43 PM
There is no separation of church and state. The constitution merely states the govt can not establish an approved religion, such as England had. We have freedom of religion and not freedom from religion.
The Democrat party has done a lousy job protecting us,just look at the pulse nightclub. People need to take the responsibility for their own safety. In the bathroom or elsewhere. And nobody deserves extra rights just because we think we are special. Nobody is going to check your I.D at the bathroom door, ever anywhere so this discussion is silly. And if I had a choice of who to have in the stall next to me if there was a problem I'd pick a republican woman everytime, they are far more likely to take action .

I'm trying to figure out how Republicans would have prevented the Pulse night club massacre. I don't think a bathroom law would have helped.

07-20-2017, 08:52 PM
Those laws are antitransgender laws and not child protection laws.

Transgender have been in the bathroom with women for the most part without incident.

Only pretty and passable transgenders can use the restroom without hassle of a birth certificate.

Only a few like the TS who stands up and pees.

07-20-2017, 09:24 PM
By keeping an eye on these radicalized mosques and controlling who gets into the country better. And by allowing more law abiding citizens to be armed that's how the risk could have been lessened.the fact is the pulse shooter the San bernadito shooters and the Boston bombers were under the FBI radar but due to regulations of the previous attorney generals they were instructed to back off. In case your unaware these radical muslims kill gays and trans people all over the world.
These bathroom regulations are mainly targeted at schools and separate facilities would have to be provided.is it a perfect soloution? No but as someone who raised 2 daughters I wouldn't want a 17 year old boy using the bathroom with my 13 yr old daughter because he just felt like being a girl one day,

07-20-2017, 09:58 PM
By keeping an eye on these radicalized mosques and controlling who gets into the country better. And by allowing more law abiding citizens to be armed that's how the risk could have been lessened.the fact is the pulse shooter the San bernadito shooters and the Boston bombers were under the FBI radar but due to regulations of the previous attorney generals they were instructed to back off. In case your unaware these radical muslims kill gays and trans people all over the world.
These bathroom regulations are mainly targeted at schools and separate facilities would have to be provided.is it a perfect soloution? No but as someone who raised 2 daughters I wouldn't want a 17 year old boy using the bathroom with my 13 yr old daughter because he just felt like being a girl one day,

As someone who is aware that Radical Muslims want to kill gays and transgendered people around the world, I would just like to mention a couple of things:

1. The Pulse shooter was born in Queens and I believed radicalized through YouTube. He also had no known affiliation to ISIS or ISIL.

2. In the state of Florida:

Florida gun laws do not necessitate the registration of shotguns, rifles, or handguns. Also, there is no required Florida gun permit to purchase firearms. Under Florida gun laws, individuals that classify as eligible to purchase and possess firearms must be no less than 18 years of age. Though it is illegal for a minor to purchase or possess a firearm, the exception is that a minor may do so only with the permission of the parent or legal guardian.

For Concealed Carry:

To carry a concealed handgun, one must apply for a license to the Department of Agriculture. The requirements of an eligible applicant are that the individual must be at least 21 years of age, a legal U.S. resident, not a convicted felon, has not been convicted of a crime in the past three years under misdemeanor, felony, or domestic violence statutes, and can provide for adequate and appropriate reasons to carry a concealed weapon.

Then there is this:

A unique facet of Florida gun laws is that it allows for a no "duty to retreat" clause in its legislature. Essentially, this provision of law states that an individual has the right to defend him/herself by any means necessary--including deadly force--if he/she is attacked on a location, as long as the individual is not trespassing. An individual has the right to defend him/herself if the person feels its is absolutely necessary to prevent harm or death to him/herself or others.

I think in the case of the Pulse shooting, I think the shooter was a mentally unstable person who latched on to Radical Islam as a way to deal with his confusion about his sexual orientation. There is nothing more that Democrats, Republicans, or anybody else could have done to the prevent that incident from happening without violating his rights as an American citizen.

07-21-2017, 01:36 AM
Except carry permit holders are prohibited to carry in.places of nuisance which include bars nightclubs and gambling establishment. The shooter was a Muslim and was radicalized in a port St Lucie mosque known to be engaged in such activities.
The real issue was a police chief told by a democrat mayor to hold off entering. It wasn't until the orange county sheriff said he was taking over and sending his people in that the Orlando authorities relented and went in. That's what went down . I assure you my sources are extremely credible.

07-21-2017, 05:20 AM
The real issue was a police chief told by a democrat mayor to hold off entering. It wasn't until the orange county sheriff said he was taking over and sending his people in that the Orlando authorities relented and went in. That's what went down . I assure you my sources are extremely credible.

If your sources are credible then you shouldn't mind sharing them. If you can't share them, then no one has any reason to believe you.

