View Full Version : Transition MtF

03-28-2017, 01:11 PM
Hello all together!
Im not sure if this is the right forum for my question... but let's see.

I met a ladyboy in net and we are chat friends now... and maybe more soon!
She is not on hormones now but she would like to start soon.
So we talked much about this topic and she wanna use Diane-35 hormones.
Do anybody know this hormones and side effects?
Is there any way to get a feminine look but still keep her masculine libido??
(she is more top now)

Thanks for your help!


03-28-2017, 03:53 PM
Or do anybody know a good forum for such a question maybe?

03-28-2017, 04:02 PM

03-28-2017, 08:16 PM
Hello all together!
Im not sure if this is the right forum for my question... but let's see.

I met a ladyboy in net and we are chat friends now... and maybe more soon!
She is not on hormones now but she would like to start soon.
So we talked much about this topic and she wanna use Diane-35 hormones.
Do anybody know this hormones and side effects?
Is there any way to get a feminine look but still keep her masculine libido??
(she is more top now)

Thanks for your help!


My question is... How far away from you does she live?

03-28-2017, 11:31 PM
I hope she is consulting a doctor.




03-30-2017, 05:41 PM
side effect - dick stops working.

05-22-2017, 09:31 AM
So we talked much about this topic and she wanna use Diane-35 hormones.

If you're talking about what I think you are, its a hormonal BC pill. Correct? Its not going to be potent enough to do anything. You haven't been abel to get hormonal birth control pills potent enough to transition since like the 70s or 80s. All the formulas since back then use the lowest-amount of hormones possible to still be effective due to all the side effects cis-women were going through.

What she'd need is an anti-androgen and an estrogen intended for hormone replacement therapy in post menopausal women. Dose depends on the medicine & delivery method (they're all different). Patches are the safest but least effective, creams fall after that, pills after that, injections after that and pellets are supposed to be the best but good luck finding anyone who does them affordably in N. America.

Just stay away from depo provera.

I hope she is consulting a doctor./

These medications are usually fairly safe. Biggest risk is DVT but if you're reasonably active the odds of that are pretty low. The dosages of the commonly used medications in MtF HRT are easy enough to find using google. In a lot of countries these drugs are OTC. The only reason why so many western countries regulate them so much is because w/ cis-women they carry more risks.

side effect - dick stops working.

Can go either way. I've been on it for going towards 2 decades now and never had any ED issues.

On the contrary I had no sex drive pre-HRT. I really mean NONE. No spontaneous erections, no morning erections, no dreams w/ sexual content, no interest in sex, dating, or masturbation. Kind of think in retrospect I had undiagnosed low-T pre-transition and when I started HRT (initially DIY so no baseline level labwork) it turned me into a nymph. Like the kind of sex drive I should have had but never did because it was the first time I was exposed to the proper amount of either set of hormones.

Now it will change *how* it works and what it looks like. The line that runs down the bottom side of the penile tissue and across the vertical center-line of the scrotum will darken in color and become slightly thicker/larger. Ejaculations go "dry" (due to lack of sperm production), smell & taste will change, and in my case it also changed penile dimensions & shape. Slightly shorter in overall length, smaller in end-point diameter, but maybe twice as big around at the base. But that last one was a very gradual thing over the course of years.

I have to wonder how many of the people w/ ED issues are dealing with something psychosomatic. The biggest sexual organ in the human body is the brain. If you don't want it to work, its going to have more trouble functioning. Maybe. IDK that's just a guess.