View Full Version : Everything You Need To Get A Big Round Bubble Butt!

11-11-2016, 02:36 PM
Heyo! Just thought I'd stop in to announce the release of my brand new 8-week booty building diet/exercise program! This program has been designed by yours truly to provide you with the resources, knowledge, and support to help you get a bigger, fuller, and rounder bubble butt!

I started my fitness journey 7 years ago when I walked into my first boxing gym at the ripe age of 16. Since then I’ve trained alongside world class athletes and coaches in boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, karate, taekwondo, brazilian jiu jitsu, American freestyle wrestling, crossfit, yoga, pilates, olympic lifting, and so many more aspects of fitness to finally be able to share this information with you!

What's included in this program:
1 full body condition isometric circuit,
1 core + lower body isometric circuit,
1 abdominal centered circuit,
1 yoga rountine designed to stretch every muscle in the body.
3 different diet/meal plans to choose from (1 paleo, 1 vegan, and 1 ketogenic)

And a bunch of other information geared towards giving you the information and motivation to reach your goals!!! <3

Here's a preview of what's inside (My results timeline is over the course of 18 months of doing the program and 1 year of hormones!): http://imgur.com/a/2QjH9

You can find the Booty Building Bible on my Etsy store right HERE!


Happy squatting my babes!!! <3
-Goddess Breezy xoxoxo