I live in Orlando, by the way.

07-21-2017, 06:06 AM
By keeping an eye on these radicalized mosques and controlling who gets into the country better. And by allowing more law abiding citizens to be armed that's how the risk could have been lessened.the fact is the pulse shooter the San bernadito shooters and the Boston bombers were under the FBI radar but due to regulations of the previous attorney generals they were instructed to back off. In case your unaware these radical muslims kill gays and trans people all over the world.
These bathroom regulations are mainly targeted at schools and separate facilities would have to be provided.is it a perfect soloution? No but as someone who raised 2 daughters I wouldn't want a 17 year old boy using the bathroom with my 13 yr old daughter because he just felt like being a girl one day,

You can not just one day up and say I feel like a girl and use the women restroom.you have to be Diagnosed with Gender Dysforia.

Stop listening to right wing talking points if you can not do independent research to weed out the bullshit lies and misinformation akin to what Faux(fox) news provides.

07-21-2017, 08:44 AM


07-22-2017, 02:42 AM
2 FBI special agents assigned to the case are my sources. And actually Fox news isn't the source of the TG bill, I actually read the law, not just segments. People need to actually research things themselves and not believe any news source . And not believe something because some group of people tell you too.
I would bet everyone killed at the pulse nightclub wished they would have had a gun.
You talk about republicans being hate filled and biased, your every bit as bad.

07-22-2017, 04:10 AM
2 FBI special agents assigned to the case are my sources. And actually Fox news isn't the source of the TG bill, I actually read the law, not just segments. People need to actually research things themselves and not believe any news source . And not believe something because some group of people tell you too.
I would bet everyone killed at the pulse nightclub wished they would have had a gun.
You talk about republicans being hate filled and biased, your every bit as bad.

You're saying we shouldn't believe the news or a group, but we should believe you because you mention two FBI agents but do not provide their names or a report. I will follow your advice and not believe you.

I still fail to see how any of the bathroom bills would have had any affect on the Pulse massacre.

Here's a report on the source of those bathroom bills:

07-22-2017, 05:17 AM
He is using the old ConGame of a third imaginary person.
I think it's called the scarecrow argument are strawman argument.

07-22-2017, 05:39 AM

07-22-2017, 05:08 PM
My information was given to me in confidence aparently you don't understand how criminal investigations work,so I suggest MSNBC or cnn for your information because the tell you what you want to hear and truth doesn't matter.
Making childish pictures of a lady on a but plug and calling people vile names doesn't help the cause.and shouting down people with whom you disagree,well that just shows you have no arguement. So stamp you feet and slam you doors because your special!
Educating the public is done slowly on an individual basis not by name calling and acting like fools.
Get a nice looking well spoken person to lobby lawmakers and act like grownups and see minds change,fast.Caitlin Jenner is our best hope of that happening, beg her to take up the cause. These hateful antics are hurting us. Try writing a letter the governor of Texas and north Carolina and tell them what your concerns are without a bunch of talking points and be polite, they were elected to serve ALL the people not just you.or you can be a bunch of cry babies looking for someone else to do it for you.

07-22-2017, 06:28 PM
My information was given to me in confidence aparently you don't understand how criminal investigations work,so I suggest MSNBC or cnn for your information because the tell you what you want to hear and truth doesn't matter.

Apparently you don't understand how confidence or credibility works.

07-22-2017, 08:07 PM
I understand credibility,and CNN and MSNBC have very little . Believe who you wish.

07-22-2017, 10:57 PM
i understand credibility,and cnn and msnbc have very little . Believe who you wish.


07-26-2017, 05:42 AM

07-26-2017, 05:55 AM

07-26-2017, 09:26 AM
Yeah right

Only pretty are and passable transgender can use the restrooms unrestricted

That does not happen,it's just used by the far right to instill fear.there real reason is mostly religious but there is separation of church and state ideally.

Keep Catholic priest and Republicans out of your bathroom with kids and you will significantly​ slow down the child predators. More Republicans are Child predators then you would care to know about.

Republicans and right wing religious nuts are s danger to your community!

07-26-2017, 10:07 AM
No, you do what your state requires to show you are legitimately transitioning. In most cases a letter from a doctor or therapist is enough. We don't need someone putting on a wig and going into a ladies bathroom and assaulting someone or worse

That's never happened.
What does happen is men assaulting young boys in bathrooms.

Stop talking shite.

07-26-2017, 01:01 PM
- More GOP politicians have been arrested for sexual misconduct in bathrooms than trans people.



Longest-Serving GOP Speaker In History Is A Liar And Serial Child Molester, Federal Judge Says


07-27-2017, 02:21 PM

07-28-2017, 10:32 PM
Bump it